Harrison Ford Crash Analyzed
On this Website, as well on various YouTube channels, there are a number of people who are claiming the Harrison Ford plane crash was a hoax. Therefore, a thorough investigation was made to see if this is true. According to Statter911.com:
The actor was stabilized and taken to a local hospital. Sources said he sustained cuts to head. There was no word on other injuries or what caused the plane to crash. It appeared he was flying solo. His injuries were originally described as "critical," but sources emphasized they are better characterized as serious, including lacerations to the head and possible fractures. Howard Tabe, an employee at the Penmar Golf Course, said 'There was blood all over his face . Two very fine doctors were treating him, taking good care of him. I helped put a blanket under his hip."
Amateur video captures his doomed flight here, as it is descending, nose up:
That clear descent of a plane in danger is seen on a number of amateur videos from a variety of angles.
The plane can be seen in the above descending just above the tree line. Thus, it was said by one witness that it, in fact, clipped a tree.
Clearly, he was attempting to make a strategic landing, wheels down.

Ford had made a turn-around and was attempting to head for the airport, as seen above. He was heading directly in that direction. Essentially, he used the length of the course as a landing strip:
The impact footprint can be seen clearly behind the body of the plane, made largely by the landing gear as well as the propellers and nose of the plane.
The landing gear under the weight of the plane dug down into the earth, creating the crash footprint.
The flaps are stuck in an up position, as would be expected. The impact consequence from the landing gear can be seen clearly below. Notice the bouncing-like pattern in at the initial touch-down zone.
The soft ground of the golf course prevented what would could have been a more catastrophic crash. It also help prevent the friction that could have led to a ball of fire.
Notice the crimp damage to the front edges of the wings, also expected by the laws of physics as a result of the hard landing, that is the forces of contact, against the ground.
The still propeller dug into the ground, resulting in forces sufficient to snap off the front of the fuselage. Ford suffered significant forces of impact, make no mistake about it.
He was stabilized and removed by good Samaritans, doctors who were playing golf that morning and who were on-site. His neck was stabilized, and then he was removed from the plane and placed some yards away,. Fire came and finished the rescue effort. The doctors and others can be seen in this image:
Witnesses said he suffered lacerations on his scalp and there was significant blood on his face. "He was obviously in pain," it was said.
Fully stabilized, he was transported to the hospital for assessment and treatment. Fire and rescue had driven directly onto the course to get as close to the crisis scene as possible. Fire would have to do this, because of the risks for the explosion or fire within the plane.
The forces of impact—that is the consequences of those forces—can be seen most readily, here. Notice the buckling of the aluminum frame along its length, a direct consequence of the strike against the ground. Ford did indeed do a magnificent job of avoiding a greater catastrophe, which was his potential death.
The expected crimp damage of the pliable aluminum-framed wing can also be seen in the above image.
Damage to the impact edge of the plane wing can be seen. Investigators are completing the necessary paper-work, as expected. This is a real crash, impossible to fake.
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