The Open Scroll Blog |
- Part 31 - Code 33 - TelMex and Telemundo
- Part 13 - A Bioforming Pandemic - Signs of Escalation as FEMA, CDC, and DOD Prepare for Medical Emergency
- Part 30 - Code 33 - Sums, Bass Brewery, the Trademark and KV Pharma
Posted: 20 Sep 2013 08:20 AM PDT
Caveat: If you're a victim of ritual abuse who is still being delivered or you're easily offended by mature subjects and descriptive language, please consider moving on. If you're new to this series, welcome! You may want to start at the beginning to get the foundation for what's here, or back further, like with Series Links: The Sodomite Gateway or even going all the way back to October, 2009. If you understand how the number 33 is a graphical picture of a couple engaged in sodomy, you should be able to perceive what's being concealed by the magickal cover spell that must surely be shrouding this popular Occult logo. The stem of the T is the phallus of the sodomite mounting the M. That T may be identified further as a symbol of the Triangle of the anal triangle, which must also be labeling the anal triangle that is the form of the central part of the M. Who is the M? The M=13 identity, or rebel lord beast? A Mason? The TM symbol features another Occult layer beyond that of the sum of the letter values. Because the letter M rotates to represent 3, the TM may be leveraged as the Triple Tau cross of Royal Arch Freemasonry, which really supports the "20+13=33" layer's link to Freemasonry. See how the logo fits the Masonic square and compass? Masons generally meet in a lodge or temple. TELMEX has TEMXLE for an anagram. With the letter X being used as a wildcard or generic placeholder for [fill in the blank], like in Brand X, it seems likely that the transformation of TELMEX to TEMPLE is being leveraged. This graphic promoting Rally Telmex features the checkered flags typically waved at the finish line in motorsports events. That checkerboard also happens to be a convenient pretext for representing the familiar pattern seen the floors of Masonic temples. The crossed flags present the mark of the sodomite sun god, whose name appears above the logo and isolated on the left of the X. RA! The car number of the Telmex car that often wins in the prestigious Grand Am Rolex Series is 01, which transforms to IO, the spelling of Helios, the sun god. The paw print adds a 666 transformation because it resembles an i, dotted with 3 dots. iii=999 which inverts (taking the exclamation marks as a suggestion to flip it over) to 666. The 666 could also be derived with a little tracing. Dog = male prostitute, god spelled backwards, dog star Sirius... The version where they promote the broadband service prodigy infinitum includes their pentagram and sets the Telmex Code 33 inside a squared circle form. Here's how the beast and his mark are promoted with the sodomite Telmex Code 33 branding of their wimax, with the third i/eye and 666. Tripling the "i" with dot waves signals iii~666. There is in that stylized dot another sodomite squared circle form, and "i" of Horus. The "i" hides or occults the place of joining the w and m into one, forming a single unit from the mirrored 3s, the number 33. If you place a rotated version against it and align the blue, like I did in the middle transformation, a pair of 33 forms appear. Pepsi Max claims that the magic is in the max. Perhaps so. Connecting the w and m is a trick that seems so familiar. Where have I seen that before. Ahhhhhhhh. Masonic World Magazine.
Miracle Whip. Their ad campaign asked, "Are you MW?" MW=33
This old postcard asks, "Are you a Mason?" Hmmmm. A Miracle Whip degree Freemason, I suspect. Another major TM branding is Telemundo, an American Spanish-language broadcast television network owned by NBCUniversal. Mundo means world. The two logos you see here represent their brand. The blue version seems to have no form of the M. This has a dividing white section that circles the square. The white section also resembles the slit in a reptilian eye, which identifies the T as the anal Triangle Eye of Horus. This TM branding is not a major brand, but what do you suppose these folks at the Travis Manion Foundation promoting the 9/11 Heroes Run had in mind with their evil mask look? TM - Code 33! You do know who the real HERO of that scheme is right? Ra, Horus, the beast. OK, it's time to close this post with something completely different. Let's switch the M and T. Hmmmmm. OK. That's not at all different. Ritual sodomy with the golden god, in Punxsutawney, PA. That letter M sure looks like a 3. There is a little shift of emphasis to more heavily weight the symbol of the Triple Tau cross of Royal Arch Freemasonry. Hey, isn't that sign on, um, masonry? Perhaps so as not to diminish the strength of Code 33, the designers centered "Towers" under "Mahoning," placing the letters a and T in close proximity. AT = 26+7=33. Code 33 describes a symbol spell that is leveraged by Freemasonry, but I don't believe it's limited to that affiliation. The symbol is more broad in scope. Lucifer and his illuminated agents brand with 33 like the 666. It's powerful and ubiquitous! The fruit of this sorcery is manifest, and soon the beasts being summoned will begin their appointed season of dominion. The signs are nearly everywhere. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. |
Posted: 19 Sep 2013 03:35 PM PDT
By Aaron Hermann ( Revelation of Babylon blog )
With all of the ongoing drama in the Middle East and the recent events of yet another mass shooting in Washington, D.C. it would be easy to miss some of the rather chilling news leaking out into the world pertaining to the ongoing threat of a global pandemic. I have written a great deal about the "big picture" of what the likely global pandemic will be about, and I encourage you to get caught up in the series (Series Links: A Bioforming Pandemic) if the Lord is prompting you to do so. With that being said, the information that was brought to my attention over the last couple of days is worthy of updating the series as I believe it signals the very real threat this scenario poses and I also believe that it signals the fact that we are in the "final countdown" before a multifaceted assault is brought forth against this nation and the world is forced to contend with a global pandemic. In mid-August reports began to circulate pertaining to massive emergency preparations being conducted in FEMA Region 3, which includes Washington, D.C, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Apparently the information was initially disseminated by retired United States senator Sheldon R. Songstad from South Dakota. John Rolls put out the following report on Before its News on August 17, 2013.
"Emergency Fema Region 3 Alert!!!
FEMA Region III: DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 6:43 AM Subject: National update from Sheldon: Senator Sheldon R. Songstad, Ret. of South Dakota State FYI – Sheldon R Songstad – 75 years of age – currently resides in Sioux? Falls, SD [VERY MUCH ALIVE.] HERE IS WHAT WHAT THE SENATORS NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS RESEARCH TURNED UP… FEMA purchase orders for over $14.2 million for MREs and heater meals to be delivered to Region III by October 1st. FEMA purchase orders for 22 million pouches of emergency water to be delivered to region III by October 1st. FEMA purchase orders for $13.6 million for MREs and heater meals to be delivered to Austin by October 1st. Nine-week training course for UN Peacekeepers in CONUS to learn Urban Warfare, English, and US weapons systems beginning 4th week of July for 386,000 troops to be completed by October 1st. $11 million in antibiotics to be delivered to FEMA region III by October 1st ordered by CDC. World Health Organization held second emergency meeting in its history to discuss MERS Coronavirus. Determined a vaccine MUST be in place by October 1st. 2800 MRAPs must be delivered to DHS by October 1st. No leave will be allowed for US military from September 28th thru November 5th. NORCOMM yearly training for civil unrest suspended until September 27th. To be performed in northeast coastal areas. Date for release of QE3 report moved to October 16th. All DHS agents MUST qualify with sidearm, shotgun and AR 15 by September 28th. No mention of yearly less lethal qualification. Sporadic testing of GPS and Communications satellites is coordinated for the first time with a testing date of September 29th. POTUS mandates to FEMA and DHS concerning support for metropolitan communities dealing with the extreme climate change MUST be complete by October 1st. These mandates were issued during the last three weeks. Over 300 school systems in the US have determined they need three-day kits for each school AND three-day kits for each student to take with them. All deliveries are scheduled for the month of September. All National Guard units will complete riot control and disaster assistance training during this years annual two week training. All units MUST have their training complete by September 30th. Daily testing of the Emergency Broadcast System to begin on September 25th and run thru October 2nd. Eastern-based Coast Guard units to perform massive group training, usually performed in the Gulf, in the Virginia and Delaware areas. This is a 10-day training mission to begin September 26th. "GOD, PLEASE HELP AMERICA" Sheldon R. Songstad Senator Retired: South Dakota State Documentation Sources:" Urgent! Possible Emergency Alert For FEMA Region III – Video Today as I was putting this post together the Lord continued to highlight sources of information pertaining to national medical emergency preparedness operations with October 2013 as the deadline for the preparations to be completed. The following is a summary of a video detailing the plans of the CDC to prepare for a medical emergency event in the Pacific Rim, with the plans to be in place no later than October 21, 2013.(I apologize for the name of the blog, but the information is worth any offense that may occur from the name.)
"The Centers for Disease control are prepping for MULTIPLE Federal Medical Stations & EMERGENCY Strategic National Stockpile Supply Deliveries to the U.S. Pacific Islands and Pacific Rim Nations
In short this is ABOVE & BEYOND normal planning; the CDC has specified that the delivery contract is for "Surge Tempo", meaning MULTIPLE DISTRIBUTED LOCATIONS. Based on this contract and the 10/21/13 ready date requirement, the Centers For Disease Control are expecting the H7N9 pandemic they are preparing for to first hit in the Pacific Island areas. Possibly via high wealth individuals fleeing Pandemic Conditions in China. We do not discount a Fukushima incident either" UNUSUAL URGENT ACTIVITY: CDC Readies MULTIPLE Medical Stations & EMERGENCY Stockpile Supply Deliveries to the Pacific Rim This I am not discounting the severity of the Fukushima debacle, but if you understand the big picture as to the ultimate end-game behind the pandemic, and consequent vaccinations, which will culminate with the Mark of the Beast then you understand that radiation and nuclear issues simply do not achieve that aim. With that being said, it certainly contributes to the necessary sickness, death, fear, and suffering creating the required energy for the psychic vampirism to take place for those in charge and responsible for such events. With that being said, going forward I present this information from the perspective that the event in question will likely be a pandemic, whether it will come in the form of Bird Flu, MERS, or some other hybrid I cannot say. Last night I came across another article on the "POTR" site detailing FEMA's plans to establish 1,000 shelter and treatment locations for medical personnel to be set up with only a 48 hour notice in the event of a pandemic or other emergency scenario. According to the article,
Based on Federal Solicitations, FEMA is readying to deploy 100,000 medical personnel to 1000 shelter locations (100 medical personnel per location) on 48 hours notice. These shelter locations appear to be the housing quarters for the medical teams, as they are being stocked with atypical luxury, aka mobile showers, restrooms, hot food, medical clothing (scrubs), winter "sweat shirts and pants" etc. Contractor comments/questions call it an "Armageddon scenario" and question the capabilities of their industries to support it. These Government solicitations have all the earmarks of massive logistical incompetence. The threat being prepared for appears to be coming out of the Pacific Rim region, a likely scenario is the human spread of Avian Bird Flu (H7N9) out of China. We think less it is less likely (but we can't rule it out) that this is a Fukushima preparation because nuclear threats are invisible and usually deniable. Any such mobilization MUST BE less panic inducing than the threat which it seeks to quell, aka PANDEMIC." [FEMA] 48 Hour Delivery Order: 100,000 "Doctor Scrubs"; 1000 (100 Person) Shelters; + Fuel, Showers, Bathrooms, and Hygine Equipment; Apparent Mobilization of the National Disaster Medical System The video on the page provides links to the government sites where you can investigate the contracts for yourself, and I recommend that you do. Don't just take my, or his, word for it. This Below is a short, but rather telling, video of The National Disaster Medical System training at the Center for Domestic Preparedness that shows tents being set up in a parking lot and the medical and emergency response personnel treating people caught in a major medical emergency. This NDMS: Center for Domestic Preparedness Training Here is a comment from the page, which I found to be rather telling as Dr. Diamond refers to it as a mass-casualty event. Right. "It was an honor for me to be able to participate in this extremely valuable mass-casualty disaster medical assistance team emergency healthcare training event. Everyone took it seriously and did their best. All ten teams worked together as one." The Lord has had me paying attention to this pandemic threat for quite an extended season and I have made note of the fact that as of late the pandemic threat has taken a back seat to a lot of the other events taking place, so when I came across these articles and videos I made note of it and was curious to see if more would be forthcoming. I did not have to wait long as this morning I come across an article linked on Steve Quayle's site titled Gov Estimates Pandemic Would Kill At Least 2 Million: "Completely Realistic and Based on Years of Data". This article does a fantastic job laying out the case that is to be made for the rather likely pandemic event that could be occurring in short order. I will present some of the main points here, but I do strongly urge those of you who are inclined to check out the links and his article as it is very well done.
"According to the government, their plans call for a minimum of 2 million dead and 5 million hospitalizations should a viruses such as the H7N9 flu strain or a respiratory coronavirus (MERS-CoV) mutate into a more deadly and contagious form.
According to a recently declassified report from the Department of Defense the threat is real and it could come at any time: If a flu pandemic strikes, about 30 percent of the U.S. population could fall ill, with 3 million hospitalizations and 2 million deaths. Basic services, such as medical care or essential supply deliveries, will probably be disrupted. In the plan, the government also says it assumes that a vaccine against a completely new flu strain wouldn't become available for several months. Even after that, production will ramp up slowly. Though that level of illness may seem high and the pace of vaccine production slow, it's completely realistic and based on years of data on flu traits and vaccine production, said Dr. Richard Webby, a flu expert at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. The estimates above call for a flu pandemic with a mortality rate of approximately 2%. But, as we have seen with pathogen mutations as of late, the mortality rate may be underestimated and could far exceed what the government predicts. The H7N9 airborne virus, first identified in Asia earlier this year, has seen a mortality rate of 20%, leaving researchers examining the virus to conclude that we "should definitely be alarmed and get prepared for the worst-case scenario" The government's emergency response plan calls for a multi-pronged approach including medical triage, as well as military superiority in the event of a widespread pandemic that could threaten the stability of the United States. The potential impact of pandemic influenza (Pl) on military operations is significant. Throughout a pandemic, United States (US) military forces must remain dominant across the full spectrum of military operations, preserving combat capabilities in order to protect US interests at home and abroad. The Department of Defense (DOD) Implementation Plan for Pandemic Influenza (DIP) directs DOD to prepare for, detect, respond to and contain the effect of a pandemic on military forces, DOD civilians, DOD contractors, dependents and beneficiaries. If you have any question as to whether or not martial law is part of the response plan it should now be clear. Such a disaster would come complete with a total lock-down of infected regions, which would essentially include every major American metropolitan area and thoroughfares into and out of the cities. That means there would be no travel, no grocery shopping trips, and no going outside; in essence a 24-hour round-the-clock curfew." Gov Estimates Pandemic Would Kill At Least 2 Million: "Completely Realistic and Based on Years of Data" A great deal of the information presented was from the declassified report from August 13, 2009. The report was issued by United States Northern Command and was apparently a "Concept Plan to Synchronize DOD Pandemic Influenza Planning. I find it rather disconcerting that the Department of Defense is involved in this pandemic planning and has been working on this "synchronization" plan for over four years now. That doesn't bode well for any of us. There are several worthwhile links with excellent information on the page worth reviewing, but some of the most compelling information was found in the following article.
"Widespread illness:
The plan's assumption that about 30 percent of the U.S. population will fall ill, and 2 percent of the ill would die in a flu pandemic is "somewhere within the ballpark" of what studies have suggested, Webby told LiveScience. [6 Superbugs to Watch Out For] Of course, a lot depends on the nastiness of the particular strain. The bird flu, for example, has a higher fatality rate in those who show symptoms — but it isn't well adapted to humans, which means it would probably become less deadly as it spread through a human population, Webby said. During a pandemic, not only would medical services be overwhelmed, but the availability of basic goods and services could be disrupted, the report predicts. Today's economy is based on supplies being delivered whenever people need them. "But that assumes you have somebody to drive the truck delivering it to you. That assumes you have enough staff to load it onto the truck," Webby said. With 30 percent of the population out sick, it could be difficult to keep those supply chains running. The report also indicates the impact of a pandemic could be more like that of a global war than a localized natural disaster. Though that prediction may sound apocalyptic, it's not unrealistic. A hurricane may devastate one area, but resources are still available from outside. In contrast, "the nature of flu, once it starts spreading in a community, we really have no hope of stopping it. And with people hopping on airplanes by the thousands, and going across continents every day, the virus spreads pretty quickly," Webby said." Pandemic Flu Plan Predicts 30% of US Could Fall Ill This last bit of news is a telling expose on the type of folks that are staffing the CDC. I am sure that not everyone there is a child molester who engages in the practice of bestiality, but the fact that a director engages is such deviant demonic-driven behavior speaks to me very loudly indeed.
"Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey, a top official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been arrested and charged with two counts of child molestation and one count of bestiality.
Dr. Lindsey, who joined the CDC in 1999, is currently the deputy director for the Laboratory Science Policy and Practice Program Office. She's second in command of the program office. Prior to that role, she was the senior health scientist in the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, an office that oversees the allocation process for $1.5 billion in terrorism preparedness." CDC Director Arrested for Child Molestation and Bestiality Was she unwilling to go along with some nefarious plan and then ousted as her deviant sexual practices were exposed? Was she caught trying to capitalize on some future event outside the purview of her permission? We may never know why she was exposed and relieved of her office, but one thing we do know is that she was a top official in the agency who is supposedly responsible for the health and well-being of the people of this country, and for preventing pandemics like the one we are discussing here. That alone is chilling. In an effort to connect the dots lets summarize all of the information we have here and see what kind of picture emerges. A retired United States senator reports on massive national and international preparation efforts of various kinds including weapons training, foreign troops, millions of dollars of MRE's, food, water, antibiotics, and a vaccination mandate taking place inside FEMA region III to be completed by October 1st. The CDC is working on a "Surge Tempo" project to ready the Pacific Rim for a massive medical event with an October 21st deadline, FEMA is finalizing contracts for the preparation of 1,000 nationwide portable medical response facilities to be set up within 48 hours in the event of a medical emergency, the Department of Defense has been working for over four years (most likely quite a bit longer than that) on a snychronization plan to coordinate logistics and other considerations in the event of a pandemic, reports are telling us that they expect millions to die and many more millions to succumb to the pandemic and those numbers reflect a disease with a mortality rate of only 2% and not the 20% of the recent virulent diseases like H7N9 and MERS. This same report informs us that the pandemic could strike at "any time." The National Disaster Medical System is training at the Center for Domestic Preparedness utilizing portable medical response facilities, and today it is announced that the director of the CDC is a child molester and a pedophile and is being relieved of her office. Nope, nothing to see here. Move along. Interestingly enough, September has been designated as National Preparedness Month. Most folks will take that as a cue to go about the business of carnal preparations to try and prevent getting sick and stocking up on food and water and other items to see them through the disasters that surely lie ahead. Others of you will take this a cue to continue seeking the Lord for His provision and care as He is the only true source of refuge that will be found in the days to come. Some of you will be directed by the Lord to make physical provision, and for those of you I say carry on. To those of you doing so out of the desire to preserve your life or the life of your loved ones, I offer a word of advice out of love. Just let it go. I would like to leave you with the following reminder and precious promises of my God.
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!" 3 For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper And from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark. 5 You will not be afraid of the terror by night, Or of the arrow that flies by day; 6 Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon. 7 A thousand may fall at your side And ten thousand at your right hand, But it shall not approach you. 8 You will only look on with your eyes And see the recompense of the wicked. 9 For you have made the Lord, my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place. 10 No evil will befall you, Nor will any plague come near your tent. 11 For He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways. 12 They will bear you up in their hands, That you do not strike your foot against a stone. 13 You will tread upon the lion and cobra, The young lion and the serpent you will trample down. 14 "Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name. 15 "He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. 16 "With a long life I will satisfy him And let him see My salvation. ~ Psalm 91
The Lord is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread? 2 When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell. 3 Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though war arise against me, In spite of this I shall be confident. 4 One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,To behold the beauty of the Lord And to meditate in His temple. 5 For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle; In the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock. 6 And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me, And I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord. 7 Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice, And be gracious to me and answer me. 8 When You said, "Seek My face," my heart said to You, "Your face, O Lord, I shall seek." 9 Do not hide Your face from me, Do not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my help; Do not abandon me nor forsake me, O God of my salvation! 10 For my father and my mother have forsaken me, But the Lord will take me up. 11 Teach me Your way, O Lord, And lead me in a level path Because of my foes. 12 Do not deliver me over to the desire of my adversaries, For false witnesses have risen against me, And such as breathe out violence. 13 I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living. 14 Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord. ~ Psalm 27 Seek the Lord Jesus Christ Y'shua HaMashiach while He may still be found! This truly is the final countdown and time is so very short! By Aaron Hermann ( Revelation of Babylon blog ) Please feel free to contact me through my Gmail account. (theultimateplan@) |
Posted: 20 Sep 2013 07:15 AM PDT
Now 30 posts in, I'm finally focusing attention on how Code 33 is being signaled by letters that add to 33. You may have noticed how I've actually been calling out examples for a long time, pointing out how little words such as "the" and "of" add a supplemental layer to contexts where related symbols are evident, but it's time to explore these in a more methodical fashion. I'm going to begin with a focus on letter pairs and follow with triplets and examples where there's 4 or more letters. In these classes there are also hybrids, mixed letter and number combinations where the sum is 33. One example is "io9" ("We're from the future"). i=9 plus 15 (taking the zero as an O) plus 9 = 33. All the same tricks that were previously observed with transformations producing 33 directly (cc, xx, xc, cx, w3, triple x...) and through factoring (kc, xp, k-12...) are equally employed in these transformations requiring addition. As a reminder of the greater context, symbol that sum or multiply to 33 represent only a subset of Occult signaling letter combos. What I have labeled Code 33 identifies a very notable set, but the symbol makers have a vast supply of codes and code elements in their goody bag of evil symbols, and myriad ways of combining them. MK may be signaling MK-ULTRA. GL is pedophile code for Girl Love. An instance of 3T or a variant like ET may be signaling the Triple Tau cross of Royal Arch Freemasonry. This utility, Code 33 Discovery App, is provided to help discover the letter combinations that sum to 33 using the common Occult substitution cipher, the "English gematria" values, where a=1 and b=2, etc. They might represent words or acronyms. A secondary code system in use assigns z=1 and y=2, etc. I refer to that as RAS, Reverse Alphabetical Substitution. Here are all the letter pairs that sum to 33. GZ HY IX JW KV LU MT NS OR PQ (RAS) AT BS CR DQ EP FO GN HM IL JK Not every appearance of one of those pairs represents an instance of Occult signaling, obviously. If you find some reference to Illinois, Oregon or Montana (IL, OR, MT) or find the little words "at," "or," "of," the odds are slim that Code 33 is being signaled. Context is essential in interpreting anything correctly. When you find multiple layers of related symbols like in the hundreds of examples I decode here, that's meaningful. Just because a symbolic element has a high frequency of use does not mean we can dismiss it as being insignificant. Is it the holy spirit calling the element to your attention? If so, investigate further. As I consider these letter pairs, some are very familiar. Any of these may easily be used as a Code 33 signal, and it's a useful exercise to give these consideration. The Roman numerals IX and XI for 9 and 11. JW: Jehovah's Witnesses. KV: Krippin Virus is the apocalyptic virus in the film "I am Legend." KV Pharmaceutical is a drug company. LU: UniLever, Lulu Publishing, Little Lulu comics. TM: Trademark. I've pointed out quite a few of those little sneaky little logo supplements. SN: Saint Nick. PQ: Mind your Ps and Qs. Some examples from RAS include BS for "bovine scat." AT: anal triangle. RC: Roman Catholic, Rosicrucian-Rose Cross, Radio Control. DQ: Dairy Queen, Duracell Quantum. PE: Phys-Ed (Physical Education). HM: Hermetic Maxim. Roman Numerals IL and LI for 49 and 51. You can probably think of several more off the top of your head. One of the most ubiquitous of these in logos has to be the trademark symbol, the TM. The related Registered Trademark is of course a circled R and Horus Eye 18 (6+6+6) symbol that usually appears as the dimmed eye of Harmerty. The TM symbol simply adds a layer of Code 33. Many examples of this supplemental layer have been presented on this blog and it's worth adding a couple auxiliary samples here. The branding of the first image to be registered as a trademark is of particular interest. (Wikipedia) The Bass Brewery brand is still active. The brewery conglomerate representing itself as the Heineken brand has long exploited the trademark symbolism. Their identifying imagery spells it out and calls special attention to it as the element framing their iconic red star. Search this blog for Heineken to find posts where the Occult meanings are exposed. What I illustrate in the collection below is how their Star is bracketed. Trade [star] Mark links the code 33 of TM with the pentagram fallen angel - 5-Horus. The magickal circled version appears on their crimped anus-on-phallic bottle sun god star signaling bottle cap. The way they bent the cap in the image on the right presents an offensive graphic illustration of what is the heart of Luciferian love. To "open your world" is to receive that pharmakeia that is most particularly the illumination of ritual sodomy. Trade: Babylon the Great City Revelation 18. (Hermes-Mercury) Mark: Revelation 13:18. (Horus-Apollo) Trademark - The fruit of the woman riding the beast: Revelation 17:3 (Hermes facilitating Horus) On the Code 33 theme of pharmakeia, I'm adding one more to the collection of examples presented earlier in such as Parts 14 and 16. KV Pharmaceutical (K11+V22) became almost a byword for making poor ethical choices. Our first clue to the nature of those responsible might have come from their brand identity because this Code 33 brand's name and logo just about shouts sodomite sun god worship! The letters KV are connected to suggest they are a single number, 33. The lower edge of the eagle's right wing forms a 3, which is matched by another formed at the top of the head and beak. Redundant Code 33! Purple and orange are the two primary sodomite signaling colors, and these are joined by the star-light (fallen angel light) yellow sun. This might be familiar from Part 28 and the obfuscated K12 Gallery for Young People graphic. The 47th Problem of Euclid is perhaps first suggested by the emphasis put on right angles.This is validated by counting the five orange lines that compose the eagle. If the Adversary's messages aren't encoded in uniform ways, who could understand them? A language that won't transmit and receive messages consistently is no language at all. And, if these transmissions weren't scrambled and transmitted in a huge variety of ways, the limited content of the messages sent would be too easily discovered. We're dealing with the evil genius of Lucifer and his agents here. We're dealing with their control mechanism and supernatural spells of delusion. Use your head when giving these matters consideration, and don't let others with persuasive but faulty arguments talk you out of what things you know by the spirit of God. I pray that you, who have come here to get what my Lord Y'shua has for you, will take away from this work everything appointed for your benefit. |
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