The Open Scroll Blog |
Posted: 12 Feb 2015 06:42 PM PST We have been following the controversy over the efforts of Michael Erevna (Kirk McLeod) and Marinka Peschmann as they blow the whistle on some fraud perpetrated by Doug Hagmann and Steve Quayle. Claims about Doug being the victim of NSA surveillance, and about being the victim of a "SWAT" team assault have been challenged, and the response is revealing. Peschmann and Erevna also shine the light on the grossly inappropriate security permissions of the Hagmann and Hagmann mobile application. On Thursday, February 5th, Steve Quayle posted an "alert" on his web site in response to the comments made by Barack Obama during the annual prayer breakfast. This alert prompted a discussion between Aaron and I that we recorded later that day. The next day we recorded another session. After some editing, we decided to publish the conversations here. It has taken a few days to get everything dialed in, as we have had other things going on, but part one is ready now and here is Topics include:
Because this is still such a fundamental for Bride candidates, we are going to expand a little on our insight into Mystery Babylon. This Babylon is a mixture of the holy and the profane. In the process of separating out the holy, the Lord takes us out of Babylon and then He takes Babylon out of us. At some point, when there is enough distance, we get a revelation of Babylon that exposes its character. The carnal mind can't grasp the self-contradictory reality. We can only accept it as the Lord reveals it. The lies of the profane imprint over the truth. The lies get a rider on the truth. If you still can't accept what I've been describing, you have not yet received the insight we are talking about, which only comes by revelation. The Lord has a plan for Mystery Babylon. Its end will come in due time, but that time is not yet - because the necessary work is not complete. |
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