The Open Scroll Blog |
Posted: 10 Mar 2014 08:00 PM PDT This series was interrupted when I turned my attention to the Winter Olympics. While there's probably more blogging about those symbolic ceremonies to be done (which are rich with celestial stargate imagery), Ancient Egyptians used the pictograph you see here to represent the energy beaming from the stars and the operative stargate. Parallel lines are drawn to connect the objects involved in the transmission, suggesting coherent rays of energy. These images are gleaned from Magickal Egypt, a documentary by John Anthony West. 19 And beware not to lift up your eyes to heaven and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, and be drawn away and worship them and serve them, those which the LORD your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven. 20 But the LORD has taken you and brought you out of the iron furnace, from Egypt, to be a people for His own possession, as today. ~ Deuteronomy 4:19-20 What powerful influence would draw them away to serve all the host of heaven but that supernaturalism of the false gods represented in those celestial lights as they actively sought to be worshiped? In the version of the text above (NASB), the language used for the motivation is a little soft. The Hebrew word used is more forcible and doubled, nadach nadach: to thrust, to impel. Prior to the Exodus, a contest ensued when Moses was sent to the Pharaoh to encourage the release of the enslaved Israelites. 10 So Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and thus they did just as the Lord had commanded; and Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. 11 Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they also, the magicians of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts. 12 For each one threw down his staff and they turned into serpents. But Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs. ~ Exodus 7:10-12 6 So Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt, and the frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt. 7 The magicians did the same with their secret arts, making frogs come up on the land of Egypt. ~ Exodus 8:6-7 The magicians of Egypt were not putting on a show with cheap tricks. Today, the public is told by the generally recognized and respected authorities that magic is just pretend and that the Devil is not real, and by their enchantments most folks simply accept those lies. For the first 22 years of my life, I was oblivious. Now, not so much. During the closing ceremony of the regular Winter Olympics, South Korea, host country of the next planned Winter Games, presented their own ritual performance on the grand stage underneath the light rods. Their official logo was projected on the floor, for PyeongChang 2018. In this picture you see a technical illustration used by NASA, where a wormhole is pictured with colored rods of light surrounding it. When you watch films or TV shows that picture a star ship going into warp drive or traveling near or above the speed of light or other kinds of wormhole transits through space-time you will usually see special effects extending points of light into light rods. This is the addition of an extra dimension to a point to create a line. It's akin to the motion blur. Its a visual dynamic that suggests time-space is being spanned. This is the effect created by the light dynamic of the rods in Fisht Olympic Stadium. The cylinders hanging from the ceiling of the Fisht Olympic Stadium were painted with light and used as animated decor throughout the ceremonies. In some of the segments, these were supporting the theme of stargate transit. In others, they were illustrating the effects of star energy beaming into the stadium. I believe those stage props are magickal instruments that were employed in ritual for energetic transmissions beaming in and out of the Stadium. The objects in that collection was reported to number 204, which cannot be simply random.
Those rods hanging from the ceiling were apparently also called a forest, so they must individually be trees, as trees in the Garden of Eden which are not of the natural kind that populate the forests on earth. The collection was also what seemed to be referred to at one point as the soul of Russia, which links to the Milky Way as a celestial river of souls. In Sochi, when the flame was about to be extinguished at the climax of the Games, a scene transition combined two shots in the fade to overlay some key symbols. The light rods representing the opened stargate were superimposed over the mirrors that represented dimensional portals. It was momentary - and brilliant. They were raised to reveal the mascots, illustrating the What is represented by these rods on this grand scale is more simply and commonly modeled by draperies with vertical pleats or by vertical blinds at windows or by pillars with vertical lines ringing the shaft. In Ke$ha's official Crazy Kids music video, cheap tinsel icicles hanging in doorways and wreaths were stargate props, with silver tinsel representing the Silver Gate and the gold, the Golden Gate. The producers of the official music video for We Can't Stop, Miley Cyrus modeled the stargate transit at the revealing of the lawless one by dragging a stuffed bobcat across the floor. The back drop was a simple white drapery, which is the equivalent in symbol of the color silver. The same visual was employed in the official music video for Insane, by the South Korean "K-Pop" band A-Jax. The structure of the spinning chair's 5 ray wheeled base presents us with the stargate vortex image. As a backdrop we see the same subtle prop used in Miley's set. The transdimensional construct was used to great effect in the industry changing film, The Matrix. Streaming columns of characters were used to represent the construct of the matrix, a virtual world created by the machines that held humanity captive in an artificial world of digitally generated illusion. It's really quite an impressive allegory. In their representation of another dimension interfacing with real world biology and physics, the filmmakers employed the dynamic light rod kind of effect in a variety of notable ways. That film's illustration of the columns of streaming light as the interface between the realms was augmented with another kind using sound. The bell, which I've written plenty about (Bells - Supernatural Enchantment and a Biblical Perspective - also search this blog for tuning fork), is an ancient means of initiating travel between the dimensions. When Neo and the others who have been freed from the Matrix reinsert themselves into that realm, their only way back is by way of finding a phone. To get an exit they have to wait for the phone to ring. When the hard-wired land line phone rings, which is an old school AT&T "Ma Bell" type bell phone, we're not told this but you should note that it triggers the ringing of a bell, which opens the stargate and facilitates the transit. Stargate transit imagery is important to those who craft mass rituals. This is how they access the ancient entities represented in the celestial heavens, transmitting, broadcasting and receiving from the heavenlies. When their champion is incarnated in his host body after transiting the Silver Gate, most folks will be oblivious to what's going on. I'm hoping you will seize the opportunity while it remains to seek the Most High God and Father of His only begotten son, the Lord Y'shua while He may be found - with all your heart! |
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