This has got to be one of the filthiest things I have ever seen in my life.
The Open Scroll Blog
The Open Scroll Blog |
Posted: 22 Oct 2017 10:18 AM PDT Do you see two people, one helping the other wash or get a drink at the well pump, in front of a rising or setting sun? That's what you're expecting to see. It all looks so innocent until you dare to take a closer look. Look at with an understanding of how disobedience to the 2nd commandment brings a curse. See it in the context where the enemies of the Most High God exploit every opportunity to do evil, and the sodomite gateway has a major role in the spread of corruption of the world. You recall the recently posted video illustrating the Occult imagery on the labels of pumpkin butter, right? This is on the same line. By clipping out the distracting bits so you can plainly see the sun shining where the sun don't shine. Mooning, with the sun - a very familiar routine, yes? "A Sun" - anagram: ANUS. In the following, we generated a few variants of the brand imagery, shifting the characters around on the stage to illustrate the engagements that are suggested in their scene. This is not just a crude gag. When you take a step back and consider what you're looking at, it reeks of ritual abuse and the attending ritual sodomy that leads to illumination. SRA DID. MK-Ultra, Monarch programming. By nature, pedophilia is involved. The "missing head" speaks of the dissociative state that is induced in the victim through extreme trauma and ritual sodomy. This has Pizza Party (PizzaGate/PedoGate) written all over it! The imagery for promoting Donations to PumpHouse Ministries is revealing. The heart formed by the hands is a familiar way to signal the butt. It's the heart-butt and anagram for, hater. Hands, handlers, handling the slave through the control mechanism that involves ritual sodomy. The stylized letter D evokes their logo's pump. Like their logo, it resembles a butt. Notice how this letter is a Tau Cross on the edge of a circle, a union of the X and O. This establishes the celestial throne of the goddess, which is really one of the many identities of Lucifer, of Satan, the Devil. The union of those classic forms is also the symbol of the kind of celestial Sex Magick that produces Horus, an antichrist identity. If the arc encircling the logo were extended (which is implicit, magically) it would cross through the letter H. If you know what is called the Triple Tau (Freemasonry - Royal Arch (arse) Masons) you may recognize the H as a Double Tau. This circle crossing the double Tau cross adds redundancy to the goddess exaltation and sex magick. Placing this double Tau next to the only round letter adds yet another layer, and potency. When the very simple arrangement of the common words in the name of this religious institution is considered, what appears is supplemental to what we've illustrated above. There's a single letter O in the name, and the only letter t in the name points right at it! X union O. Exalting the Goddess. Sex Magick producing Horus. Horus? The word, Ho+r+us, appears when you read in a cross-line fashion. This kind of thing can be considered as a subliminal, and is related to NLP in how it works. It's the way of symbol magick. Right in the same place where Horus is named, we see a sequence of letters, ies, which suggests, eyes. Horus Eyes. The anus is known to Occultists as the Horus Eye, and the anus is central to the pumping action scenes of the logo variants, right? We note that there are three letters, i, in the name, PumpHouse Ministries. The Third Eye is the Horus Eye, and this reference has to do with pineal/kundalini activation and the illumination that ritual sodomy and ritual abuse intends to produce. Certainly, not every occurrence of the word, ministries, warrants such an interpretation as this, but not every context is innocent. The act of sodomy usually involves a penis, and so we find the construction of p+p+Ho+se or pp hose in the name that is already connected together in a peculiar way. Reading cross-line we find p+inis, pinis, a misspelled or phonetic instance of, penis. The letter p is often leveraged as an ideogram of the phallic package, and so it is right here. There is a letter i that points to the H, suggesting, Horus Eye. You can find a cross-line Ho+st, or Host, which is pertinent to the context because a victim of this kind of featured activity becomes a host for the demons who are installed thereby. It's the power of the demons that all the activity revolves around, and hosts are required. It seems worthwhile to point out the occurrence of a word with a central location. (Mi)nis(tries) = sin. Fitting. Very fitting indeed! Another cross-line finding is H+ist+o+ries. Histories. This activity goes back, through the histories of the families involved, way, way back, even before the flood of Noah's day, right back to the Garden of Eden. We have a few more observations to make about this. The adjacent m and M is signaling Code 33. Rotate the M a quarter turn clockwise. The PM acronym is Code 33, with M as a rotated 3, and with P being 11 when Z = 1. 3*11=33. See the Code 33 blog series for many more examples. The orange color of the sun lit scene is a color theme of ritual sodomy. Consider this anagram of PumpHouse: Pump U Hoes. U as you and Hoes as whores. Flip the initial P upside down and it renders "bum." Bum P (pee or phallic package) House. This branding speaks to us as more than just a casual thing. Again, we're not personaly familiar with the ministry or anyone involved with it. We are becoming very familiar with the symbol language used and are interpreting it in the usual way that is consistent. We see this sunny backside as Horus' own, the sun god's own. Among his identities are those where he has the form of a goat. (GOAT = God Of All Things / PAN means ALL) We see a version of the PumpHouse Ministries logo where the two figures are kissing the butt. This action has long been featured in ceremonial initiation, for witches and Satanic cults. It's called, Osculum Infame, the infamous obscene kiss. Some tell us they think we repeat these things over and over because we're obsessed with the foul subject matter. We do have an obsession. Freedom. Truth. Making the most of what we've got, for as long as we've got it. 12 But what I am doing I will continue to do, so that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting. 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds. ~ 2 Corinthians 11:12-15 Halloween is nearly here. Samhain, a High Sabbath, on the Pagan calendar with a long history of human sacrifice behind it. Be on the alert, dear saint. Pray as led. |
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