Now that this very special week of years has arrived, events are unfolding in the world according to ancient prophesies. If we look to the past we have a remarkable guide to how our times may be interpreted, past present and future. In recent months I've been writing with reference to my expectations about upcoming events and their timing, specifically the black awakening in 2014 and the mark of the beast in 2016. The principle described in this post explains one of the foundations for these expectations.
For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. ~ Psalms 90:4
Partly echoed in 2 Peter 3:8, there is in that verse a cryptic declaration of what some call a 6 (or 7) day theory. It suggests six thousand years of time are followed by a kingdom age of a thousand year span. (Hebrews 4, Revelation 20) This esoteric interpretation rightly identifies "a day that has just gone by" as a day of the Creation week and relates these two constructs to conclude that this age will endure for seven thousand years, as accounted from Adam in biblical reckoning. That's somewhat helpful, but the greater value comes when we acknowledge how three constructs are actually being compared in Psalm 90:4, not just two. Having insight into what is meant by a watch in the night unlocks a significant pattern set! This third kind of time unit in a set of seven matches the other two! The mystery of the night watch is that it represents a year in a very special week, this very Shemittah!
I came to a confidence in understanding what the watch of the night meant when the Lord began opening to me the timing of what I know now as the Bride Theft. As it was revealed, it would come after two years of a specially appointed seven, half way into the third year. When I learned about the mystery of the night watch and the pattern of the great sevens it was evident that the crossing of the sea in the exodus from Egypt that happened 2448 years from Adam foreshadowed the Bride Theft. The obvious match that confirmed the principle to me was the special character of the seventh year, a Shabbat unit (Isaiah 61:2, 63:4). The three matched kinds of weeks represent what may be thought of as a fractal where three different scales of time are in view, two of which are still unfolding in real time at different rates.
Are you beginning to grasp the implications of this insight? It follows that biblical events are as data points that may be compiled into a rich source of information. Through the simple application of pattern matching, we may compare these three sets for benefit, because what is unfolding today has already been, in type for shadowy examples. The future has thus been written into our history. There is a cryptic expression of this in Ecclesiastes where repeating cycles are the subject.
9 What [is] that which hath been? it [is] that which is, and what [is] that which hath been done? it [is] that which is done, and there is not an entirely new thing under the sun. 10 There is a thing of which [one] saith: `See this, it [is] new!' already it hath been in the ages that were before us! 11 There is not a remembrance of former [generations]; and also of the latter that are, there is no remembrance of them with those that are at the last. ~ Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 YLT
This suggests a remarkable provision for those who are obedient to the Lord's necessarily vague directive to watch (Mark 13:35). According to the key principle, the first day-unit of one kind of week matches the first day-unit of the other two, and so on through each consecutive day of the week. Because the one matching set I've been best informed about displays a fairly precise alignment (which I intend to review shortly), that observation suggests a similar degree of precision might be found throughout. Just how precisely the pattern matching will manifest is unknown but what I've observed thus far makes a compelling argument to continue watching with this in view. This may become a vital window of insight, something of a roadmap for navigation.
As the Lord grants insight to His people, each avenue of revelation is of great value; the dreams and visions, signs in the heaven and in the earth, the insight into the scriptures and the historical and biblical patterns. By these means the holy spirit testifies as the sovereign Lord who conceals and reveals prepares His people for the works fit for the dramatic end of this age.
Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. ~ John 14:12
If a trumpet is blown in a city will not the people tremble? If a calamity occurs in a city has not the Lord done it? 7 Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets. ~ Amos 3:6-7
I'll pick this up in the next post in series, Lord willing.
Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. ~ Psalm 90:12
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