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I. The end of cash is coming rapidly! Powerful political, military and economic forces are combing to force this system upon mankind.
Tens of millions will die before this system is implemented!
"There's a perfect storm of systemic financial change on the horizon. "Austerity" in Europe hasn't fixed our broken economy. Neither has quantitative easing in the U.S. So what's a mega-bank to do? Why, push to eliminate cash currency altogether, of course!"
This short paragraph identifies one of the major forces behind this drive to end all cash throughout the world. "Mega-Banks" is one of the culprits. They want to eliminate cash as rapidly as possible because their profits would soar. Politicians want to end cash because citizens are more easily controlled if they have no cash; they are totally dependent upon the banking system for their stability and the security of their assets. But, of course, we know that hackers can get into any computer-based system, so eliminating cash is really a tool of the Elite to maximize their control over the people. No longer can a survivalist include cash in his / her list of things to have on hand if martial law is declared or if the economy collapses.
"Even the big banks have become increasingly brazen in their anti-cash agenda. Citi's Willem Buiter, for instance, put the matter plainly: Despite the disruptions and headaches involved, cash should be wiped out, and replaced with purely electronic funds. He's hardly alone; star Harvard economist Ken Rogoff agrees, calling paper currency 'unfit for a world of high crime and low inflation'."
"Buiter, Rogoff, and their ilk do not care that cash is fit for a world wherein market commerce is relatively free, reliable, sustainable, and scalable downward."
Control over people and institutions is paramount to global leaders today. With cash gone, people are more easily controlled and the world will have advanced to the point where the cashless system of Antichrist foretold nearly 2,000 years ago can come to fruition! This step is one of the major advances the world is making toward the appearance of Antichrist.
Christian, look up, for your Redemption draweth nigh!
NOTE: News Alert continues after the advertisement, below
Revealing Most Shocking Biblical Truth
"Angelic / Demonic Warfare In The Heavenlies" "Daniel 10 Is Propelling World Events"
2-DVD Combo Offer, by David Bay
Daniel, Chapter 10, reveals a most shocking daily battling which is occurring in the Heavenlies. Godly angels are constantly battling ungodly demons over who would have control of human leaders. Two demonic entities are identified as the 'King of Persia' and the 'King of Greece'. Powerful demonic beings were attempting to influence the human kings by this title to pursue Satan's plan for them and for their nation; but, Godly angels were fighting to influence these kings to follow God's plan.
This type of supernatural battling in the Heavenlies is occurring every day in these End Times. In fact, no person who does not know about this supernatural conflict, determining how the rulers of nations and of churches and of businesses act, will ever understand the events and issues of this day.
Our first DVD, 'Russian Bear Poised To Attack Israel: Ezekiel 38- 39, identifies the Russian Demonic Overlord as 'Gog' and demonstrates that you cannot understand this invasion if you do not believe in this daily supernatural battling. One Hour
Our second DVD, 'Catholicism: Whisperers of Magic', reveals that the Demonic Overlord assigned to the Pope from the beginning of the Catholic Church, worked to bring that church from lukewarm Christian to Black Magick Satanism, so that Catholicism and its Pope could be 'proper receptors to the New Age Christ' (Antichrist). You will see Catholicism in a completely different light. NOTE: This DVD was originally entitled 'Full of Dead Men's Bones'. One hour, 36 minutes
II. Hillary Clinton has been dubbed "Bride of Frankenfood"!
"Hillary Rodham Clintons ties to agribusiness giant Monsanto, and her advocacy for the industrys genetically modified crops, have environmentalists in Iowa calling her Bride of Frankenfood putting yet another wrinkle in her presidential campaigns courtship of liberal activists who are crucial to winning the states Democratic caucuses."
"The backlash against Mrs. Clinton for her support of genetically modified organisms (GMO) ... manifested itself at a recent meeting of the Tri-County Democrats ... A large faction of women voiced strong support for Mrs. Clintons candidacy until the GMO issue came up, prompting them to switch allegiances to Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont ... they 'dropped her like a hot potato' ..."
No one should be surprised that a Clinton is thoroughly in bed with huge corporations. Her husband, Bill, was lavishly supported by Tyson Chicken, even though their use of hormones and their horrific treatment of chickens while fattening them for slaughter was a serious factor for anyone who cares about human health.
In fact, a book entitled, "Clinton Cash" is making large political waves these days. This book is the untold story of how and why foreign governments and businesses helped make Bill and Hillary filthy rich. I have always been amazed that Democrat propaganda has convinced tens of millions of American voters that the Democrats represent the interests of the small and poor voter while the Republican Party is the bastion of the rich fat cats who smoke cigars and love to make those illegal "back-room deals".
The reality is that as much money flows within the Democrat Party as it does within the Republican Party. Democrats are just as likely to illegally contribute money and illegally receive money as any Republican. Corruption knows no party boundaries. Be assured that a President Hillary Clinton will be just as bound to the Corporate Big Money Interests as any President in history.
Big Power and Big Money produces huge Corruption. Hillary will be the Queen of Corruption! Do not be deceived.
Dr. Kevin Clarkson and guest David Bay of Cutting Edge Ministries discuss the prophetic tsunami unfolding involving the Nile River and the dam that is being built by Ethiopia in her waters. More details from our DVD Egypt's Prophetic Tsunami. Watch this 30 minute TV program in this News Alert online version. |
Prophetic War Drums Are Coming Alive!
Stage Is Now Set -- Alliances In Place
"Russian Bear Poised To Attack Israel: Ezekiel 38-39"
The Prophet Ezekiel foretold of a time at the End of the Age when Russia would lead a confederation of armies in an attack on Israel. The imagery of such an attack is stupendous and has excited people all through the ages.
Imagine! A vast army led by the largest country on Earth converging upon the smallest nation on Earth, and joined by some very formidable foreign troops, and still Israel wins this one-battle war. Actually, God wins the battle and annihilates both the troops in the field and the countries which sent them.
Today, the countries listed by Ezekiel 38-39 as joining in this formidable war have already coming together in alliance and are led by virulently anti-Israel leaders. The countries, the leaders, and the weaponry are all in place, awaiting only the SUPERNATURAL call from "Gog" to battle. The major emphasis of this study is Daniel 10, which reveals that human leaders are under constant assault from "Demonic Overlords" to do Satan's bidding. In this case, that overlord is named "Gog, of Magog"!
As these nations are awaiting the summons to march toward Israel, they are protected by Ezekiel 38-39 right now from any destruction or 'regime change'.
Truly, the world stands at the precipice of the End of the Age. While there will be NO Israeli or American attack on Iran, these 'Rumors of Wars' serve a very useful purpose as the Illuminati seeks to manipulate events in the world to her advantage so she can ultimately stage her Masonic Christ (Antichrist).
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