Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Supreme Court hands more control of the US to the Rothschilds of England

Last week, May 16, 2024, the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) stated that any federal agency could get its funding from the Federal Reserve Bank instead of from the U.S. Treasury.  Unknown to many (probably most) is the fact that the Federal Reserve Bank (all of them) is a British financial institution owned by various members of the Rothschild family of England.  The actions of SCOTUS tell the Rothschilds that they can effectively buy whatever federal agency they desire, allowing them to bypass whatever laws we put in place.

 Supreme Court Delivers VICTORY for the ADMINISTRATIVE STATE With Surprise 7–2 Ruling (

Our founding fathers fought against England for the right to govern ourselves, to be free from their control.  The Supreme Court just handed back control to the Brits.

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