Thursday, May 30, 2024

Fw: Hemp-Killing Amendment/ Major FDA Fail

Stop Hemp-Killing Amendment

We cannot let Congress get away with a low-key ban on virtually all CBD products. Action Alert!

FDA Fail Leaves Patients in the Lurch

A look at the implications of a key court case that could have major consequences for the public's ability to hold drug companies accountable.

Have You Signed the FreeSpeech4Health Petition?

Did you know that vital health information is being hidden from you online? Private tech companies have developed sophisticated mechanisms to control what you see and what you don't. Health authorities are looking for ways to leverage this power to snuff out ideas that don't fit the mainstream narrative.

Join our campaign to defend free speech!

Check out the write-up of the campaign in WholeFoods Magazine!

ANH Founder Rob Verkerk, PhD, will soon be taking the #RoadToGeneva to defend, along with dozens of other freedom fighters around the world, our sovereign right to freedom of expression, private lives, and our own health choices. See our recent coverage for more details.

We need your support to continue our mission of promoting sustainable healthcare and freedom of choice through good science and good law. Our work is funded by two separate entities. We invite you to join us in protecting natural health.


Alliance for Natural Health USA
211 N Union Street
Suite 100
Alexandria, VA 22314

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