Terminally Wretched TSA Commits Total Fraud - Fakes Machete Attack Hoax
With revelations from our posters
Molesters, taxpayer largess purgers, and power-trippers virtually all, the TSA criminal minds once again commit, as in LAX, an absolutely fake attack hoax. This time the elements of attack are, incredibly, wasp spray and a machete. It's a total fake. Who knows what corrupt aim the arch-Zionist TSA has in consequence.
Actual transcription of arch-hoaxer Carol Richer: TSA spends a lot of time having us trained (like trained dogs?). We train and train, unbeknownst to a lot of people. So, we are trained how to react to different situations. When this all started happening, coming down, it was second nature. We wanted to make sure the passengers. So, we tell em, 'Run, run.' We low were are counting on the leos (law enforcement agents?) They're the ones there with the weapons to be able to protect,' So, I have to say officer Seif (sp?) is my hero...ad nauseum.
Richel is a filthy hoaxer and arch-liar, like the rest of this clique.
'We sprung into action. We TSA moles really are worth bankrupting the treasury. Support our criminal enterprise. Keep funding us.'
'All we care about is "passenger safety." We care nothing about our cheap/easy paychecks. You must feel sorry for us for standing up for you against the mad machete man.'
'The leo, the leo; thank God for the leo, we all ran towards the man with the gun.'

Richel is merely a fabricator, and she is attempting to gain pity for the terminally wretched arch-hedonistic money-grubbing TSA, all through lies and deception.
'We rely on the guns, so we can shoot you it you defy the TSA dictates. Or at least threaten and intimidate you. Let us see, then, long-gun-toting law enforcement agents operating in every airport.' Like the underwear bombing, it will all be the result of mere fraud, regardless, airport security is itself a fraud.
The machete is a prop, like the machete man, which is obvious to anyone with the slightest degree of discernment.
It's just TSA moles and other crisis actors. Where are all the passenger? Oh, that's right, Richel and the other fraudsters chased them all away.
Everyone gets a paycheck, even the fake machete man. How is he dead or dying, by the way.
Hoax index: with this one it is so high no number exists.
The TSA and its collaborators are vile, corrupt and terminally wretched beyond description.
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