Tuesday, June 23, 2015

US Military Executes Operation Guardian In Ocala, Florida; Has Been Planned For Years

By:  Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News US Correspondent

OCALA, Florida (WorthyNews) -- The United States' latest military operation on urban terrain (MOUT) is about to come to a conclusion on June 25, 2015.  The location for this "op" is Ocala, Florida.

According to Janie Gunnell, a spokeswoman for Community Technical & Adult Education (CTAE) in Marion County, the training exercises "are 100 percent search and rescue and other life saving training.  It is an honor to have the different military units training in our town and at CTAE's facilities."

A statement from the military backs that up, saying "the training exercise is necessary to hone their skills in the event of a terrorist attack or natural disaster."

"Operation Guardian," as it is called involves 600 to 700 military personnel and will focus specifically in the areas of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives attacks.

"[CTAE] can provide the best training area and the best raining instructors anywhere in the country," according to Lt. Col. Tim Snider.  "This exercise has been four years in planning."

Given the large-scale attention given to Operation Jade Helm 15, a supposed military training exercise located in the American southwest, which has been proven to be a war games situation run by the United States against its own citizens, some readers of ocalapost.com have directly asked whether or not Operation Guardian has anything to do with it.  The military says "there is nothing to fear because it is just a training exercise."  However, according to Lt. Col. Snider, it may indeed be connected.

Lt. Col. Snider's statement earlier, "This exercise has been four years in planning," casts serious doubts on the credibility of the United States Army when they say Operation Guardian is just a training exercise.

While it is good for emergency crews and local personnel to know how to respond in such conditions that Operation Guardian suggests, there would be no need for the military to be involved unless they had current, direct knowledge of enemy forces on the ground.  Unless they consider American citizens the enemy.  Go to the following site to see whether or not the American public is regarded as the enemy of the United States government:  http://www.criminalgovernment.com/docs/emer.html
One of many questions that need to be asked is, "Why did Operation Guardian require four years of planning, as indicated by Lt. Col. Snider?"  The answer:  It doesn't, not unless the United States government is preparing to go to war against its own citizens, especially those of Ocala, Florida.

The practice of the military training in urban warfare, which they call unconventional warfare, goes back to at least 1990.  An unknown veteran of Operation Desert Storm that I spoke with confirmed that the United States Marine Corps were actively training for combat in urban, that is, city, street, and house-to-house and business-to-business, environments.  Since March of 1933, the American public, as previously stated has been considered by the United States government, enemy combatants and citizens of a foreign land.

It stands to reason that if our troops were going to practice door-to-door fighting in a foreign country, they would research the layout of the particular city they are going to fight in and set up a mock city with the same or similar layout on their own bases.  The fact that they are using "public" property for military training purposes suggests that the United States military, as also proven in an article I wrote concerning Operation Jade Helm 15, is practicing waging war against its own citizens.  Interestingly, Florida is listed among those states as participating in Jade Helm 15.

The citizens of Ocala, Florida have much cause to be concerned.  Only with the help of Jesus Christ can this (the United States government's war against its own citizens) be fought against and won.

Source article:  http://www.ocalapost.com/military-occupy-ocala-by-the-hundreds/

Supporting articles:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHS_Office_of_Operations_Coordination

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