Monday, August 8, 2011

A Declaration Of the Crimes Of President Barack Hussein Obama

(The framework for this list comes from our Declaration of Independence, which we delivered to king George of England)


When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have held them in bondage, and to assume the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal: That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are the right to life, the right to liberty, and the right to PURSUE happiness. In order to secure these rights, governments are formed among men, ordained and sanctified by that holy Creator which made us all, having their just powers given them by said Creator, and upheld by men as long as they shall remain free. It is further recognized that when said governments, or any form thereof, shall begin to deny men these rights, that they should humble themselves before their Creator, the only LORD God, and seek his face, and crave that he should help them to break the bands of tyrrany and deliver them from the devourer of men's rights, and to alter or abolish that current form of government and create a new one, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, that shall be most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Prudence dictates that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. Accordingly, history has shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, when evil deeds and practices abound, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, and duty, to seek a new form of government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient suffering of the citizens of the United States of America, and such is now the necessity of which constrains them to alter their former systems of government.

The history of the current President of the United States of America is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyrrany over these citizens, and the several states in which they reside. To prove this, let these facts be submitted to a candid world:

He has refused his assent to laws, generally, the Constitution of the United States, in refusing to uphold and enforce the rights of the citizens contained in said Constitution, and specifically as they shall be so named when specifics become available.

He has forbidden his citizens to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, namely, the passing of laws regarding the influx of illegal foreign citizens into the several states and their borders, unless they receive his consent which he has, through word and deed, refused to give, and also has refused to enforce existing laws evidenced by the U.S. Border Patrol telling its agents "not to arrest any further illegal aliens crossing into the United States from Mexico," as stated by Arizona Sheriff Larry Dever.

He has refused to enforce the Constitution of the United States by allowing the rights of certain citizens, namely Christians and gun owners, to suffer persecution to the unreasonable restrictions of their rights guaranteed by the 1st and 2nd Amendments of our Constitution. He has also, through said persecution, made a hostile environment for persons who hold such views, specifically the right to keep and bear arms, and including, but not limited to, the free worship of Jesus Christ, and the reasonable display of religious memorabilia on properties, whether public or private, even proving himself to be an enemy of the free peoples of the United States in these areas, as evidenced by using backdoor approaches to taking away gunowners rights, and attacking Christians by insulting them, their Bible, and their God, Jesus Christ.

He has proven himself to be a hypocrite in matters of religion. He claims to be for the separation of church and state, yet he allows Muslims to hold a prayer service on White House property, and has openly allowed a Babylonian fertility rite, designed to incur the favor of a so-called deity, also on White House property, namely, the Easter Egg roll on the south lawn of the White House. In current definitons of government endorsement of religion, this qualifies as such.

The right to worship as one sees fit if they so choose without fear of persecution by the government is essential to a free and prosperous society. The lawful exercise of these rights need not be feared by any, except the enemies of both. Only those governments who would seek to deny mankind this basic right should be afraid, proving themselves to care not for the people under their authority, but only for power, wealth, and worship.

It is further asserted that President Obama has damaged the reputation of the United States of America by bowing to leaders of other countries, this signifying America as weak, and subservient to them.

President Obama is a known associate of the enemies of the United States of America, specifically Frank Marshall Davis, a communist professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Hawaii, and William "Bill" Ayers, a founding member of the Weather Underground movement, Mr. Ayers going so far as to commit acts of violence against government installations in the United States. President Obama has to date not denounced any of their actions. This leads one to believe that if he does not support the activities of these men, he certainly does not condemn them.

He is a known supporter of terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah as can be see here:, and here:

He has used the power of his office to take away the rights of the free citizens of the United States of America by signing into law a requirement that all citizens, irrespective of desire, necessity; that all citizens of the United States of America are required to purchase healthcare insurance. This bill is called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, and was passed in 2009 against an overwhelming majority of the American people. This law not only required that the people of the United States of America purchase it, but also gave out penalties for those that did not, including up to a $250,000 fine and/or five years in jail, this being proved that a smaller fine was given for failure to procure insurance in accordance with this law and that fine being run through the IRS tax code.

President Obama has shown himself complicit in the commission of the crime of racketeering, as well as those members of Congress who supported this bill. It is further alleged that President Obama used his position as a government official as cover in the commission of this crime. This is evidenced by the fact that it was required by law that the product be purchased or face retribution in the form of previously mentioned fines and jail times. Although a charge of racketeering is usually applied to members of organized crime, specifically through the threat of force if monies are not paid them, it certainly fits the pattern, and a charge of racketeering can be brought upon government officials, no one being above the law.

Another known fact is that bribes were used to obtain passage of President Obama's healthcare legislation. Mary Landrieu, Representative of Louisiana, when asked if she had taken a $100,000,000 bribe for her vote in passage of Obamacare, she replied, "It was more like $300,000,000." Christopher Dodd, Senator from Connecticut, put in a provision that a university hospital be constructed with money secured from the government to the tune of $100 million. Plus, it also provides government funding for abortion, which many citizens readily denounce, and which President Obama is on record as saying that there is no such provision.

He has repeatedly refused to allow the several states to defend themselves from a flood of illegal aliens into their borders by the passing of laws regarding the capture of said illegals and their deportation, even going so far as to refuse to enforce federal laws in the prosecution of said aliens, and threatening legal action against those states who would, notably in the state of Arizona, the several states in the meantime remain exposed to all the dangers of invasion by the previously mentioned illegal aliens up to, and including, the death of its legal citizens, but also to the issuance of a warning to native Arizonans to avoid about 70 miles of land heading inland from the border of Mexico due to illegal activity and drug running. Indeed, it seems to be such a problem of us not being able to guard our borders that even the Mexican military is getting into the act through "accidental" crossings into US territory. Here is a list of sites that confirm the presence of Mexican military on US soil:,,

Furthermore, the policies enacted under the Obama administration and their refusal to prosecute illegal aliens has lead to the deaths of numerous US citizens, specifically law enforcement officers. You can find evidence of said killings here:

He has endeavoured to artificially populate the United States of America in that he has openly campaigned for amnesty for illegal aliens thus circumventing our laws of immigration and naturalization of foreigners, being found under the euphemism "comprehensive immigration reform."

He has obstructed the administration of justice by appointing judges to the bench, chiefly US Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor, a member of La Raza, an organization that espoused racism and is dedicated to the promotion of the Mexican people even to the overthrow of parts of the United States. You can see this for yourself :,,, and Elena Kagan, a woman who opposes military recruiting on college campuses and who is pro-abortion, a procedure which has taken the lives of millions of unborn Americans, with numbers outpacing even that of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany during World War II.

He has erected a multitude of new government offices, putting at the head of some of them people called czars, such as Kevin Jennings, the Safe School czar. Mr. Jennings has been known to use his office to promote homosexuality to elementary school students up to and including the showing of pornography and homosexual practices like fisting, a practice which is particularly damaging to the body.

Although he is not alone in his appointment of 'czars' to public office, former Presidents appointing them also, the number of them appointed by President Obama has been alarming. Even more alarming is the use of the word czar. The word czar is from the Latin word caesar, a title given to the head of the empire of Rome. These caesars held absolute control over the empire, much the same way as the czars of today. Safe School czar, jobs czar, pay czar... all these have absolute power over their areas of influence. Concerning the pay czar, if allowed to exercise all the authority his title implies, it would mean that he controls how much a person gets paid, if they can get paid at all. A job czar would be able to control who works and who doesn't. The safe schools czar would be able to dictate what is acceptable behavior and what is not, even if it is proven that certain behaviors are contrary to his personal opinion.

President Obama further hired 16,500 new Internal Revenue Service agents to enforce his illegal healthcare act, which, if a person does nto take part in, is subject to a fine or fines and/or jail time.

He has endeavoured to create a civilian 'military,' separate but equal from the military espoused by our Constitution, equal meaning just as powerful, just as well-armed, the formation and promotion of said force having its beginning being seen in such communist and Nazi origins as those of Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, & Adolf Hitler. The formation and financing of said military police force would only serve to promote lawlessness and disrespect for authority, and espouse violence both for the public and for themselves. If one is to have any hope for a civilized society, these characteristics must be discouraged in the strongest possible terms.

He has upheld treaties passed, and signed by, former members of Congress and Presidents of this United States which put our troops under the command of foreign parites, which thing is not allowed by our Constitution, and which take away our national sovereignty. These treaties, which include NATO and NAFTA, do take away the national sovereignty of the United States of America, former US representative Newt Gingrich openly proclaiming NAFTA to take away our national sovereignty and then voting in favor of passing it. This qualifies as an act of war. Although ratification of NAFTA was never given, it was given force of law by members of Congress and then-President William Jefferson Clinton.

He has endeavoured to have members of a terrorist organization, al-Qaeda, tried in civilian courts instead of military. In 2001, just after the September 11 attack, former President George W. Bush, declared war on al-Qaeda, thus making them enemy combatants. An enemy combatant has no rights to trial in civilian courts, that option being available only to residents of the United States of America.

It is further stated that he did knowingly enact policies detrimental to the financial stability of the United States of America, chiefly, but not limited to, the ban on off-shore drilling after the destruction fo the Deepwater Horizon oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico, and enacting a mandatory purchasing of healthcare insurance called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

He has enacted new taxes upon the American people to which we have not given our consent, namely in the form of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which provided $787 billion in funds to supposedly help stimulate the economy. This is impossible, not only since the United States of America is broke, having no money to pay its bills, but also because any monies the government collects can only come from the raising of taxes or the selling of debt in the form of promissory notes known as treasury bonds. One cannot remove themselves from a hole by digging the hole deeper.

He has shown himself to be any enemy of the United States of America and its people by enacting legislation which is readily identifiable as being communist/socialist in nature, communism and socialism being known enemies of freedom and liberty, namely, the aforementioned Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which by design leads people to a single-payer system of healthcare espoused under communist and socialist regimes such as those of Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler, known dictators and despots. The existence of such a thing is guaranteed to hinder economic development, placing those forced to participate in it, with waivers being granted to select entities, entities beign defined as persons and/or organizations, that they are not requried to participate in said program, and placing an unlawful and unjust burden on those that do.

Furthermore, President Obama has engaged in the destruction of the free market system which is the only known system that promotes economic growth for all citizens, regardless of background. An examples of this includes the takeover of General Motors by the United States government. Having the backing of the US government, GM was put in a position where their competition was forced to support and promote their products, regardless of the desire not to do so.

President Obama also, knowing the history of GM, sought it out to take it over, knowing that it was said of General Motors aforetime that "What's good for GM is good for America." This he did in an effort to promote government control of every facet of the lives of American citizens, eventually leading to the ability to control what a person can buy and sell, if they are allowed to do so.

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