Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Brief Description Of Athra, Founder Of The City Of Hatra

Bedwig had a son called Athra, who is call Hathra and Annar(1) .  He was born about 414 BC.  Athra, I believe, is a variation of the name Ottar (Hathra, Athra, Attra, Ottra, Ottar).  His name appears to have come from Proto-Indo-European origins and means "water creature."(2)  This indicates that Hathra may have loved being in the water, whether by boating or swimming.

Hathra founded the ancient city of Hatra in what is now called Iraq, about 80-110 km (65-80 mi) southwest of Mosul during the reign of the Medo-Persian empire.(3)(4)  Hathra flourished as a trading center from the 3rd century BC until its destruction in 241 AD (anno domini - Year of our Lord) at the hands of the Sassanians under the command of Ardashir I. (4)

A number of different religions have found their place in Hatra over the years, because, according to some, of its importance as a trade center.(3)   Over time, Hatra acquired the Aramaic name 'Bet Elaha,' or, 'House of God.'  This suggests a strong Hebrew presence, perhaps members of the house of Judah that stayed in Persia after Cyrus I gave the commandment to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.

Other religions took root there such as Mesopotamian (Nergal), Greek (Hermes), Aramean (Atargatis),  and Arabian (Al-Lat and Shamiyah).  It was the symbol of Atargatis (a female clitoris) that is the basis of the fish symbol used by Christians, falsely attributed to Christians of the 1st century AD.  Other temples in Hatra were dedicated to Shahiru (?), Mithra (Zoroastrian)(5), Maran (a snake cult, possibly in connection to Shahiru, and suspected connections to Medusa of Greek 'mythology'), Shiu, and Saqaya (unknown religious affiliation.)  A de facto polytheistic religion developed over time, having unity in the diversity of the different religions, to the excluding of Abrahamic Judaism (a belief that Jehovah (Yahweh) was God and no other,) the start of which we see today.

Hatra eventually became part of the Seleucid empire, which over time was conquered by the Parthians, although it retained the ability to rule itself (autonomy) to a certain degree.(3)

(Hathra's ancestry traces to Dardanus, son of Zeus and founder of the Dardanian Empire.  Both King Dardanus and Zeus are known by different names:  Dardanus is also known as Darda/Dara of biblical fame, and Zeus' real name is Zarah ben Judah, twin brother of Pharez.  The story of their birth can be found in the book of Genesis chapter 38.)

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