Monday, December 31, 2012
Obama Admin Orwellian state
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Fw: Evicting autistic kids
--- On Sat, 12/29/12, Dr. Marilyn Peterson via <> wrote:
Friday, December 28, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012 has shared: Sinister Sites: IRS Headquarters, Maryland
| Sinister Sites: IRS Headquarters, MarylandSource: The IRS headquarters in New Carrollton, Maryland is a government building that, despite being constructed with public funds, contains art referring to elite secret societies. | sent this using ShareThis. Please note that ShareThis does not verify the ownership of this email address.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
FBI Conducts Illegal Search and Seizure Of Residents Homes?
Tuesday, December 11, 2012 has shared: The Israeli Periphery
| The Israeli PeripherySource: By Reva BhallaVice President of Global Affairs, The state of Israel has a basic, inescapable geopolitical dilemma, : Its national security requirements outstrip its military capabilities, making it dependent on an outside power. Not only must that power have significant military capabilities but it also must have enough common ground with Israel to align its foreign policy toward the Arab world with that of Israel's. These are rather heavy requirements for such a small nation. Security, in the I... | sent this using ShareThis. Please note that ShareThis does not verify the ownership of this email address.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Fw: The Open Scroll Blog
Thursday, November 29, 2012
FW: The Open Scroll Blog
Sent: Thu, Nov 29, 2012 2:47 PM EST
Subject: The Open Scroll Blog
The Open Scroll Blog
The Story of Christmas that Should be Told - AGAIN
Posted: 28 Nov 2012 12:02 PM PST
(From the updated version found at
The traditional telling of the story of Christmas fails miserably in
communicating the message that really needs to be heard. The dramatic
version reenacted in your local church compares to a banquet that offers
only dinner rolls and pudding. It's not very satisfying, and sickening,
really. The church's familiar interpretation of the historical drama
surrounding the birth of Christ neglects an essential message about
judgment and accountability. The real story is a far more poignant one,
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Fw: The Open Scroll Blog
Fw: "Kill every last gay person"
I hate homosexuality, but I hate murder more. --- On Tue, 11/27/12, Mark Anthony, <> wrote:
Monday, November 26, 2012
Fw: The Open Scroll Blog
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Hillary Clinton Wages Psychological Warfare On Israel; Tries To Dupe Them Into Thinking Obama's US Is Israel's Friend
US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham-Clinton visited Israel on Tuesday, November 20, cutting short a 3-nation tour of southeast Asia with President Obama. According to Secretary Rodham-Clinton: "The goal must be a durable outcome that promotes regional stability and advances the security and legitimate aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians alike." This statement was made at a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
On the surface, this would seem like the United States is committing to making a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. A quick trip down memory lane, and a little bit of deductive reasoning will tell you otherwise.
The problem here is that Secretary of State Rodham-Clinton is an anti-Semite just like her boss, President Obama. It does not matter in the least whether or not they have Hebrew ancestry, their actions and their words say they are against the Jewish people.
The phrase "regional stability" is used in the above quote. This is done to give the impression that the United States under President Obama is a friend of Israel. It is a well-known fact that many Muslim countries, and other countries around the world, blame Israel for the trouble in the Middle East. What Secretary Rodham-Clinton is meaning by regional stability is regional stability for Muslims. For the Jews to exist is okay for now, just not as long as they are an independent nation.
Another phrase used is durable outcome. While on the surface it conveys the message that a lasting peace it being sought after, if it is used in conjunction with the statement maker's attitude toward the Jews, it gives the impression of "How can we beat these Jews down and make them stay down?"
"...advances the security..." This lovely little phrase is intended to deceive the Israelis into thinking that Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama want Israel to dwell in safety. Please. The only security they want is for the Muslim people, all their oil, and never to have to be reminded that there is a God in heaven who loves Israel very much, and that they are not God, no matter how much they want to be.
Legitimate aspirations of the Israelis and Palestinians. Let us not forget that many Muslim people, including those in West Bank and Gaza Strip, and elsewhere around the world do not recognize Israel as a country. This gives the impression that the Israelis are squatters and occupiers, having no legitimate claim to the land. President Obama, even though not a Muslim, also has the same view toward Israel. Also, given the nature of Secretary Clinton, any attempt by Israel to live in peace is not considered a legitimate aspiration as "occupiers" have no legitimate claim to the land and therefore have not rights.
The US is not the only ones waging psychological warfare on Israel. U.N. President Ban Ki-moon says of the rocket strikes against Israel: "I strongly condemn these actions. Rocket attacks by Palestinian militants targeting Israel must cease immediately. But", he says, "Israel must exercise maximum restraint," and that even though Israel's air strikes are against military targets in Gaza, those strikes also "kill and injure civilians and damage civilian infrastructures."
Apparently President Ban believes that militants other than Palestinian militants can continue firing rockets at Israel. He also apparently thinks that only rocket attacks by Palestinian militants must stop immediately. Any other type of attack can continue.
Also, why is it that Israel, using precision strikes and dropping leaflets written in Arabic to the residents of Gaza Strip warning them of attacks and desiring that they should move further toward the center of Gaza Strip so they do not get attacked accidentally; why is it that Israel should exercise maximum restraint? Why should Israel care about civilian injuries and damage to civilian infrastructures? Hamas certainly does not the same toward Israel.
There are many more things one could write about all the ways Israel is taking a mental beatdown, but I cannot write them all. The Palestinians in Gaza Strip have their days numbered. Judgment is coming.
Fw: It's true! Obama can still be stopped in Electoral College