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Posted: 03 Jan 2015 11:01 AM PST As I wrote in closing the previous post, the Goddess work is fulfilling a long play of a "Great Work," working through agents who are even in, and especially in the church. The Pope visited Turkey in November, courting a relationship with that countries orthodox churches. From: Pope Francis issues call for unity "30 NOVEMBER 2014: Pope Francis appealed for unity between the Catholic and Orthodox churches today as he wrapped up his visit to Turkey with a liturgy alongside the spiritual leader of the world's Orthodox Christians and a meeting with young refugees from Syria and Iraq. Hypnotic chants and incense filled the Orthodox Church of St George as Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I and Francis marked an important feast day for the Orthodox Church. The Catholic and Orthodox churches split in 1054 over differences on the primacy of the papacy and there was a time when patriarchs had to kiss popes' feet. At the end of a joint prayer service last night, Francis bowed to Bartholomew and asked for his blessing "for me and the Church of Rome," a remarkable display of papal deference to an Orthodox patriarch that underscored Francis' hope to end the schism. In his remarks today, Francis assured the Orthodox faithful gathered in St George's that unity would not mean sacrificing their rich liturgical patrimony or "signify the submission of one to the other, or assimilation". "I want to assure each one of you gathered here that, to reach the desired goal of full unity, the Catholic Church does not intend to impose any conditions except that of the shared profession of faith," he said. ... The Vatican had downplayed the meeting, perhaps because of organisational glitches or to not distract from Francis' ecumenical activities which were the main reason for the visit." The slippery serpents speak with forked tongues. Assimilation will be required for "salvation" once their savior arrives on the scene. How can we resist? Do you know what time it is, where the goal line is for the Bride? Do you believe what has been revealed about The Sign for the Bride? If not, prepare to be assimilated. It will be for most folks like when those civilizations confronted by the Borg Collective of the Star Trek sci-fi franchise: "Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated." Not as formally becoming members of the Romish church, but the antichrist universal "Catholic" goddess led faith of Mystery Babylon and the associated kingdom of the beast. The image is telling, with entwining serpents. Oh yeah - plus, there's Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew's staff - informing us about what's going on with Him and Pope Francis. The red roses picture the goddess who underwrites the ecumenical bond of false unity. The goddess is working her spell of pharmakeia, and one form manifests through her agents of unity. Before mending the rift with the Lutherans in December, they mended the rift with the Turkish Orthodox in November. The influential Rick Warren had this to say about Catholicism that same month. Here's what he had to say earlier in the year. I was led to analyze the reverse speech on that clip, and what I discovered was very interesting. "it, the authenticity" *reversed*= He innocent? No. Property. "humility" *reversed*= He's doin' me. "Pope Francis" *reversed*= S's Nairf Wolf "if they like what they see" *reversed*= Pease, yet, no - Yeah, I'll lip it. "stammering" *reversed*= Won't we not - say it - say it - do the opposite (of eric ?) - Nay "his loving the children, this" *reversed*= Its in their voice, the near vowel - Satan. "This is what the whole world expects us Christians to do" *reversed*= Would, if it was true. Is this code? Screwed you all. Nascent. Knows isn't. "if you love Pope Francis" *reversed*= S's Nairf Wolf published it. "showed it to a group of priests I was a" *reversed*= Has the wet tear, but bring this news. Pope Francis = S's Nairf Wolf. That's succinct and apt. "Nairf" is a reverse speech vocabulary word I've become very familiar with. It's used as a reference to an authority in the demonic hierarchy. "Wolf" is another familiar term, which really needs no explanation. Pope = Wolf. In Sheep's Clothing. "S's," is a naming of Satan, indicating that the Pope is Satan's appointed authority. Like with Obama's Yes We Can = Thank You Satan, the word Satan may be abbreviated, sometimes to just a brief hissing sound. I've listened to so many hours of so many people on that strange back channel of communication over the past several years and heard this language used so many times there is no ambiguity whatsoever. There is no misinformation on the back channel. Most folks still can't accept that such a phenomenon is real, so the shills appointed to keep the lid on it have easy work. Apparently the support for the Pope is being required of him by his handlers. Not that it absolves him of responsibility for the support of the goddess agenda and agencies. His brand's imagery reveals His commitment to the goddess and agency of the opening of the Abyss. Saddleback Church. A Woman Riding the Beast. So, the Pope is Satan's Nairf Wolf. We don't really need reverse speech analysis to tell us that. He's the primary agent of the goddess. "Pastors" Joel and Victoria Osteen of Lakewood Church meet with the Pope in early June of 2014. According to this report, Pastor Joel Osteen, Mormon Senator, Other US Leaders Meet With Pope Francis in Rome: "The ecumenical meeting was a part of Pope Francis' on-going efforts to bring unity among Christians, previously stating in public remarks, "Divisions among us, but also divisions among the communities: evangelical Christians, orthodox Christians, Catholic Christians, but why divided? We must try to bring about unity. He added, "Seek unity, unity builds the Church and comes from Jesus Christ. He sends us the Holy Spirit to build unity!" This interview was given immediately following his visit. About his tour of the Vatican, he said, "the places that they took us through, and just uh, you feel that deep respect and reverence for God" (@ 1:20-1:28) At 1:08: "The message 'is is'" = Code Isis! The promotional imagery for the stadium event included the most widely recognized statue of Isis in the world, Lady Liberty. Queen of the Silver Gate. Our Lady of the Olympics. "Stadium": where the gods of old were honored. Are honored. I am convinced that the one who holds the office of Pope will be the Bible's false prophet, the false shepherd who herds the flock of the world into one pen. 11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon. 12 He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. ~ Revelation 13:11-12 The 2012 edition of the Annuario Pontificio, the Vatican's authorized Pontifical yearbook, gives "Vicar of Jesus Christ" as the second official title of the Pope. The first is, "Bishop of Rome." To be a vicar is to act on behalf of someone, like an authorized agent. In other Bible versions of Revelation 13:12, we find the following relationship defined, which might well be translated as, vicar. New International Version It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf Holman Christian Standard Bible He exercises all the authority of the first beast on his behalf International Standard Version It uses all the authority of the first beast on its behalf Plain enough? In 1949, the year after the WCC began operations, Billy Graham rose to celebrity status. He was ordained as a Southern Baptist minister, which is the largest Protestant denomination. This influential "evangelist" is known for large crusades that have brought people flocking from all backgrounds together as one. They are expertly brought to a point of conviction as they receive a watered down skim milk version of the gospel, with a very loose and limited interpretation of what salvation is. Afterward, converts are actively put into the hands of the local community of faith which includes Catholic and Jewish institutions. A web search for, what Billy Graham says about the Pope, will be informative. Billy is now 96 and is pretty inactive, but his legacy work continues, Mystery Babylon's antichrist work of the goddess. Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division; ~ Luke 12:51 The holy and profane must be separated as the grain from the chaff, but Mystery Babylon is a perverse composite. Her appointed end will come, but not until her work of the mixture is complete. The Lord has called out a people to be separate and holy. True unity in the spirit, according to Ephesians 4, is already attained by those who abide in my Lord, who are humble and obedient, who are loved by Him AND love Him in return. No agreement or alliance forged among carnal men in any form of religious structure will serve any spirit but antichrist. In conclusion, it shouldn't be hard to see where all this is going. What is hard, impossible, really, for most to see, is just how quickly this advanced work is going to reach the goal. She's setting us up for a hoax, the biggest hoax ever. Are you ready? |
Posted: 03 Jan 2015 07:18 AM PST In this hour, as we watch according to our Lord's command, there's much to be seen. This is fit for the season because the time remaining for this activity is running out. One of the major trends has to do with the bringing together of the world's population as one. This is the work of the goddess of many names, which may be described as the secret power of lawlessness. It's all about the spirit of antichrist. These signs indicate the nearness of the revealing of the man of sin, of lawlessness. The relations between the US and Cuba were recently improved, due to the efforts of Pope Francis. (The Goddess at Work) He is openly dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima, and it is in "her" service and enabling power that this was done. (Ultimately, as ordained by the Sovereign God, for accomplishing His own purposes, it must be said.) While there is increasing conflict, even sometimes in the very name of ISIS, this conflict that is inspired and led by the goddess of rebellion is intended for the purpose of resolving it with unity in a differently structured form. Revelation 17, esp. 12-13. On the religious front, the ecumenical movement is making unprecedented advances, with the Pope at the fore of this devoted work of the goddess. Before I document this with recent news articles, I feel it is most urgent to preface it with this commentary. What we just published to the Operation Ezekiel 8 blog exposes the work of establishing the throne of the goddess by the "Bike Lane Collective." This is why those in the widening alliance emphasize continually how they are not "Catholic bashing." So, the most widely recognized rift in the church involves the Protestant Reformation, a revolutionary splintering of the church off from the mother church of Rome. The action that triggered it came in 1517, when the Romish priest famously nailed 95 thesis to the door of the local church in Wittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. It has now, nearly 500 years later, been formally undone in a remarkable symbolic gesture made by Martin Luther's namesake organization - only a couple short weeks ago. The following is excerpted from: LWF and the Vatican Announce Common Liturgical Material for 2017. "Rev. Martin Junge, General Secretary of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) says relations between the Lutheran and Catholic churches have reached an epoch-making turning-point. Speaking during a panel discussion, held 18 December, in the Lutheran church in Rome, Junge emphasized that the relationship between Lutherans and Catholics was being transformed "from conflict to communion." Speaking during a panel discussion, held 18 December, in the Lutheran church in Rome, Junge emphasized that the relationship between Lutherans and Catholics was being transformed "from conflict to communion." Precisely in a world "in which religion and faith are regularly portrayed and perceived as trouble makers," he said it was a phenomenal testimony that the Lutheran and Roman Catholic churches continued to move "towards a profound communion that frees us to serve God and the world." Alongside Junge on the panel were, the president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) Kurt Cardinal Koch, the Catholica representative of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany Bishop Karl-Hinrich Manzke, and the chairperson of the Ecumenism Commission of the German Episcopal Conference Bishop Gerhard Feige. Junge and Koch took the opportunity to announce plans for a common liturgical guide in connection with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017, of which publication is scheduled for 2015. Looking towards 2017, the Lutheran - Roman Catholic material is intended to enable churches all over the world to review the 500 years of Reformation. The guide will follow on from the dialogue document From Conflict to Communion published by both partners in 2013, and transpose it into liturgical acts. The material will reflect the structure of this document with its triple form of penitence for the wounds mutually inflicted; joy at the insights and dimensions of the Reformation; and hope for unity. ... Junge affirmed the usefulness of repentance with reference to the experience of the LWF in dialogue with the Mennonite World Conference. "We were not getting anywhere because there were memories that were still too vivid." The act of repentance during the LWF Assembly in 2010 in Stuttgart had cleared these obstacles out of the way. " What happened in December was a milestone. Let's give the reformation some thought. The Devil is a counterfeiter, which means that he works through imitation. The sovereign God's plan is outlined in Romans 11. (What Will Their Acceptance be but Life from the Dead?) It's awesome! He divided mankind into two groups for the purpose of gaining all. The Devil's play with the Reformation uses a similar dynamic. The intent is to reform, as in, taking what exists in one form and making it into another form wherein their goal may be accomplished. The church was formed, basically under the Emperor Constantine, and later divided subsequent to the action Luther was party to, with the ultimate goal of reforming - to gain all. It's Roman's 11-ish. The goddess, who sponsors rebellion on one hand, uses that as a means of establishing unity in a far more potent alliance, a re-formation. This is what the goddess serving Jesuits have always done with their subversive activity. This is the action being taken by the first Jesuit Pope. This is what the Reformation plan really is, not to reform Catholicism but to reform or form again the church to establish it most fully for the Antichrist. The sovereign God's plans are working perfectly. He is discovering who really loves him and who is playing lip service with the hypocrites. Have you seen Luther's Rose, I mean really seen it as the Occult" mark of the beast" sigil of the goddess of magic that it is (and of sodomite illumination initiation ritual), which is accepted by those who know symbols as establishing the throne of Isis? When Martin Luther nailed the 95 thesis to the door of the church, it was on October 31. Reflect on that for a moment. High Ritual. Halloween - Samhain - It's the highest holy day for witches, a day devoted to the worship of the moon goddess and the sun god. These were the same gods being worshiped in the Temple just before Judah was taken into captivity by Babylon, as revealed in Ezekiel. 14 Then He brought me to the entrance of the gate of the Lord's house which was toward the north; and behold, women were sitting there weeping for Tammuz. 15 He said to me, "Do you see this, son of man? Yet you will see still greater abominations than these." 16 Then He brought me into the inner court of the Lord's house. And behold, at the entrance to the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs to the temple of the Lord and their faces toward the east; and they were prostrating themselves eastward toward the sun. ~ Ezekiel 8:14-16 Here's how they are honored today on Samhain by those who wear no such mask as the priests of the Romish worshipers of the goddess. After casting the magic circle, a Blessing Chant invites the blessings of "the Goddess, the Lady of the Moon; and the God, Horned Hunter of the Sun." The ceremonial rite continues, naming the Sun King and the Gracious Goddess, Eternal Mother, who gives birth to the fallen. "Samhain is the Wiccan New Year. This is the time of year when the veil between the world of the dead and the world of the living is said to be it's thinnest. ... In the Celtic Tradition, the year begins at Samhain, this is the most powerful night of the year to perform divination. Divination is done in many forms but all seek to establish a look ahead, whether the answer appears good or bad. Samhain is also considered to start the reign of the God or the dark time of the Year when the Sun goes lower each day and begins to weaken." In the way of the priesthood of the sun, Samhain, long celebrated by the Romish church under a relabeled pretext, would be a most propitious time for such a working as what began on that night in 1517. It bore fruit as the Reformation. Did those apples from the harvest really fall far from the tree? CONNECT THE DOTS! The Goddess work is fulfilling a long play of a "Great Work," working through agents who are even in, and especially in the church. More to follow, Lord willing! |
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