Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Kabbalah and its effects on D.C. politics - work in progress

This is a work in progress.  Some shaping up needs to be done, and obviously is incomplete.  As the LORD my God prospers me, I will reveal more.

Origin of Kabbalah

What is Kabbalah?  Kabbalah is a religion that focuses primarily on the rejection of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  It seeks to convert or corrupt all things told us by the Holy Bible.

Traditionally, the word Kabbalah means "to receive".(O1)  As Kabbalah exists today, it means the reception (and practice) of spiritual knowledge and traditions from sources other than Jehovah.  Specifically, it means to practice customs and rituals forbidden by God in the Scriptures.

Alternately, and more revealing to the nature of it, the definition of Kabbalah comes form the Hebrew words 'kabel' meaning "to receive"(O2), and 'belah'(O3) meaning "destroying".  Thus Kabbalah means "to invite destruction (to oneself)".  It can also mean "to receive the profane", which comes from the words kabel, "to receive", and 'alah meaning "to swear, curse".(O4)  A third, and perhaps even more damning definition of the word, and thus, the spirit behind Kabbalah is "(to complete) Baal's work)".  This comes from the word kalah, meaning "to complete"(O5) and bel, a transliteration of the word Ba'al.(O6)

Different start dates have been given to the origins of Kabbalah.  Some have it as beginning int he 12th Century AD (O7).  Proponents of Kabbalah claim that God gave Kabbalah to man - first to Adam through the angel Raziel:  According to Kabbalah, the reason death entered the world is not because man ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but because we loved the things of the world rather than the things of "God," that is, we didn't follow his secret teachings.(O8)  Second, Jehovah supposedly gave the teachings to Abraham through Melchizedek.  Acccording to the teachings of Kabbalah, it was part of the covenant that God made with Abraham.(O9)(O10)

At this point, we must ask ourselves, if Kabbalah really did come from God, first to Adam then to Abraham, why did he not give it to Noah before Abraham?  The Scriptures plainly state that Noah was a "just man and perfect in his generations" and that he "walked with God."(O11)  If God first gave Kabbalah to Adam, the first man, it would make sense for him to give it to Noah, the first man to survive the Flood.  Because he did not, we know that it was not the God of the Bible that gives Kabbalah to men, but a strange god, one that is no true God.

The third and final revelation of Kabbalah to man(O12) was supposedly given to Moses on Mt. Sinai.  According to Kabbalah, the first time Moses ascended Mt. Sinai he received the Ten Commandments, and the second time he ascended, God gave him the teachings of Kabbalah.

This is in direct opposition to the Holy Scriptures.  In Exodus 20 (called 'Shemot'(O13) in Hebrew, for the word of God came first to the Jew/Hebrew and then to the Greek) when Moses ascended Mt. Sinai the first time, received not only the Ten Commandments but the law also.  After pleading with God not to destroy the Israelites for their sin which they have sinned (not yet knowing what the Israelites had done), Moses descended from Mt. Sinai with the tablets that contained the words of the Ten Commandments and the Law.  When Moses reached the bottom, and looked upon the Israelites and saw their idolatry, he then broke the tablets and ascended a second time and brought back other two tablets, containing the same words.  At no time did God the Father give the teachings of Kabbalah to anyone.

The actual beginning of Kabbalah had its start in the garden of Eden.(O14)  Following is an excerpt describing the event at which Kabbalah entered the world:

        "Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had"
         made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree
         of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the
         trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God
         hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent
         said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat
         thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and e-
         vil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was plea-
         sant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof,
         and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of
         them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig
         leaves together, and made themselves aprons." Genesis 3:1-7

But what happened?  Die Eve, and Adam, die straightway?  Obviously not, because you are alive and reading this right now.  But what happened?  When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they were made wise, but not as the serpent told Eve.  They already knew they were naked and were not ashamed.  So how were they made wise?  They were made wise to the fact that they had removed God's protective covering over them from Satan, and they stood naked in their sin before their enemy.  They became afraid of the God that they were not afraid of before.(O15)

        "And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the
         day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God
         amongst the trees of the garden. And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said
         unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was
         afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself."  Genesis 3:8-10 (emphasis mine)

Kabbalah is esoteric, or "hidden," wisdom, wisdom that can only be gained by experience.  What follows is an attempt to unmask, or make plain, certain of the symbols of Kabbalah, and a few others, and explain why things happen, or don't happen, in Washington, D.C., and why out freedoms and liberties seem to disappear faster every day.

Malkhut - The Kingdom

The first stop on the Sephiroth, or "Tree of Life", is Malkhut, or, the Kingdom.(M1)  The beginning of esoteric, or hidden, learning begins here.  It is taught in the synagogues, and certain churches, that there are "hidden" mysteries in the Scriptures that what they actually say.  In a way, they are correct.  Having walked with the Lord for many years now, I have discovered a great many things, even when visiting old information that I already knew about.  For instance, there are "hidden" messages in the genealogies mentioned in the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments.  These things, however, are not hidden, as though they require some special initiation to receive them.  Rather, they come from experience and applying the different skills one picks up in this life.

From bottom to top, the Sephiroth is organized from least important to greatest.  The experienced Kabbalist will tell us that seeking God's kingdom is first because it is on the bottom.  They will say that it is representative of the foundation of the faith.  However, the deeper one proceeds into Kabbalah, the less important God and his kingdom becomes, and the student of Kabbalah begins to realize that he is departing from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

When confronted about the reality of this by an outsider, the Kabbalist may become angry and fearful.  This is because their conscience bears witness with them that what they are doing is wrong and they don't like it.  For the Jews, they may even think it is an attack against their Jewish heritage.  This would be because they have been taught by senior members of Kabbalah that anyone speaking against Kabbalah is speaking against Jewry.  This is not true.  It should be noted that many Jews may be attracted to Kabbalah because they think they will be drawing closer to God.  The Jew is not more wicked than any other because he is a Jew.  Only them that prove themselves more wicked than others are more wicked than others, no matter their nationality.

The first mystery of Kabbalah is nature worship.  This teaching is revealed in the phrase "Everything is merely a thought-wave of the Creator in physical form. Like liquid water hardening into ice."(M4)  This means that everything is a manifestation of God onto the physical plane, including planet Earth.  This is in direct violation of not only what the LORD spake through the prophet Isaiah "I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me:.."(Isaiah 45:5) but also the first commandment: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (ref. Exodus 20:2).

Because nature worship is taught as a "mystery teaching", it is kept from the general public because they are not 'enlightened' to the "true mysteries" of God's word.  This simply means that something is going on that they don't want you to know about unless you are sympathetic to their cause, ultimately which is the worship of self and the fulfillment of every desire that you have in direct defiance of the LORD God's will.

As it relates to the street plans of Washington, D.C., the first stop would be the National Sylvan Theater, located on the grounds of the Washington Monument, National Mall, Washington, D.C.(M2)  The idea of a National Sylvan Theater, or simply Sylvan Theater, was first promoted by Alice Pike Barney, the wife of Albert Clifford Barney, the son of a railway car manufacturer in Dayton, Ohio.(M3)  During World War I (called the Great War by the people of the time) Barney successfully persuaded Congress "approve and fund"(M3) the construction of the theater.  It was dedicated on April 4, 1917 to then President Woodrow Wilson and the Congress of the day.(M3)

What may not be known is that the United States War Department, now known as the Department of Defense, after receiving the funding from Congress, built and maintained it.  This suggests that our War Department saw a strategic advantage in having the theater.(M12)

Historically, ancient societies have prayed to "gods of war" for their blessings in battle.(M5)  The Romans and the Greeks are most easily thought of in the English speaking world.  In Africa, Ogoun was prayed to(M6); the Aztecs prayed to Mixcoatl(M7); the Hittites prayed to Shaushka and Wurrukatte(M8), the Polynesians prayed to 'Oro(M9), and the Slavs to Svetovid(M10).

The term Sylvan comes from the Roman god Sylvanus (M11), a nature deity that is associated with war.  Usually, Sylvanus was thought of as a protector of forests, fields, plantations, and their boundaries.  He was fond of music and the syrinx, a woodwind instrument similar to the Pan flute, was considered sacred to him.

The first play, a masque, performed at the theater was called 'The Drama Triumphant', written by Mr. Christian Hemmick,(M12) second husband of Mrs. Barney.(M13)  The now Mrs. Barney-Hemmick was a Baha'ist,(M14) a branch of Islam that  acquired its main form in 1844 in Iran.(M15)  Baha'i believe that nature is a manifestation of the attributes of "God", specifically, it is "God’s Will and is its expression in and through the contingent world.” It is the embodiment of God’s name, “the Creator.”(M16)  As such, "God" is nothing else but the physical world, making Baha'i a nature religion.

It is obvious that not everyone in the founding of the United States of America was a Christian. The book, "The Faiths of the Founding Fathers," written by David L. Holmes(M17) is an analysis of the public statements and correspondences of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.  It grouped the religious practices of the Founding Fathers into three main categories:  1)  Christianity - persons who professed and maintained a belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ and followed the teachings of their respective denominations, including miracles (and the need for salvation); 2) Deistic Christians - persons who professed little to no faith in the miracles of the Bible, but did retain a belief in the existence of deity; and 3) Deists - persons who engaged in nature worship, (believing that Reason was all that a person needed to save themselves).

However, from before the foundation of our nation a covenant was struck with the Lord Jesus, seeking to secure his blessings upon us.  This was called the Mayflower Compact.(M18)  A transcribed copy made by William Bradford in 1646 can be found here:  http://www.annenbergclassroom.org/attachment.aspx?id=5191.  It specifically states in the Mayflower Compact that it (the Compact) was done "in the presence of God" and for "the advancement of the Christian faith".  Being of Christian faith and recognizing that making a colony for the advancement of the Christian faith (not everyone that calls themselves Christian is one) would help secure the blessings of the Lord Jesus, this compact, signed by 41 persons, served as a covenant between them and him, our nation and all its might, power, and prosperity, coming directly from this covenant.  The 1917 Congress and War Department, and all such down through today, seem to ignore this covenant, and in so doing, push away the hand of Almighty God from us, our leaders even making covenants with the Devil (a.k.a. Satan, and Lucifer) for the procurement of his "blessings," the ability to "do what thou wilt" without thought of repercussion.

Since the founding of the National Sylvan Theater in 1917, the United States of America has been in 42 wars.(M19)  This amounts to a new war every 2.38 years, or one war every 28.56 months.  Before this, from 1775 to 1899, there were a total of 68.(M20)  This amounts to a war every 1.83 years, or one war every 21.96 months.  Surprising to me this statistic was, that the numbers were not greater since the founding of the theater.  However, these figures do not take into account non-military "wars" such as the 'war on poverty' (ongoing since 01/08/1964)(M21) and the 'war on drugs' (ongoing since 1972).(M22)

The cost of these wars is staggering.  The American Revolution, a.k.a. the Revolutionary War, cost $101 Million(M23) at the 1775-1783 dollar value.  As of Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 that war would have cost $2.4 Billion.  The cost of World War I alone, unadjusted for FY 2011 values, was more than eight times that amount!  The United States' most expensive war pre-1917 was the Civil War, with a total cost (Union and Confederate) at $4.183 Billion unadjusted.  If we adjust that figure to FY 2011 values, the financial cost of the Civil War would be 79.742 Billion.(M24)  The Iraq War (2003-2010) cost, unadjusted, $715 Billion,(M25) almost nine times the adjusted cost of the Civil War for both sides!  Adjusting for 2011 values, the cost of the Iraq War totaled $784 Billion, almost ten times the adjusted cost of the entire conflict.

In total, the cost of all major wars, pre-1917 (the same year the National Sylvan Theater was opened), was $95.112 Billion in 2011 dollars.  The total cost of all major wars up to 2011 (in 2011 dollar) was $7.537 Trillion!  Note:  World War I was not included in these figures even though it was a major war.  The reason for this is that the start of it happened before 1917.  To put this in perspective, the U.S. federal government is currently spending (the year is 2018) money at a rate of approximately $75,000 per second.(M26) Over the course of the year, this amount would equal $2.365 Trillion.  This is more than 3 times smaller than the debt of just the major wars alone from the past 100 years.

The cost per war for major wars pre-National Sylvan Theater was on average $15.852 Billion ($95.112 Billion divided by six wars).(M27)  The cost per war for major wars post-Theater equals $1.076 Trillion ($7.537 Trillion divided by seven wars).  It is clear just by these figures alone that the United States made a great and very costly error in deciding to (quietly) worship Sylvanus, trusting him to guard their families, lands and livestock.

Yesod - The Foundation

Traveling up the stalk of the tree to station #9, we come to Yesod, the "foundation"(Y1).  As one can immediately tell, Yesod is not the foundation of Kabbalah, but rather Malkhut.  Nonetheless it is still fitting that it is considered as its name implies, a yesod.  Yesod means that the initiate now has a foundation in Kabbalah.  Note:  As one might expect, to get to Yesod, initiation rituals (degrading and sinful acts) were performed.

In between Malkhut and Yesod is the letter tau.(Y2)  The letter tau in Hebrew means cross and as such should occupy a special place in the heart of them that believe that Jesus of Nazareth is Messiah, God's anointed Savior of mankind.

In Christianity, the cross is the foundation of our faith.  In order to enter God's kingdom, we must go through the cross of Christ, for by no other way can we get in.  With Kabbalah, you must leave God's kingdom, rejecting Jesus Christ as Messiah, in order to move up the ranks.

The Jewish initiate into Kabbalah, or even those that are not but have rabbis that are, may be told that if they believe that Jesus Christ is Messiah, they are forsaking their Jewish heritage.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Listen to the words of Jesus himself concerning the matter of salvation (a saving belief that Jesus Christ is the prophesied Messiah) and the Jews:

       "Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews."  John 4:22

The faith of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Judah, the fathers of the Jews, was, is, and always will be, the recognition of Yeshua (Jesus) as God's anointed, God's Messiah.  As it is written, "He is not the God of the dead, but of the living:.." cf. Mark 12:27  If the faith of the fathers is that of Jesus Christ, Kabbalah then, is the faith of the dead because it centers on the rejection of Jesus Christ as Messiah.

It must be said now that this does not mean that many Jews will participate in Kabbalah not because of a rejection of Jesus Christ but as a way to cling to their Jewish heritage.  While the Jew may be well-meaning, it is not to their profit but to their hurt that they believe the god of Kabbalah, for the god of Kabbalah, and D.C. politics, is Satan, called first in Hebrew as Heylel(Y3) and transliterated from the Latin lux affero as Lucifer (lux meaning 'light' and affero meaning 'to bring'). c.f. Isaiah 14:12(Y4)(Y5)

In Kabbalah, each letter has a surface meaning, what the common person is told, and a hidden, or esoteric meaning(Y6), that tells how the person must think as they proceed up the ranks.  The same holds true in politics in Washington, D.C.

For the letter tau, the esoteric, or hidden, meaning is synthesis.(Y7)  Synthesis is defined as "the composition or combination of parts or elements so as to form a whole; the combining of often diverse conceptions into a coherent whole."(Y8)  It also means, "the dialectic combination of thesis and antithesis into a higher stage of truth."(Y9)  As it concerns Kabbalah, this means that they join fact and fiction in order to form a "higher truth."  What this means is that good, and thus God, isn't really so good (or God alone) and bad things like lies, rape, and murder, aren't as bad as they seem, with the obvious implication that Heylel, a.k.a. the Devil, Lucifer and Satan, isn't really as evil as the Holy Scriptures have made him out to be, even giving rise to the possibility that he was telling the truth that man could be a god in his own right. ref. Genesis 3 KJV

In public policy this would manifest itself as a show of tolerance.  In order to show themselves committed to the teachings of Kabbalah, lawmakers would have to pass laws either promoting tolerance or condemning the "unliking" of a thing, specifically, it would be forbidden by law to say something is bad, with the exception being Christianity.

One such law is "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".  It was started in 1994 under William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton, then President of the United States of America, after the passing of Department of Defense Directive 1304.26 issued on December 21, 1993 (Y10)  The purpose of the law was to relax prohibitions on homosexuals and bi-sexuals already serving in the military.  It made it illegal for superiors to begin an investigation into an enlistee's sexual orientation unless the superior had personally witnessed sexual acts prohibited by the U.S. military.(Y11)  Since then, various state laws have been passed and court cases won (even though it is the job of legislators to make laws in America, this is often done in the courts and is called case law) forbidding the speaking out against homosexuality, cross-dressing, transgenderism (making a male into a female and vice verse), etc...

Some notable instances are the Masterpiece Cake Shop, LLC v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission(Y12) case, in which a Colorado baker refused to make a wedding cake for a homosexual couple citing his beliefs as a Christian.  The case was decided in favor of the shop owner, but was subsequently forbidden by Colorado law from making any cakes because not making a cake for the homosexual couple was seen as discriminatory.

Another is the Equal Empolyment Opportunity Commission.  Its stated purpose is to prevent discriminatory hiring, advancement, and firing practices in the workplace.(Y13)  While the hiring, advancement, and firing of persons based on their skin color (which was the majority reason it was supposed to have been started for) should be prevented, the policies of the EEO have now been corrupted to include gender identity and sexual orientation.(Y14)

Gender identity is defined as an "individual's personal sense of identity as masculine or feminine, or some combination thereof."(Y15)  This means that if a male thinks he is female then it is so.  Or if a female thinks she is a male then it is so.  This brings to mind the saying, "I think, therefore I am."  This phrase originated with Rene Descartes in his book, 'Discourse on the Method'.(Y16)  Sexual orientation is defined as "an enduring pattern of romantic or sexual attraction (or a combination of these) to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender."(Y17)  This can also include the age of the person drawing the attraction, and the object of the sexual attraction such as cases of zoophilia.  Although cases of sexual orientation regarding zoophilia and pedophilia haven't been challenged in court that I am aware of (as of this writing), it seems certain that such cases are heading to court and will rear their heads in an ugly way within the next few years.

One reason the cross, as it pertains to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and its implications, cannot co-exist with Kabbalah and its followers is that the cross represents division and separation.  The cross bar (where we get the word cross) represents a division between the kingdom of Heaven and the kingdoms of Earth.  It also represents a division between spirit and flesh.  By implication, the things of the spirit war against the things of the flesh, similar to matter and antimatter.

The cross bar represents a division between light and darkness, right and wrong.  Satan, since the beginning, had tried to blur these lines for the purpose of making God seem like the enemy because he warns us against sin, evil, and death, and himself a friend because he wants to be something he can never be:  Equal with God.(ref. Gen. 3, Isaiah 14:12-17)  While not every sin is the Devil's fault, he is the ultimate door for it in that he was the first to sin.

The pole bar of the cross represents the impossibility of getting to Heaven without going through Jesus Christ.  This is true for non-Christians and Christians alike.  It also represents the inability of man to save himself from everlasting fire:

          "There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence." Luke 16:19-26 (emphasis mine)

While both of the meanings of tau can be applied to the situations of life and death, light and darkness, truth and lie, the meaning of tau (the cross) indicates a separation of things, even though they have a common point of reference.  In the case of life and death, Jesus suffered physical death so that we might have spiritual life, that is, that we have the chance at not burning in Hell forever(Y18)(Y19)(Y20).  As it relates to light and darkness, Jesus is the light of the world; them that walk after him will not walk in (spiritual) darkness(34).  As it pertains to spirituality, we are called out of the confusion of the world, that we might not be partakers of her sins and receive of her plagues.(Y21)(Y22)

As it concerns Washington, D.C., there exists a culture in the United States government, and the public, to justify all manner of sexual pleasure, including child molestation, which is called pedophilia.  Court cases and opinions and laws removing any prohibition to any form of sexual misconducts have come to light in recent years.  Below are just a few of the many examples:

          1)  Obamacare bars discrimination on the basis of sexual identity but not sexual orientation (sexual identity
                issues are connected to sexual preferences in that the person thinks they should be a man or woman based
                on how they feel.  Such individuals, it seems, have an attraction to members of the same sex but find the
                idea of committing homosexual acts repulsive.)(Y23)
          2)  A list of judges quotes condemning discrimination on the basis of sexual preference(Y24) (pedophiles prefer
                children as opposed to adults for sexual pleasure)
          3)  Online magazine reporter says pedophiles are "normal" and is dedicating himself to helping others, like him-
                self, "come out of the closet."(Y25)
          4)  Pedophilia is medically classified now as a "preference"(Y26)  (This gives the impressions that if an adult has
                sexual intercourse with a child that no crime has been committed.)

There exists in 2017 numerous sexual perversion advocacy groups whose sole purpose is to take away any sense that what they are doing and/or want to do is wrong.  Below is a partial listing of where to find such organizations, or cases where the practices are not condemned, or where they are supported:

          1)  List of LGBT rights organizations

There is even a group of people that believe that minor victims of sex trafficking (persons under the age of 18 that have been "sold" to individuals for the express purpose of engaging in sexual intercourse) be listed as "prostitutes and  juvenile delinquents and treated as criminals rather than being identified and treated as trafficking victims.(Y27)  Sex trafficking is not only done by average citizens, but by former and current government officials!(Y28)(Y29)  Child sex trafficking is even done on an international level.(Y30)


If a person compares the street plans of the area immediately around the White House, which is featured as one of the stations on the Sephiroth, to the plans of the Sephiroth, they will see the plans to not match exactly.  While this may seem to downplay the significance of Kabbalah's influence, it does not.  What is happening here is the design of the Sephiroth is adapted to fit another symbol (the Papal triple cross)(DC1) and a layering, or strengthening, effect being put into play.  This is done to supplicate the favors of different gods and goddesses, all of them false.
While many people, including myself, have attributed the occult nature of the street plans of Washington, D.C. to Pierre L'Enfant (who identified himself as Peter L'Enfant while in the United States)(DC2),  it appears that this may be in error.  It is true that President (George) Washington did contract Mr. L'Enfant to design the street plans of our nation's capital(DC3), his original design was turned down in favor of one by Andrew Ellicot(DC4).  Although it was, and still is, called 'The L'Enfant Plan',(DC5)(DC6), it was the drafting done by Mr. Ellicot that was approved,(DC7) which is radically different to the the one done by Mr. L'Enfant.  This magician's trick of misdirection plays throughout Kabbalah and D.C. politics and will be more fully revealed as this book goes on.

Andrew Ellicot was born January 24, 1754 to Joseph and Judith (Bleaker/Blaker?) Ellicot.  He attended a local Quaker school in Buckingham Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania under the tutelage of Robert Patterson, who also held the position of director at the United States Mint.(DC8)(DC9)

Joseph and his two brothers, Andrew and John, bought land on the falls of the Patapsco River, which is upriver and west of Baltimore, Maryland and Chesapeake Bay.  They set up a milling business there, which eventually lead to the founding of Ellicot's Mills in 1772.  Today the area is called Ellicot City(DC10) and is the county seat in Howard County, Maryland as well as being part of the Baltimore Metropolitan area.(DC11)

From 1791 to 1792, at the request of then Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Ellicot worked under Commissioners appointed by then-President Washington (1789-1797)(DC12) to survey the territory that would become known as Washington, District of Columbia (D.C.)(DC13)  According to Joeseph Passaneau, he (Ellicot) worked with Pierre (Peter Charles) L'Enfant who, in 1791, had prepared the initial plans for the future capital city.(DC14)  This seems to conflict with a letter from President Washington to Secretary of State Jefferson regarding the partitioning of the plans, which reads, in part:  "The terms entered into by me on the part of the United States, with the landholders of Georgetown and Carrollsburg are, all land from Rock Creek along the river to the Eastern Branch, and so upwards to or above the Ferry, including a breadth of about one and one-half miles, the whole containing from three to five thousand acres, is ceded to the Public on condition, that, when the whole shall be surveyed and laid off as a city (which Major L’ Enfant is not directed to do),.."  (emphasis mine)

A search of the Internet regarding the street plans of (now) Washington, D.C. reveals almost no attachment to Andrew Ellicot except in that of a supportive or continuative role.  Almost all credit is given to Mr. L'Enfant.  This leads me to believe that for a very long time, people have worked very hard to hide the fact that Andrew Ellicot is the real designer of the street plans of Washington, D.C.  It also leads me to believe that since our nation's founding, the supposedly non-existent shadow government of Babylon the Great, has been working quietly to control our nation.  The only attachment of Pierre L'Enfant to this is that he may have laid this out in a grid-like fashion, whereas Mr. Ellicot clearly had other things in mind.(DC15) (For a full listing of the original land owners that approved of Ellicott's plan, go here:  http://theusgenweb.org/dcgenweb/history/original_landowners_of_washingto.shtml)

What is striking about the situation is that Mr. L'Enfant was terminated from the survey team after only one year,(DC16) this despite being appointed for the job by President Washington himself.(DC17)  Major L'Enfant's appointment by President Washington is surprising in light of the fact that he was not directed to conduct the survey.  It could be that he was aware of the secret dealings of Mr. Ellicot and he wanted Major L'Enfant there to suppress the spiritual wickedness he knew would be incorporated in its design.

It is unknown at this writing what caused Mr. L'Enfant's dismissal.(DC18)  What is known is that Mr. L'Enfant was offered compensation for his services as surveyor by the Planning Commission and refused it.  Future President Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to the Commission concerning Pierre L'Enfant's compensation stating that President Washington felt a "liberal" sum of $2,500 to $3,000 was adequate.(DC19)  The Planning Commission wrote a letter to Mr. Jefferson a few days later, altering the sum.  They stated that Mr. L'Enfant had already received "about $600 from them, besides his expenses of living."(DC20)  They also stated Mr. L'Enfant would have "no cause to complain of having been met with an inadequate reward."(DC21)  Although the exact nature of Mr. L'Enfant's response is unknown by this author, it is known that he "curtly" refused the Planning Commission's offer.(DC22)  This means that he was rudely short in his denial.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."(E1)

As it relates to the street plans in Washington, D.C. (D.C. stands for District of Columbia, Columbia meaning 'land of peace', quietly asserting that Kabbalah is the way of/to peace), the second station of the Sephiroth has at its site the Washington Momument, which is an obelisk.  The obelisk, called tekhenu in ancient Egyptian(E2), finds its origins in post-Flood Egypt in the mythos of Osiris and Isis.

Accord to the legend, Osiris went to war against his brother Set, was defeated in battle, and had his body cut into different pieces.  His sister/wife Isis searched for and recovered his body but was unable to recover the penis which has been eaten by a fish.  Isis then constructed a golden penis and impregnated herself with it with Osiris whom she briefly raised to life, eventually giving birth to Horus.(E3)  The obelisk is the representation of the penis of Osiris.

The real name of Osiris was Mizraim the son of Ham.(E4)  Mizraim is the father of the Egyptians(E5).  Mizraim also known as Anu, a Mesopotamian sky god and considered father of all the Mesopotamian gods.(E6)  In the course of doing research on the origin of post-Flood sodomy, the LORD led me to the game Candy Crush.

The words Candy and Crush have a slight offset in their overlapping with the letter C in Candy being just to the left of the C in Crush.  Using this, God highlighted the letters An and Us in Candy Crush.  This spells the word anus, which is the sphincter, or butt-hole.

He pointed out that when using an apostrophe the word anus spells the word Anu's.  This identifies Mizraim as the first person to practice anal sex after Noah's Flood.

Mizraim and his nephew Nimrod were very close.  As it happened that Mizraim practiced sodomy, possibly on his son Caphtor (identified in the Bible as Caphtorim(E7)), he also introduced it to Nimrod.  Nimrod (also called Babylonian Zeus, Gilgamesh, and Shiva) tried it, liked it, and incorporated into his mystery religions in direct defiance of God.(E8)  For a great article on the origins of the names of the various gods and goddesses of old, please visit ldoldphin.org(E9)

A mystery religion is defined as a religion centered on secret or mystical rites for initiates, especially any of a number of cults popular during the late Roman Empire.(E10)  These religions usually involve the impartation of hidden wisdom after being "illuminated" through anal sex.  If the person sees flashes of light while engaging in ritual anal sex, they are said to have become "illuminated".  Jesus Christ spoke about this while he was on Earth:

       "The light of the body is the eye: If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine
         eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great
         is that darkness!"  Matthew 6:22

The occultist, in this case the Kabbalist, believes that 'light' or 'hidden wisdom' enters the body through the anus.  The muscle of the sphincter looks similar to the retina of the eye.  For this reason, the deep occultist calls this the "hidden" or "third" eye.  This, of course, goes against what the Lord was just saying, in addition to the prohibition against sodomy:  "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination."  Leviticus 18:22

A lesser known mystery is that when Osiris was dismembered, he became known as Banebdjedet, also called Baphomet, the ram-god of Mendes.  The image is that of a winged, goat-headed man with female breasts and a caduceus penis.  The right hand is lifted up toward a crescent moon in the night sky with the Latin word 'solve', pronounced sol-vay, meaning "separate", written on the right arm and the left arm pointed down toward a dark crescent moon in a light sky with the Latin word 'coagula', meaning "join together" written on the left arm.(E11)  A picture of he/she/it is featured below:

Baphomet, the ram-god of Mendes

As you can see, Baphomet is made up of different creatures:  Human, animal and spirit.  A few things can be associated with Baphomet immediately just by looking at the picture above:  Gender confusion, also called gender dysphoria - a state of mind where the person is confused or in denial regarding their sexual and/or biological identity; a hatred of light, a.k.a. truth; a love of lies; sexual impurity.

The recent movie 'Wonder Woman', featuring Gal Gadot, references Baphomet.  In one scene, she is dressed in a blue dress with her sword, called 'God-killer', sticking down the back with the hilt pointing upward.  The shape of the hilt is similar in shape to the horns with the flame coming out of it.(E12)  The sword down the back of the dress also serves as a reference to sodomy, specifically anal sex.

The grounds of the Washington Monument feature two ovals that overlap one another.  This serves as the foundation for a couple of images.  The first image is that of a man engaging in anal sex.  This is demonstrated by the Washington Monument in the middle area of the overlapping ovals.  The ovals themselves represent the buttocks and the space in the middle represents the butt crack with the Monument itself representing an erect penis.

(View from above of the Washington Monument; Names of businesses and organizations appearing on this photograph are coincidental and do not constitute an endorsement of this book nor an accusation against them.)

This assertion is further proved in this manner:  Every July 4th celebration in recent years features a fireworks display that increases in intensity until rockets with white tails shoot up the middle of the Washington Monument simulating an orgasm.  The fireworks up until this point represent the act of sexual intercourse itself.  The display then continues for about a minute or so, reducing in intensity until the display is over.  This represents the release of pressure in the body following the orgasm.  A saying that backs even this up exists here in America, that having sexual intercourse is "making your own fireworks".

The second image inferred is called the Leviathan Cross.  In alchemy, it is the symbol for sulfur(E13), and is considered one of the three essential elements of Nature, salt and mercury being the other two.(E14)  It is formed when the double oval on the grounds of Washington Monument are joined with the street plans of Washington, D.C., heading north past the White House up to the Congressional Club connecting specific points (Washington Monument to National Christmas Tree; John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts to Columbus Circle; Washington Circle Park, Washington equestrian statue to Carnegie Library; Dupont Circle to Logan Circle, equestrian statue of J.A. Logan; Washington Monument to Congressional Club) along the way.  The image of the street plans also makes the Papal Cross(E15), which points to the mother of Kabbalah, the Roman Catholic Church.  The Bible calls her by this name:  "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."  Revelation 17:5

(Leviathan Cross)

The image of Baphomet made its first appearance in Eliphas Levi's "Dogma and Rituals of High Magic" published in 1854.(E16)  The name was used centuries earlier in trials of the Knights Templar,(E17) and as far back as the year 1098 in a letter written by Anselm of Ribemont.(E18)

Eliphas Levi was born Alphonse Louis Constant (02/08/1810 - 05/31/1875).(E19)  He was the son of a Parisian shoemaker and began attending the seminary of Saint Sulpice in 1830, studying to become a Roman Catholic priest.  He left the seminary in 1836 after falling in love, and eventually became involved with people such as Henri-Francois-Alphonse Esquiros, Gerard de Nerval, Theophile Gautier, and Felicite de Lamennais, the former leader of an influential neo-Catholic movement who had broken ties with Rome, propagating Christian socialism.(E20)

Many people have offered speculation as to why Alphonse Constant chose to start going by the name Eliphas Levi.  Some have speculated that it was his attempt to translate or transliterate his given names "Alphonse Louis" into the Hebrew language.(E21)  Having considered the matter, I believe the reason he chose Eliphas Levi is because of the meanings of the names.

The name Eliphas means "My God is beaten gold".  This comes from the Hebrew word Eli, meaning "my God",(E22) and -phas meaning "agile" which, when applied to gold as used in the Bible, means "beaten gold" or gold leaf.(E23)  Gold is seen in the Bible as representing the glory, and by extension, the favor, of God.  Levi means "joined"(E24), and has as its application meaning "bound" or "I am bound."  As it pertains to Eliphas Levi, it takes on the meaning "That I glorify God (Yahweh) is a covering.  Banebdjedet (Baphomet) is my god".

Eliphas Levi, in addition to worshiping Baphomet, tended to think of himself as a god.  This belief was apparently picked up by fellow occultist Helena Petrovna (H.P.) Blavatsky.  In her book, "Paradoxes of the Highest Science"(E25), she references his belief in his own 'deific' nature:

       "Magic is the divinity of man conquered by science in union with faith;
        the true Magi are Men-Gods, in virtue of their intimate union with the
        divine principle."

This belief works itself out in Kabbalah and D.C. politics fiercely.  They routinely think of themselves as superior to others, often feigning interest in "the little people" only to receive adoration of them.  In a statement by Mike Gallagher, who ran for Congress (House of Representatives) in 2016, he thought the problem with with nation was the people itself. When he got there and actually participated in the legislative process, he changed his mind.  He discovered that the legislative process, and by this it reflects the attitudes of the people behind it; he discovered that the legislative process is "defective", and "a power structure that, whichever party is in charge, funnels all power to leadership and stifles debate and initiative within the ranks."(E26)  He further states that speaking of reforming the legislative process is not only infuriating, but also boring.

"No one wants to have me on Fox News or MSNBC to discuss the finer points of appropriations versus authorization committees (caravans and Kavanaugh make for better theater)."

He also goes on to state some of the dangers of not "boiling the water" or "freezing it", but rather letting it become lukewarm.  "How did an institution that was once admired around the world become so toothless? This sounds almost quaint now, but the Framers were gravely concerned about the risk of legislative predominance. They would be puzzled to see how Congress has squandered its power of the purse by putting most federal spending on autopilot (more than 70 percent today and growing). They would also be shocked to see Congress systematically surrender its constitutional authority on national-security issues to the executive branch. Since the passage—over Richard Nixon’s veto—of the 1973 War Powers Resolution, which was (ironically) intended to rein in the war powers of the president, presidents of both parties have submitted 168 reports to Congress as required under the WPR, but only one president has triggered the requirement for the withdrawal of forces after 60 days without congressional authorization."(E27)

That the practice of ritual sodomy should be played out in the laws of the United States should not come as a surprise.  The phrase, "The government is screwing us over," a reference to the usurpation of our rights and monies, and broken campaign promises, carries a sexual overtone.  It is a corrupt reference to the act of sexual intercourse.

Some of the laws and practices that manifest itself at this stage are:  The income tax (This is a tax on the amount of money you earn, and functions as a 'pay us to let you work' tax.  This is in addition to the tax laws prescribed by the United States Constitution); the business license (a 'pay us to let you work for yourself' tax - this one will be talked about in more detail in a later section); sales tax (a 'pay us for letting you buy something' tax); driver's license fees ('pay us for letting you drive a vehicle' tax); marriage license ('pay us for letting you get married and recognizing your marriage' tax).

Since a number of politicians promise things they do not hope to fulfill to the American public, we should also look at broken campaign promises, that is, promises made to voters only for the purpose of getting the vote.  Former President Barack Obama, in his 2008 campaign, promised to get rid of special tax breaks for oil and gas companies, special expensing rules, foreign tax credit benefits, and manufacturing deductions for oil and gas firms.(E28)  In 2013 however, according to the American Petroleum Institute, none of these changes had been enacted.(E29)  This is but a small sample of the lie pie that has been continually shoved down the throats of the American public since before we were born.

Station #8:  Hod - Majesty

The next stop on the Tree of Life is Hod.(H1)  Hod (pronounced howd) means 'majesty, splendor, glory.'  Once the Kabbalist has been initiated into the "kingdom" of Kabbalah (Malkhut) by moving away from God's kingdom, and having established a foundation(Yesod) as being committed to the teachings of Kabbalah by rejecting, or at least scorning Jesus Christ in some fashion (ethnic Jews will likely be told that they are affirming their Jewish identity by denying Jesus as Messiah), they then start to steal glory from God, often in the form of rebellion.  One way this has manifested itself is in the defiant comments issued by America's leaders after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center towers.  Consider these comments spoken by America's leaders after the attacks:

     Tom Daschle:  "I know that there is only the smallest measure of inspiration that can be taken from this devasta-
                             tion. But there is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that I think speaks to us all at times like this.
                             ‘The bricks have fallen down but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been
                             felled but we will replace them with cedars.’ That is what we will do. We will rebuild and we will

     John Edwards:  "The bricks have fallen but we will rebuild with dressed stones; the sycamores have been cut
                             down but we will put cedars in their place..."(H3)

     President Obama:  "While our economy may be weakened and our confidence shaken, though we are living
                                   through difficult and uncertain times, tonight I want every American to know this -- We will
                                   rebuild, we will recover and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before,"(H4)

     Multiple leaders reflecting the sentiment found here:  (H5)

Using the phrase "we will" in this context indicates that the (above) speakers knew that what happened was a judgment from Almighty God, chose to rebel against him and his chastisement of us in saying that we will do according to our will, and proceeded to steal glory from the LORD God by making ourselves look stronger than him, setting ourselves up to be some kind of god.

Stealing glory from God is something that happens not only in Kabbalah but in Christianity as well.  Marion Gordon Robertson, commonly known as Pat Robertson, was the angel (chief messenger) of Laodicean church age in 2001, appointed so by the Lord Jesus Christ in the 1970s.  In 2001, Pat Robertson resigned his position as head of the Christian Coalition.  He then threw his support behind then-President George W. Bush, a move seen by those within and without the Christian faith as him turning over leadership of the churches to the (Office of the) President of the United States.(H6)  This was further proven when Mr. Robertson declared concerning President Barack Obama, "I find nothing wrong with him."

This is one act of thievery:  turning over leadership of the churches to a known occultist, that is, a Christian in name only.  The other act of thievery, even greater than that, was the timing and meaning behind this transfer of power.  The time was December 23, 2001, the end of the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia, designed to honor their god Saturn.(H7)(H8)  The end of Saturnalia was marked with a sacrifice to Saturn, a public banquet, and private gift-giving, among other things.

Two of these things were accomplished that day:  The sacrifice to Saturn (a.k.a. Satan) took place when Pat Robertson quit the Christian coalition, and the private gift-giving was Pat Robertson declaring that then-President Bush was God by throwing his support behind him.  This occult ritual was done with the full knowledge of the significance of both of these individuals and reflects an initiation ritual along the "Gimel" path on the way to "Keter" where the individual is considered by their fellow Kabbalists/Kabbalicians to be equal with God the Father (Yahweh/Jehovah).

It is at this point that a "feminine side" of Kabbalah is made known to the initiate.  Goddess worship is introduced.  The masculinity of God is corrupted here, making it seem as though God has feminine aspects, perhaps breasts as noted on the image of Baphomet.  Worship of the "Queen of Heaven" is introduced at this point, and it is taught that she (Inanna, Anat, Isis, Astarte, Hera, and possibly Asherah)(H9) is the wife of Yahweh/Jehovah.  As it was once said, "Jehovah and his Asherah."

Few people receive more praise than someone in theater.  It is fitting then that Hod in Washington, D.C., is found at the John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts.  Theater performers, actors, were called in ancient times hypocrites, pretenders.(67)  These hypocrites (hypokrites) were actors, just like today's movie stars or Broadway performers, acting out a scene from a historical event or perhaps a work of fiction.

Some people practice pretending not to entertain or educate, but to acquire ill gotten gain.  This is an extremely common practice in Washington, D.C., where politicians pretend to care about those they represent only long enough to get your vote so they can get rich quick by taking bribes from wealthy businessmen and women, even other politicians.  When the healthcare bill known as the "Affordable Care Act" or "Obamacare" was passed,(68) one politician, whose name I can't remember, said that he "didn't know anyone who didn't get something out of it," meaning he didn't know of any then-current politician who didn't get some sort of kickback (bribe, buyout).

To give you an idea of the magnitude of this, there were 535 people in Congress.  This politician, a male, said that he didn't know of anyone who was not financially compensated in some form in order to get the bill passed.  One Congresswoman, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, proclaimed on television that her bribe was $300,000,000!  Not only that, it was done, according to her, at the request of Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.(69)  While no one would be against Congress, and the President making money, the unlawfulness of them making money at the expense of our rights, freedoms, and liberties should and must be stopped.

The path connecting Yesod and Hod is designated Resh.(70)  In order to successfully progress from Yesod to Hod, and thus higher up in the ranks, one must now begin to worship female deities.  The worship of anyone  or any thing other than Yahweh is expressly forbidden in Scripture:  "Thou shalt have no other gods before me,"(71) and "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment."(72)

As it relates to Washington, D.C., the art of the con (deception toward theft) is perfected there.  The title hypocrite is most rightly laid upon the men and women in government.  Take our current President, Donald Trump.  He ran on the promise of making America great again.  Yet he has made deals with the leaders of foreign nations for the enslavement of our people, even to being replaced should "the supply lines fail in 'critical areas'".  This he has done knowing these same foreign nations intend to attack and enslave us.(73)  These are but a few of the examples on pretending going on in Washington, D.C.

The letter Resh has the symbolic meaning of 'head'.  The Scriptures tell us not to "be conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good,that acceptable and perfect will of God."(74)  The believer on Jesus Christ is instructed to consider things not as the world thinks which is, "If it feels good, do it," but rather "Let all things be done decently and in order."(75)  

In Washington, D.C., however it is not so.  Murder of the unborn is considered acceptable (410 U.S. 113 (1973)(76), homosexual/sodomite marriage is condoned and promoted(77), prayers to God were made illegal in public schools(78).  Even though the right of students to pray before class or over meals was not directly infringed upon, the decision handed down by SCOTUS in Engel v. Vitale has been used to suppress the free exercise of the Christian faith in the nation.(79)

The esoteric, or hidden, meaning of Resh is "recognition".  It is here that the Kabbalist (Kabbalist means follower or practitioner of Kabbalah) begins to "recognize" that Yahweh is not his or her God, but Heylel, a.k.a. Lucifer, the Devil, Satan, is!  The Kabbalist is taught that while Jesus Christ is the Messiah prophesied in the Torah/Old Testament, he is only Messiah to the foolish and unlearned.  This is in violation of what the Holy Ghost said through Peter when he said that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, meaning that it doesn't prophesy that Jesus Christ is Messiah to some but someone else is to others.(80)

Washington politicians, in order to progress higher up the power structure, have to recognize this also else appointments with the most influence will pass they by, to be given to those eager to "embrace the truth".  One person suspected of doing this is U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (Republican, South Carolina).

Most major news networks are decidedly Democrat.  This means that favorable coverage is given to Democrats and Democrat candidates while unfavorable coverage is given to Republicans and Republican candidates.  About the year 2013, Senator Graham starting receiving lots of press coverage, this after years of almost zero mention of him.  So drastic was the turn around, even though coverage of him still remains mostly negative, the major news organizations (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, etc... and by extension, their parent companies and majority share/stakeholders) seemed to seek him out, as though they valued his opinion.  He even appeared next to then-President Obama saying that if we don't attack Syria, Iran will attack us with a nuclear weapon.(81)

Another aspect of Resh is the refusal to recognize Jesus Christ in any situation unless absolutely necessary, and then that must be corrupted as quickly as possible.  In April, 1989, then-President George Herbert Walker Bush, by implication, stated that the United States of America is founded on the Noahide laws.(82)  The Noahide laws are a set of principles supposedly given by God to Noah(83), presumably after the Great Flood.(84)

Under the tutelage of Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides),(85) Christians, and by extension Christian nations, are idolatrous.(86)  As such, they are liable to be executed.(87)(88)  Under Noahide law, Jesus is a false prophet, and any who call themselves his followers are false prophets also.(89)  The penalty for being a false prophet under Noahide law is death and any person that holds themselves back from killing a false prophet, specifically a Christian, is a transgressor (of Noahide law)(90), and as such may be punished by death.(91)

That America is an idolatrous nation by Noahide standards even made its way into American popular culture during the solar eclipse of 2017.  Various news organizations from around the world reported that the eclipse was a sign and act of judgment from God, that is, Yahweh, upon a nation.

From haaretz.com:  “Eclipses happen because people sin,” he said. There’s no getting around it, Brown says. The Talmud - the central text of rabbinic Judaism - is unambiguous in its interpretation of eclipses - both lunar and solar, as a form of divine punishment - a curse to be dreaded and feared, rather than a miraculous wonder of nature.(92)

From wnd.com:  “Now, this Aug 21, 2017, we have a total solar eclipse going over the United States,” he noted. “This is again at the beginning the month of repentance on the first of Elul! Could God be giving us a warning that we need to repent or judgment will be coming to the United States? The timing couldn’t be clearer!(93)

The refusal to recognize Jesus Christ and his teachings as the foundation of our nation has even made it into American law!  HJ Res. 104, designating March 26, 1991 as "Education Day, U.S.A."(94)(95) quietly brought the Noahide laws into American statute.  Following is a summarized version of what happened, when it happened, and how it happened:

 Here is the subsequent record of what took place AFTER the members were gone.  Item 30.15 of the JHR was a routine announcement concerning recesses and a joint session with the President of the United States:

          But then after almost everyone was gone for the day, Item 30.16 on the agenda, HJ Res. 104, the Resolution in question, was surreptiously brought up on the House floor with only four members present, who spoke on behalf of the Resolution.  This is how it occurred:

          Congressman Thomas Sawyer (D-OH), the Chairman of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service asked for “unanimous consent” to take up HJ Res. 104.  Congressman Thomas Ridge (R-PA) reserved the right to object, but did not object.  If he had objected, it would have stopped the process of unanimous consent.  Instead, he acknowledged the work of Minority Leader Michel who was the chief sponsor of this legislation and he then yielded to (Jewish) Congressman Benjamin Gilman (R-NY).  Congressman Gilman spoke briefly as did Minority Leader Michel.  It appears likely that these four Congressmen were the only ones present.

After assisting with the underhanded passage of HJ Res. 104, Congressman Thomas Ridge also subsequently assisted in the cover up of the truth of 9/11, claiming that flight #93 crashed in Pennsylvania, even though NO parts of an airplane or passengers or baggage were ever found.  From then on Thomas Ridge’s career blossomed!  At the time of 9/11, Ridge was Governor of Pennsylvania (1995-2001).  But in 2003, Ridge was named the First Secretary of the new Department of Homeland Security (2003-2005).  After the tragic multiple shootings at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007, Ridge became part of the committee to cover up what actually happened in that event.

Continuing with the debacle of the “Noahide Laws” passage, the Speaker pro tempore asked if there was any objection to the request from Congressman Sawyer.  There was no objection.

     On motion of Mr. Sawyer, by unanimous consent, the Committee on Post Office and Civil service was discharged from further consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 104) to designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S. A.”
     When said joint resolution was considered, read twice, ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, was read a third time by title, and passed.
     A motion to reconsider the vote whereby said joint resolution was passed was, by unanimous consent, laid on the table.
     Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in said joint resolution.

          Their total remarks consumed no more than four or five minutes and there was not even a mention of the Seven Noahide Laws.  For the balance of the early evening these routine non-controversial items were considered by the “House” with only these four members present.(96)

Netzah - "eternity"

Station #7 travelling up the Kabbalist's Tree of Life is Netzah, which means "eternity".  The Kabbalist believes that eternity is cyclical,(97) that there is no eternal damnation for the wicked.(98)  From the Kabbalist's point of view, Hell no longer exists or, if it does, there is nothing to worry about because it won't last forever.(99)  They use this reasoning to justify their actions, calling God a liar in the process.  Yahweh, however, has something different to say:

          "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
           Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee,cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed,
           rather than having two hands or two feet,to be cast into everlasting fire." Daniel 12:2, Matthew 18:8

This brings up the question, "Why would a loving God send people to Hell?"  The answer is, He wouldn't.  As it is written in the Scriptures concerning Hell, with no accusation toward the reader meant:  "Depart from me ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels."  Matthew 25:41

It is quietly taught in Washington, D.C. that eternity is cyclical, even if on a subconscious level.  Many politicians feign a commitment to the eternal God and his works with 92 percent of Congress (114th session, 2015) professing a belief and/or relationship to Christianity in some way(100), yet it has also been taught since at least the 1960s that the government is God.  Evidence of this exists in certain television sign-off broadcasts.

Aforetime, (a fancy sounding word meaning "How things used to be"), television stations did not broadcast 24 hours a day.  At the end of the day, usually late at night, television stations would "sign off", that is, they would quit broadcasting television shows by playing the United States' National Anthem.  This would feature various images form around the U.S. with the words to the first verse printed along the bottom of the screen.(101)  Just before the lyrics would come up,other words would appear quickly only to be immediately erased by the lyrics of the National Anthem. One such statement is "Trust the U.S. Government."(102)  Another is "God is real, God is watching."(103)  And yet a third, and most revealing about the thoughts of politicians in Washington, D.C. (at the Keter stage of Kabbalah) is "Believe in government God."(104)

The road from Hod to Netzah is governed by the letter Peh.  Peh has the common meaning for mouth.  Here the Kabbalist learns the art of lying.  These often promote themselves as being lovers of God, but actually deny him, and think himself to be the source of sin and death in the world and they have to correct God's(Yahweh's) mistakes.(106)(107)(108)  These grieve God and heap upon themselves damnation unto the day of judgment,(109) which is fast approaching, except they repent.

Over the course of writing this book, it has become increasingly difficult to keep my thoughts on Kabbalah students and Kabbalah's influence in Washington, D.C. separate.  So much so, that it seems that all D.C. politicians that have been there for any length of time are also Kabbalists.  It is for this reason (I may have explained it earlier) that I use the term 'Kabbalician' when referring to America's elected officials.(110)

The esoteric meaning of Peh is "immortality".  The Kabbalician believes that they are immortal, or that they can achieve immortality without putting their trust in Yahweh's Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.(111)  They believe they can achieve immortality, and thus godhood, by various rituals designed to separate them from the Lord God.  One such ritual is the "spirit cooking" ritual.(112)

Spirit cooking is a process by which the occultist (in this case, Kabbalician) believes they can achieve immortality by drinking breast milk.  Evidence of drinking breast milk in an attempt to gain immortality can be found in the Mystery religions of Attis, Dionysius, Persephone, Isis, as well as the stories of Heracles.(113)  While this practice can be found in the past, the high priestess of spirit cooking in America today must be Marina Abramovic.(114)

Marina Abramovic was born in 1946 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia to Vojin and Danica (Rosic) Abramovic.(115)  Her great-uncle was Varnava (born Petar Rosic, in Pljevlja, Ottoman Empire, 08/29/1880), a patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox church.(116)  She was raised by her grandparents until the age of six, when she went to live with her parents, after the birth of her brother.  She took piano, French, and English lessons, and although she was not formally schooled, took an interest in art.  She was a student of the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade from 1965 to 1970, completing post-graduate studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, SR Croatia in 1972, and taught at the Academy of Fine Arts in Novi Sad in Serbia.(117)(118)

She was abused by her mother as a child.  As Miss Abramovic describes it, "[My] mother took complete military-style control of me and my brother. I was not allowed to leave the house after 10 o'clock at night till I was 29 years old."(119)  Her parents' marriage was a troubled one, describing a particular incident in "Famous for The Artist Is Present, Abramovic will share The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic and more with Toronto June 14 to 23"(120), by Richard Ouzounian, in which her father once smashed 12 champagne glasses as "the most horrible moment of my childhood."(121)

It is not known exactly when Miss Abramovic began her fascination with the macabre, but it seems to have happened while she lived at home with her mother and "blossomed" while she was married to Nesa Paripovic(122), a conceptual artist also born in Belgrade .  Conceptual art, sometimes called conceptualism, is defined as "art in which concepts or ideas involved in the work take precedence over traditional aesthetic, technical and material concerns."(123)  This means that it is more important for the artist to be happy than be concerned with whether or not they should be doing something, a.k.a. being right, a concept promoted heavily in Kabbalah.  While not all of her work involves death and the occult, even some of it thought-provoking, a lot of it is provocative in nature, including many nude photographs.(124)

According to Miss Abramovic, "If you are doing the occult magic in the context of art or in a gallery, then it is the art. If you are doing it in different context, in spiritual circles or private house or on TV shows, it is not art. The intention, the context for what is made, and where it is made defines what art is or not."(125)  This provides heavy evidence of her involvement in occult-like activities, as referenced by the email sent to Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta, chief of staff to former President Bill Clinton and chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential election campaign.(126)(127)

This seems to solidify that Miss Abramovic is, in fact, an occultist.  As to the identity of her particular object of devotion, it appears to be the Anton LaVey (founder of the Church of Satan)(128) version of Satan.  This version, which he likes, is that Satan is personal desire, and stands as the enemy of any form of limitation in the seeking of pleasure.

Laws and court cases decided by politicians and judges at this level most-often are noticed or promoted as diversity laws.  Chief among these are the Equal Opportunity Employment/Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action laws.  While it is generally not against the law for a business to refuse to help someone based upon religion, creed, national origin, sexual preference, etc..., various court cases are making such things de facto law, that is, even though it is not officially regarded as law, it is the tradition of a government to regard these things as law.

In the case of Oncale vs. Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc.,(129) the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled that it is illegal to 'harass' homosexual persons, classifying such behavior as sex-based discrimination.  While harassment should not be welcome in any place of business, this is becoming/has come to mean that anyone who speaks against homosexuality in any manner has committed a crime.

In the case of Glenn v. Brumley,(130) it is illegal to 'discriminate' (by extension, have an opinion against it) transgender persons.  A transgender person is commonly defined as a person that starts to dress like, look like, and act like a member of the opposite sex.  Glenn v. Brumley defines a person as being transgender as "the perception that his or her behavior transgresses gender stereotypes."(131)  Under this definition, all persons that act against the perceived normal behavior of the sex they were born into are considered transgender,  This essentially forbids having any unfavorable opinion of any form of sexual behavior because it is "sex-based", that is, it is connected to the genitals of a person in some form.

A Colorado baker, Jack Phillips, refused to decorate a cake for a homosexual couple.  The couple sued, the case eventually making its way before SCOTUS.(132)  While the court sided on the part of Mr. Phillips, the State of Colorado has refused to allow him to make ANY wedding cakes because it would violate a 2008 law that requires public businesses to serve all customers without regard to sexual orientation.(133)

The corresponding landmark in Washington, D.C., for this station in Columbus Circle.

Tif'eret - "adornment"

Station #6 of the Kabbalist/D.C. politician tree of life is Tif'eret, the "adornment."  Practitioners of Kabbalah at this state will wear certain manners of clothing and/or jewelry.  This is done to identify the initiate as to whether or not a particular ritual has been completed, is in the process of being completed,  The "Putting On the Names" ritual in Kabbalah consists of putting on a robe that has the "sacred Names of God".(134)  This is said to induce "undistracted meditation on the names that would carry him (Merkabah mystic) toward visionary experience."(135)

A particular type of clothing is worn by initiates into D.C. politics, red and blue clothing.  For men, it is a red or blue (azure or "Babylonian") tie.  For women, it appears to be the same colors although applied to clothing instead of a tie.  Male initiates into the real workings of D.C. politics wear a red tie. This signifies that they are willing participants in the Mystery religions and put the nation's well-being beneath that of the "masters".  The wearing of a blue tie signifies the successful completion of a ritual.  Many times, a politician will be seen wearing red ties after blue ties and vice versa.  This simply means that there are a lot of rituals taking place, all of which are designed to exact loyalty toward a global society, self-deification, and the declaring of Satan to be their spiritual father and guide.

For the Putting On the Names ritual, what is happening is not the person meditating on the Names of God but rather wrapping himself in the "names of God", declaring that he is God.(136)  This begins a transcendency ritual whereby the participant is translated from a being of flesh into a being of spirit.  It is not relevant that the body does not change, only that the feeling exists that the transformation has occurred.

Persons at this level will embrace earth spirituality.  This will take the form of "caring for the environment".  While it is good to live cleanly, it is quite another thing to worship the ground you walk on.  Various environmental laws, codes, creeds, etc... will be passed and adhered to under the guise of protecting the environment.

Perhaps the most bizarre form of this is the granting of "human rights" to various parts of the environment.  This idea began in the 1970s with Christopher D. Stone(137), a J. Thomas McCarthy Trustee Chair in Law, Emeritus,(138) as a "strategic environmental defence strategy."(139)  Mr. Stone is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard and the recipient of a Juris Doctorate (JD) from Yale Law School.  He was Fellow in Law and Economics at the University of Chicago, and has written a number of books including "Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in International Law", “The Environment in Wartime: An Overview”, and "Should Trees Have Standing?: And Other Essays on Law, Morals & the Environment".(140)

The problem with granting the environment, a.k.a. the earth, or parts thereof, human rights is that it limits the activities humans are able to do in their environment, up to and including acquiring drinking and bathing water from rivers and streams, acquiring wood for use in making paper, even to acquiring minerals underground to make electronics and various plastics, both of which have drastically improved our standard of living and increased our knowledge of things in many areas.  Another problem is that it appears not to be about the environment at all, but rather a religious preference, political hit piece, and money making scheme operating under the guise of environmental protection.  An excerpt from therebel.media backs this up:

          "According to Robin Milam from the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, these laws recognize natural
          communities as subjects with standing under the law.

          "But how do you violate a river’s human rights when it’s not human?

          "When you look a little closer at cases where these laws have been used, it seems more about protecting
          special interests than the rights of the environment.

          "Other beneficiaries include environmental groups like the Sierra Club, whose “causes” include rallying
          against Republicans and the oil and gas industry.

          "Under the guise of protecting the environment from effects of climate change, groups could potentially use
          the laws as roadblocks for oil and gas projects."(141)

What people like these don't want you to realize is that human beings are, if you take a belief in evolution, a natural part of the environment.  Therefore, to be prosecuted because of our actions against one or more parts of the environment is meaningless, and even violates natural law.  From a Creationist standpoint, we are separate and distinct from our environment and are therefore not capable of being sued by it.  In either case, only an intelligent being that presumes to be, or is, equal to or greater than his or her environment can bring suit against another.

It would seem also that the effects of Kabbalah are not limited to only the United States of America.  On March 20, 2017, India, home to more than 1.34 billion people(142) (1/6th the population of the world based on current estimates(143)) the Ganges and Yamuna rivers have been given "human rights".(144)  This means instant restriction of access to the rivers where many people get food, bathe in, or travel in order to support their families.

In New Zealand, the Maori tribe of Whanganui has been able to have the government of New Zealand recognize the Whanganui river as a living entity (person).(145)

Concerning fishing and hunting, it is illegal in every state in the United States to hunt and fish without a license.  This does not actually give fish and other wildlife human rights, but with the right bribe to the right politician(s), it can become so.

The road to Tif'eret is governed by the letter Nun.  Nun in the vulgate, that is, common, symbolism means fish.  One of the main symbols of Christianity is the fish.  The origin of this is said to originate in the parable of the feeding of the 5,000 men (in addition to women and children) with five loaves of bread and two fish.(147)  In Washington, D.C. politics, all Presidential candidates must profess Christianity.  They need not believe it, but profess it only.  Indeed, every single President the United States has ever had, including President Trump claims or has been claimed to be a Christian.(148)  While there are some who can be considered faithful Christians without question, such as President Washington, President Lincoln, and President Reagan, others are not so convincing.  These include former Presidents George H.W. Bush(#41), William (Bill) Clinton(#42), George W. Bush(#43), Barack Obama(#44), and Donald Trump (#45).

To the D.C. politician and the Kabbalist, in order to reach Tif-eret you must demonstrate a loyalty to the kingdom of darkness.  You must, in some form, corrupt the good things of God to lead some astray.  For the Kabbalist, this would take the form of corrupting the Scriptures through private interpretations or over-spiritualization of actual events(149), or corrupt copyings, which are translations.  This is seen especially within the Christian church as there are at least 110 versions of the Scripture printed since the King James Version in 1611.(150)(Note: Revised editions were counted as separate translations for this work.)

For the politician, this would take the form of ecuminism, that is, a one-size-fits-all approach to everything from religion to government.  For religion, this would take the form of religious unity or the breakdown of religious barriers such as the National Prayer Breakfast attended by President Trump in February, 2017.(151)  The National Prayer Breakfast was started by President Eisenhower in 1953.(152)  This seems to be related to the worship of Imbolg as it takes place on the 1st Thursday of each February and Imbolg is worshipped on February 2, a.k.a. Groundhog's Day.(153)  Imbolg, or Imbolc as some spell it, is also the source of the name Bolg, the son of Azog the Destroyer in J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit".(154)

The occult meaning of Peh is reversibility.  D.C. politicians and Kabbalists perfect the art of two-facedness.  Such persons are very predatory and will often tell a person one thing to their face, and do something else.  They prey on the inherent desire of people to be able to trust in their leaders.  One example of this would be child molestation.  To the parents of children, they may pass themselves off as being innocent of such a crime, saying they are against it, yet when trust is put in them, the trust is betrayed.  The child that has been violated often feels scared, and may think they won't be believed by their parents if they do say something.

Another example of the "reversibility" associated with Nun is former South Carolina U.S. Senator Ernest "Fritz" Hollings.  In 1989, then Senator Hollings was going to place a vote concerning abortion.  He stated previously that he was going to vote against it.  However, when the vote was taken, Sen. Hollings was found to have voted in favor of it.(155)

It was about the same time Hurricane Hugo was passing by South Carolina.  According to Rob Fowler, a meteorologist with Channel 2 News in Charleston, South Carolina, some of the models forecast that Hugo (hurricanes are sometimes referred to only by their name) would pass off to the north, not making landfall in South Carolina.(156)  At some point, Hugo approached the coast of South Carolina but turned back out to sea.(157)  The vote in Congress was taken and it turned out that Senator Hollings voted in favor of abortion.

In astrology, the fish is known as Pisces.  It is pictured as two fishes with a string connecting the mouth of each fish.  In astrology, Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune.(158)  In Roman mythology, Jupiter was the king of the gods and originally ruled alone.  In recent times, when Neptune was discovered, Pisces began to be associated (ruled) by him.  In his role as king of the gods, to the Christian and Jew, Jupiter would be associated with Jehovah/Yahweh.  Neptune, as god of the sea, and since the sea is usually seen as a type of the unbelieving world in Judeo/Christian symbology, is representative of Satan.  Pisces then represents the two-faced nature that those traveling path Nun must embrace:  Speak "Lord, Lord" in public but in private speak "Baal, Baal".

"Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:"  Isaiah 29:13

The corresponding D.C. landmark here is the White House.


Station #5 up the chain of command in Kabbalah is Gevurah, which means "power, strength."  The Kabbalician acknowledges that all their power and strength comes from Heylel, a.k.a. Satan.  They begin seeking his favor in earnest, rejecting the God of heaven and digging deeper and deeper toward Hell.

Individuals at this level will appear very caring on the surface, very gentle.  Even an examination of their works may not reveal anything.  These individuals are very crafty, and not likely to let any secrets slip as to their true nature unless they are sending messages to one another.

An air of invincibility may surround these people, thinking they cannot be touched or "too big to fail" as in the case of mortgage finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  The Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA, Fannie Mae) was formed in 1938 by Congress former US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) as part of his "New Deal" program, for the express purpose of taking business from smaller banks and transferring the money to larger corporations,(159) the effect of which serves to pool together a lot of wealth to a few people and which damages the economy and security of a nation.  Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, or FHLMC) is the "brother" of Fannie Mae.  It was created in 1970, again by Congress; its purpose is to buy up mortgages on a secondary market, convert them to mortgage-backed securities, and sold to financial institutions and investors on the open market.(160)  This has much the same effect as Fannie Mae as it gathers together the debt of the masses and funnels the money they would pay on their debts to only a few.

In 2008, the so-called housing bubble(161), largely caused by financial institutions such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lending money to individuals who were not in a condition to pay back the loan, burst, causing thousands to default on their mortgages and leaving many homeless.  Because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were partially backed/owned by the United States government, this shifted the burden of their bad loans onto the backs of the American people.  It provided guaranteed protection to their investors while leaving the public to pay off the loans and mortgage debt.  The financial strength of the American public suffered another heavy burden and transferred to institutions like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because they were "too big to fail."

Kabbalicians at this level hoard power to themselves and become very suspicious of anyone who seems like they might be a threat.  A loose agreement with like-minded individuals is made to help strengthen each other, but trust is never fully given because such persons realize they are in the company of persons like themselves.  This is one of the reasons that bizarre rituals like spirit cooking, sex acts, and human sacrifice are done (Ahiziya Osceola, Mariah Woods, etc..), so that if any of them get out of line, much "dirt" can be brought out into the open and the person or persons be dealt with publicly, with little to no recourse for the offending individuals.

Columbus Circle...

In dealing with occult symbolism, people investigating it should tread carefully, especially if layering is suspected. 

Christians not considered Israelites (!)
Teaching of Kabbalah (!!)
Kabbalah justifies sin, sees it as a good thing(@)
Kabbalah teaches happiness over rightness (@@)
In Kabbalah, God creates us sinners, and we have to correct the problem (#)
Kabbalah makes the creation (men) equal with God, God is evil(##)  Include in Station Keter
Kabbalah teaches us that Hell is nothing more than shame we put on ourselves for our actions(##)


This is the most dangerous road for the Kabbalician (kabbalist/politician) to take.  It brings you into a direct confrontation with Jesus Christ.  For those on path Gimel, this represents the last chance the initiate has at being saved.

Gimel has the meaning of camel.  The camel is a beast of burden, an animal that carries the property of another.  In this fashion, Jesus Christ relates to the camel very well in that he takes the burden of our sin onto himself.  This means that you don't have to stand before him and reap the fruit of your sins because he's already done it.

The Kabbalician is taught that there is no burden of sin, that Jesus is the burden, and that if they would be free, they must forsake him forever.  They are taught that the serpent had it right in the garden of Eden and that God is wrong.  They are taught that Satan (Heylel/Lucifer) is the true God and that God the Father (Yahweh/Jehovah) is the real devil.

The hidden meaning of Gimel is nature.  Nature worship must be embraced.  This will manifest itself in Washington, D.C. as burdensome environmental regulations and a fanatical need for recycling. Animal rights activism is also to be expected.  Although the mistreatment of animals is not a good thing, the refusing to build a hospital for the sake of saving five flies is definitely not.  Whatever form the nature worship takes, an open rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ forever must be done.

As testified by Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House (of Representatives), there are "initiation rituals" to be observed in D.C. politics (which is the secret religion of high level D.C. politics).  In order for a person to be a "Washington insider", they must go through an initiation ritual, one that clearly identifies them as morally and spiritually corrupt, and that shows them an enemy of Jesus Christ.  Such is the Gimel ritual.

The exact nature of this ritual is unknown, but it seems likely that it may involve parts of a Masonic ritual where the initiate is granted a 33rd degree status is Scottish Rite Freemasonry.  From what I have been told, in order for the Freemason to become a 33rd degree brother, they are set before an image of Jesus Christ on the cross.  They are told that in order to progress to the final degree, they must spit on the image of Jesus, signifying that the initiate rejects him forever.  If a person does this, they are told they have done the right thing and welcomed as an honored member.  If the initiate does not do this, they are still told they have done the right thing, but are refused admission into the 33rd degree.  They may be told that there are paperwork issues that are happening that are preventing their admission or such like, but it is a lie.  The truth is that the initiate has refused to renounce Jesus Christ forever.  The initiate might still be a welcomed brother at the lodge but will never enjoy the full "benefits" of being a 33rd degree Mason.


Origins of Kabbalah

O1)  https://hebrew4christians.com/Articles/kabbalah/What_is_Kabbalah/what_is_kabbalah.html, accessed 07/21/2018 8:01 PM EST
O2)  https://jewsforjesus.org/publications/issues/issues-v12-n02/a-history-of-the-kabbalah/, accessed 08/24/2018, 11:45 AM EST
O3)  https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/belah/, accessed 08/24/2018, 11:48 AM EST
O4)  https://biblehub.com/hebrew/422.htm, accessed 08/24/2018, 11:58 AM EST
O5)  https://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/hebrew/kjv/kalah.html, accessed 08/24/2018, 12:06 PM EST
O6)  http://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Bel.html#.W4AtPehKiM9, accessed 08/24/2018, 12:08 PM EST
O7)  https://carm.org/origins-and-history-kabbalah, accessed 08/24/2018, 12:10 PM EST
O8)  ibid.
O9)  ibid.
O10)  https://av1611.com/kjbp/kjv-bible-text/Ge-13.html, accessed 08/24/2018, 12:22 PM EST
O11)  https://av1611.com/kjbp/kjv-bible-text/Ge-6.html, accessed 08/24/2018, 12:28 PM EST
O12)  https://carm.org/origins-and-history-kabbalah, accessed 08/24/2018, 12:10 PM EST
O13)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Exodus#Name, accessed 08/24/2018, 12:58 PM EST
O14)  ref. Genesis 3 - KJV
O15)  ibid.

Malkhut - The Kingdom

M1)  The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols - Adele Nozedar
M4)  http://kabbalahstudent.com/a-secret-behind-the-word-israel/, accessed 08/08/2018, 1:10 PM EST
M5) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_war_deities, accessed 08/13/2018, 3:35 PM EST
M12)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Sylvan_Theater#History, accessed 08/13/2018, 4:15 PM EST
M13)  https://www.newspapers.com/clip/4795355/bahai_alice_barney_weds_christian/, accessed 09/17/2018, 12:40 PM EST
M14) ibid.
M15)  http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/bahai/history/origins_1.shtml, accessed 09/17/2018, 12:46 PM EST
M16)  https://www.bahai.org/beliefs/god-his-creation/nature/, accessed 09/17/2018, 12:48 PM EST
M17)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Faiths_of_the_Founding_Fathers, accessed 09/17/2018, 1:04 PM EST
M18)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayflower_Compact, accessed 09/17/2018, 1:19 PM EST
M19)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States, acessed 09/24/2018, 12:12 PM EST
M20)  ibid.
M(21) https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/01/08/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-war-on-poverty/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.afe3cce28254, accessed 09/24/2018, 12:38 PM EST
M22)  https://www.smartdrugpolicy.org/nixon-and-the-start-of-the-drug-war-1969-1974/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyt3UgIrU3QIVSoezCh1eGQfTEAAYASAAEgKXSPD_BwE, accessed 09/24/2018, 12:42 PM EST
M23)  https://fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/RS22926.pdf, accessed 09/24/2018, 1:39 PM EST
M24)  ibid.
M25)  ibid.
M26)  http://usdebtclock.org/, accessed 09/26/2018 1:20 PM EST
M27)  https://fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/RS22926.pdf, accessed 09/26/2018, 1:29 PM EST
M28)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silvanus_(mythology), accessed 09/30/2018, 4:05 PM EST

Yesod - The Foundation

Y1)  The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols - Adele Nozedar
Y2)  https://www.zazzle.com/holy_qabalah_tree_of_life_poster-228243704373227054, accessed 09/30/2018, 4:16 PM EST
Y3)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer, accessed 09/30/2018, 4:19 PM EST
Y4)  https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/lux#English, accessed 09/30/2018, 4:23 PM EST
Y5)  https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-meaning-of/latin-word-c4de2f5ee06f8ad066d7a825e4af2aef59db0df2.html, accessed 09/30/2018, 4:24 PM EST
Y6)  The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols - Adele Nozedar
Y7)  ibid.
Y8)  https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/synthesis, accessed 10/01/2018, 10:40 AM EST
Y9)  ibid.
Y10)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_ask,_don%27t_tell, accessed 10/04/2018, 3:50 PM EST
Y11)  ibid.
Y12)  http://cdn.cnn.com/cnn/2018/images/06/04/16-111_j4el.pdf, accessed 10/04/2018, 4:13 PM EST
Y13)  https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/, accessed 10/05/2018, 1:08 PM EST
Y14)  ibid.
Y15)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_identity#cite_note-MorrowMessinger-1, accessed 10/05/2018, 1:23 PM EST
Y16)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cogito,_ergo_sum, accessed 10/05/2018, 1:35 PM EST
Y17)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_orientation, accessed 10/05/2018, 1:54 PM EST
Y18)  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+5%3A8&version=KJV

Washington, D.C. Street Plans

DC1)  http://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=bj4biizu&id=84D2C42A6DDEB52CEC0D3CEB64348EDD63CEB810&thid=OIP.bj4biizuZtLveHZhq5rMnQHaE3&mediaurl=http%3A%2F%2Fkabbalahstudent.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F10%2FPOPE-TRIPLE-CROSS.jpg&exph=630&expw=960&q=Papal+Triple+Cross&simid=608044458362408364&selectedindex=7&ajaxhist=0&vt=Default
DC4)  ibid.
DC17)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27Enfant_Plan#History, accessed 10/15/2018, 2:56 Pm EST
DC18)  https://books.google.com/books?id=GgULOzNSafMC&pg=PA113#v=onepage&q&f=false, accessed 10/15/2018, 2:58 PM EST
DC19)  ibid.
DC20)  ibid.
DC21)  ibid.
DC22)  https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/curt, accessed 10/23/2018, 12:20 PM EST

E1)  Matthew 6:33 KJV
E2)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obelisk
E3)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osiris#Early_mythology
E4)  http://www.annomundi.com/history/mythology_made_easy.htm
E5)  https://www.bible.com/bible/1/GEN.50.11.kjv#!
E6)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anu, accessed 10/23/2018, 12:40 PM EST
E7)  https://www.bible.com/bible/1/GEN.10.14.kjv#!
E8)  http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/nimrodandbabel.html
E9)  http://ldolphin.org/Nimrod.html
E10)  https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/mystery_religion
E11)  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+18%3A22&version=KJV
E11)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet#/media/File:Baphomet.png
E12)  http://media.comicbook.com/2017/06/wonder-woman-blue-dress-1003174-640x320.jpg
E13)  http://symboldictionary.net/?p=1080
E14)  http://www.organic-unity.com/top-menu/the-three-philosophical-principles/
E15)  https://www.123rf.com/stock-photo/papal_cross.html?mediapopup=44154618
E16)  The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols - Adele Nozedar
E17)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet#History
E18)  ibid.
E19)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliphas_Levi
E20)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliphas_Levi#Life_and_work_until_1848
E21)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliphas_Levi
E22)  http://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Eli.html
E23)  http://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Eliphaz.html
E24)  http://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Levi.html
E25)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliphas_Levi#Life_and_work_until_1848
E26)  https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/11/gallagher-congress/575689/, accessed 12/27/2019, approx. 2:30 PM EST
E27)  ibid.
E28)  https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/obameter/promise/2/eliminate-all-oil-and-gas-tax-loopholes/, accessed 11/07/2018, 1:16 PM EST
E29)  ibid.

Station #8 - Hod

(H1)  The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols - Adele Nozedar
(H2)  https://www.tomorrowsworld.org/commentary/we-will-rebuild, accessed 02/22/2019, 12:10 PM EST
(H4)  http://www.heraldonline.com/news/local/article12250688.html, accessed 02/22/2019, 12:11 PM EST
(H7)  http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1596.cfm, accessed 02/22/2019, 12:23 PM EST
(H9)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_heaven_(antiquity), accessed 02/22/2019, 12:24 PM EST
(84)  Genesis chapters 6-10
(96)  ibid.
(103)  ibid.
(104)  ibid.
(110)  Kabbalah And Its Effects On D.C. Politics, by Marshall Ramsey II
(130)  ibid.
(131)  ibid.
(135)  ibid.
(136)  ibid.
(146)  The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols - Adele Nozedar
(147)  Matthew 14:17, Holy Bible - King James Version
(155)  personal conversation with Samuel Larry McGrew, mid-1990s
(157)  personal conversation with Samuel Larry McGrew, mid-1990s

The following link shows a video of a woman that participated in Kabbalah and practiced cannibalism:  Confessions of a cannibal(Family Kabbalah)
This does not say that all Jews worship Satan, but I post it merely to make known the association between Kabbalah and cannibalism.

The following links reference different parts of Kabbalah and its beliefs.  This is not an endorsement of these sites.

Only Kabbalah can properly interpret Scripture belief: http://kabbalahstudent.com/a-secret-behind-the-word-israel/ accessed 3:26 PM EST, July 22, 2018

images associated with Kabbalah

(Note: Text in the above picture is not an endorsement of Kabbalah by this author.)

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