Sunday, December 19, 2010

Total lunar eclipse, God's judgment, and the rise of Antichrist

I came across this article and found some major symbolism.  I'll give you the links to the websites and my interpretation of some of it.
Did you hear about the total lunar eclipse occuring on Dec. 21, about 1:33AM EST?  During the exact middle of the eclipse "the moon will stand directly overhead from a point in the North Pacific Ocean about 800 miles (1,300 km) west of La Paz, Mexico."
La Paz is translated in English "Our Lady of Peace."  Mexico properly should be pronounced meh-SHEE-co.  This sounds like meh-SHEE-ca, or meshiach, the Hebrew word Messiah, or Christ, as in Jesus Christ.
In an interesting twist, the city of La Paz is located in the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon, or New Lion.
The number 8 (drop the zeroes in 800)in biblical numerology denotes a new beginning.  The number 13 (drop the zeroes in 1300) denotes a rebellion and exaltation above government, signified by the number 12.
The number 100 features in the above quote from  800 miles.  1300 kilometers.  The number 100 (according to signifies an election, or weeding out, process.  Thus, when multiplied by the number 8, you get 800.  This would suggest God is choosing out his elect, separating the sheep from the goats.
Again, if you multiply the number 100 by 13, you get 1300.  This suggests God is noting the rebellious of the world.  When combined with the number 800 this suggests that God's judgment is beginning.  He is cleaning his house, noting who serves him and who does not.
Combine all the data from the above information and you get this:  A new wave of rebellion against God is about to begin.  God is using this time to find out who is serving him in spirit and in truth, and who is only giving him lip service.  Soon, THE antichrist (Nuevo Leon) will appear, alongside his mother (La Paz).  She will most likely be Mexican or some South American ancestry, and she will be Roman Catholic.  Their DNA may suggest Phoenician descent, traceable to the ancient city of Tyre.

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