Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Fw: Censored AGAIN

Contribute only if you desire.  The information is vital, though.  This, churches, is what happens when you hold to your sins rather than to your Savior.


But within 24 hours after the video was posted, it was CENSORED from our Facebook page without a warning or explanation.

Gun Owners of America's Jordan Stein did an interview with Concealed Nation to recruit 2A activists to help win the Georgia run-off elections.

We cannot roll over and surrender to anti-gun censors. Our God-given rights are on the line.

That's why we are taking immediate action to bypass the online censors and draft radio and video ads to WIN the Georgia run-offs.

Please make a contribution to Gun Owners of America's Political Victory Fund to help us win the Georgia run-off elections to ensure that the Senate stands as a firewall against a potential Vice President Kamala Harris.







This isn't the first time we've been censored.

An article we authored about Kamala Harris' radical anti-gun agenda was censored for having "false information," but when one journalist, John Crump from Ammoland, even dared to inquire about it, Facebook deleted his account and banned him for life.

Facebook even threatened to censor anyone who dared to defend Kyle Rittenhouse -- the teenager who was thrown in jail for protecting his riot-torn community in Kenosha with an AR-15.

In fact, mobile carriers have even blocked our past text messages simply because they mention the word "GUN" in them.

Anti-gunners' attempts to censor anyone who defends our God-given rights reinforce why we MUST win the run-off elections.

If you think censorship is bad now, just imagine how terrible it would be under a potential Biden-Harris Administration colluding with an anti-gun House and Senate.

They would be able to wage an unrestrained war on our Second Amendment rights and NO ONE would have the freedom to speak up.

Losing these elections in Georgia is simply NOT an option.

An America where we cannot even use our free speech.

So please, make a contribution to Gun Owners of America's Political Victory Fund to help us win the Georgia run-off elections to ensure that the Senate stands as a firewall against a potential Vice President Kamala Harris.

In Liberty,

Tim Macy
GOA Political Victory Fund

P.S. This is a screenshot from the interview conducted on Concealed Nation that was censored from our Facebook page:

Paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

8001 Forbes Pl., Suite 202 Springfield, VA 22151

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