| | | | Ravenous Wolves
By Jan Markell June 29, 2015
"But the Spirit explicitly says that in latter times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. . . " (1 Timothy 4:1) What's with writhing people in altered states of consciousness, whipped into a frenzy, groaning, moaning, laughing and crying? Some Christian leaders call this worship. Can this be? Or is this more like the kundalini found in Hinduism? Others say these are duped Christians led astray by pied pipers down a perilous path of doctrinal deviation. Are the leaders of such movements sincere or blatant wolves? Could what appears to be "revival" be just a form of New Age Hinduism with blatant occult overtones? It wouldn't be a stretch to call some of it the end-time "strong delusion" the Bible refers to so often. I have featured film maker Caryl Matrisciana at my "Understanding the Times" conferences and on air for years. We now carry her "Wide Is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity" (Volume 3) in our store. She was my radio guest this past weekend. You can hear that one-hour broadcast here. The film is a 2-disc, five-hour production. We offer it for $28 here. Or call us M - F: 763-559-4444 CDT. A viewer wrote our office stating, "After watching the five-hour film, all I can say is wow. Satan is really getting a foothold and apostasy has arrived full-force. Hard to imagine it can get worse but the Bible suggests it can and will. There was so much to take in that I had to rewind some segments and watch a second time. These people believe they are in worship to God but I suspect it isn't the god they think. "These movements are the brainchild of Satan and his demons. If all you can talk about is how church made you FEEL -- and not about exegesis or eschatology -- you are in the wrong church."-Elisa Caryl Matrisciana takes a close look at the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), the Third Wave, the Manifest Sons of God, Bethel Church in Redding, CA, IHOP, Kingdom Now (Dominionism), Word of Faith, Fresh Fire, Latter Rain, drunk in the spirit, holy laughter, and other movements in the church that are concerning. Hear testimonies from some who have left these streams. While many call these movements the new "revival," others call it apostasy. You view and decide for yourself. The 5-hours of production scenes are stunning, gripping, and troubling but it's info you need to know to contend for the faith and to protect your church from the influence of false teaching. Bethel Church in Redding, California, is led by Pastors Bill and Beni Johnson. It focuses primarily on the wacky and bizarre activities, occurrences, and unscriptural practices that transpire in the "revival" meetings. It has many churches affiliated with them. Have you heard of the new rage called grave sucking or mantle grabbing? It is the belief and practice of pulling the supposed Holy Spirit powers from the dead bones of a previously empowered believer. It is taught that when a Spirit empowered individual dies, their mantle or mission dies with them. In other words God's mission for that believer was thwarted when that believer died. But you can lay on his or her grave and have their spirit leave the grave. Find this in the Bible? Bill Johnson says, "There are anointings, mantles, revelations and mysteries that have lain unclaimed, literally where they were left because the generation that walked in them never passed them on. I believe it's possible for us to recover realms of anointing, realms of insight, realms of God that have been untended for decades simply by choosing to reclaim them and perpetuate them for future generations." Scary stuff. Was the "Lakeland Outpouring" with Todd Bentley actually of the Holy Spirit or just chaos unleashed by a biker-booted, pierced and tattooed charlatan, who kicked cancer-riddled victims until they doubled over in pain? Was Bentley calling down angels or demons? Why did prominent members of the New Apostolic Reformation re-instate him back into ministry even though he fell into adultery? How could men such as Rick Joyner and C. Peter Wagner have been so duped? Caryl grew up in India having a first-hand look at Hinduism. From there she moved on to the New Age Movement. If anyone is qualified to document these strange practices, she is. You may not agree with all of her conclusions but we encourage you to watch with an open mind and open heart. We are in days of deception. Much of the church is weak and ineffective because it has abandoned solid Bible preaching and teaching for unbiblical experiences. The wolves are not just prowling -- they are devouring as the Bible predicted. (Matthew 7:15) NOTE: Pray for Caryl Matrisciana as she struggles with her cancer ordeal. Listen to the one-hour interview on our "Understanding the Times" radio here. Learn more about her at her website: www.caryltv.com. UNDERSTANDING THE TIMES 2015: OCTOBER 2-3 Thousands come from across America. Join us this year! If you cannot, the event will be live streamed. Speakers include Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pastor Jack Hibbs, Michele Bachmann, and Amir Tsarfati. There is no cost or registration needed. Find all information here. Listen to our one-minute radio spot heard on our 650 radio stations here. NOTE: We surf the Internet and post current headlines each morning. Find them here. 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| | | Awaiting His return,
Jan Markell
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