Monday, August 12, 2019

Fw: Update from Alveda King

Re: Quick update from Alveda King about our movie

We finished production of our Roe v Wade movie exposé a few weeks ago thanks to faithful supporters like you. Liberal Hollywood studios turned their back on us to keep the truth about Roe v Wade buried but our supporters came to the rescue!

I am hoping you will help us now. We are short of the goal we need to meet to fund the media awareness campaign needed to fill theater seats.

Chip in now

The timing has never been more favorable to change hearts and minds to end the ongoing slaughter of precious, innocent pre-born babies.

Please chip-in what ever you can. Even $10 will make a difference!

And, if you have not already watched the 2 minute sneak peek preview of our movie, just scroll down to the email below to play it.

This is also where you can also find out how to score a pair of complimentary tickets to our red carpet movie premiere and celebrity after-party! It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to rub elbows with Aacademy Award winning actor Jon Voight and the other wonderful cast members and celebrities.

We want to time it with our theater launch so we have not finalized location & date as we need to launch our awareness campaign first. That's what we need our supporters help with and they are stepping up. Will you join them? Just click here to chip in now!


FWD: Your role in our movie
From: Alveda King

Pro-life Supporter,

I hope you will consider playing an important role in our Roe vs. Wade movie expose. We need champions to help us fill theater seats.

We have made perhaps the most important movie ever made--one that can help change hearts and minds saving future generations of unborn babies.

But we need the help of faithful pro-life supporters like you to help fund our campaign to let the public know about it and fill theater seats. Will you play a role in this?

I hope you will play our sneak peek preview clip below. You can take great pride in our movie and your role in helping us bring it to life.

But after you view it, please, please return to the donation page and chip in what you can. Whether $10 or $1,000 (or an amount in between), it will make a difference!

Watch trailer

In case you missed my previous email, here it is again:

I have exciting news. We have completed the filming of our Roe V Wade movie!

It has been an uphill battle all the way!

NO BIG HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS were willing to get behind this project

FACEBOOK REFUSED TO RUN OUR ADS and blocked the links to our crowdfunding page on our Facebook page (we won that fight later).

Our movie is going to tell the REAL story of the lies and manipulations that led to the Roe V. Wade corrupt court decision . . .

. . . one that has led to the horrific slaughter of more than 60 million pre-born babies in the U.S. alone.

The liberals will do anything to stop us from exposing the truth and turning the tide of public sentiment toward reversing this horrific practice.

You might think that we have a big budget because of the fine actors who stuck with it as members of our cast—actors like Academy Award winning actor Jon Voight.

Nothing could be farther from the truth! We have bootstrapped the making of this movie compared to other productions of this quality and star-power -- and the grassroots support we received from folks like you got us over the top!

But now we need the help of our supporters and the pro-life community to make sure than people actually SEE the movie!

Over 1,000 movie screens across the country have committed to show this critically important movie. But we need to generate awareness to fill those seats.

That is what we need your help with now. It will all be for nothing if we fall short!

Will you help us change hearts and minds and save future generations of precious little lives by chipping in?

Even $10 will make a difference as these can add up quickly. We urgently need to start getting the word out but that will take a lot of cold hard cash to fund our marketing campaign.

You can chip in now by clicking one of the links below. If our movie helps save even even one little life, it will all be worth it!






Will you help us change hearts and minds to save precious little lives?

For the children,

Watch trailer

Dr. Alveda King
Executive Producer
Roe v Wade, The Movie

P.S. Remember, a gift of $1,000 or more secures two tickets for you to the red carpet premiere of the movie and after-party where you will rub elbows with our all-star cast and other Hollywood celebrities!

But, please also remember, that your gift of $100, $50, $25 or $10 will help get the word out about our movie to change hearts and minds to save future generations of precious unborn babies!

Roe V. Wade Movie
RVW Films, LLC
116 Radio Circle Drive, Suite 201
Mount Kisko, NY 10549

ActRight · 2029 K Street NW · Suite 300 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA

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