Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fw: Cutting Edge Newsletter - 2 New Articles Plus new DVD

Cutting Edge News Alert
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Most recent Newsletter online
I. Several alternative Internet websites are screaming warnings that Russia and China are close to going to war with the United States!
Can this be true?
What does prophecy say?
II. Jewish priests perform a Temple Service that has not carried out for almost 2,000 years!
God's prophecies about the appearance of the "Man of Sin" and the reestablishment of Old Testament Temple prophecies draws nearer every single day!
daily news updates
Dr. Kevin Clarkson, of Prophecy In The News, and David Bay of Cutting Edge Ministries, discuss in depth the process of over throwing Saudi Arabia's brutal dictatorship in the new Cutting Edge Films DVD - 'BRINGING SAUDI ARABIA DOWN'
Watch the interview in our online version on this news alert
You will be absolutely shocked to learn how the Elite will overthrow Saudi Arabia and then you will be amazed as you watch this Plan unfold in your daily news.
Once Saudi Arabia is overthrown, the Elite will be able to establish Supernation #7 of the Club of Rome Plan, a required step in the establishment of the Ten Super-Nations of Daniel 7:7-8!
End Times Prophecy is being fulfilled in these events. Look up, for your Redeemer draweth nigh!
I. Several alternative Internet websites are screaming warnings that Russia and China are close to going to war with the United States!
Can this be true?
What does prophecy say?
NEWS BRIEF: "George Soros Warns 'No Exaggeration' That China-US On Threshold Of World War 3?!", Socio-Economics History Blog, May 19, 2015
"Billionaire investor George Soros said flatly that hes concerned about the possibility of another world war. If Chinas efforts to transition to a domestic-demand led economy from an export engine falter, there is a 'likelihood' that Chinas rulers would foster an external conflict to keep the country together and hold on to power .... there is a real danger that China will align itself with Russia politically and militarily, and then the threat of third world war becomes real..."
This theme has been picked up by a number of other alternative websites. Is this possible? Can it be that China and Russia might turn on the United States with nuclear weapons? Since the world was treated for over 40 years by a daily threat of nuclear war between Russia and the United States, this threat will resonate with millions of people.
The Elite started planning for three world wars in 1870, the objective of which was to produce Antichrist on the world scene (Read full details in NEWS1015, entitled, "The Incredible Satanic Vision"). Literally, out of the smoke and destruction, Antichrist -- the Masonic Christ -- will come striding. Do not be deceived on this point: the Elite plans to wage a Third World War so they can bring their Christ to the world scene. That is what they say, in their own words!
Masonic author, Albert Pike, received a demonic vision On January 22, 1870, Pike and one of his international co-conspirators, Guiseppe Mazzini, published the Plan which would establish the New World Order. This Plan was kept very secret, only within Freemasonry circles since the time of its inception, known only to fellow occult Illuminist conspirators. (This information is taken from a book from a former Luciferian Illuminist, Doc Marquis. His book is "Secrets of the Illuminati" and reveals much formerly hidden detail known only to Illuminists).
The secret Pike plan to control the world foresaw the need for three world wars to produce Antichrist. While World Wars I and II were fought exactly as this demonic vision revealed to Albert Pike, and the details of World War III are being set in place also in accordance with Pike's vision.
The Third World War was foreseen to be between Judaism and Islam. That war grows closer every single day, and most people can sense it. Just remember, all events in the world are proceeding according to God's prophecy, not according to economic factors or to political factors.
God is determined that events will unfold in such a way as to fulfill His prophecy. Listen:
"Also the ten horns that you observed are ten rulers (kings) .... For God has put it into their hearts to carryout His own purpose by acting in harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority to the Beast, until the prophetic words...of God shall be fulfilled." (Revelation 17:12, 17)
Consider the map below, of the nations of the world being reorganized right now in these 10 supernations.
Looking carefully, we can see that God is causing the leaders of these supernations to 'act in harmony ' until the prophetic words...of God shall be fulfilled." This verse means that the leader of Supernation #1, North America (President Obama) and the leader of Supernation #5, Russia, (President Putin) and the leader of Supernation #10, China, (President Xi) are closely cooperating!
Mass Media is constantly shouting from the rooftops that these leaders are diametrically opposed to each other and yet, we are told that, until the Antichrist arises, these ten rulers are cooperating, they are "acting in harmony"!
Now, what does the Bible say about the timing of Antichrist? Listen:
"After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns." (Daniel 7:7)
These "ten horns" are the same 10 supernations pictured above. Returning to this passage, we see the timing of Antichrist's appearance on the world scene.
"I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn ... behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things." (Daniel 7:8)
Notice that Antichrist is the "another little horn", and that he appears only after the ten supernations have been formed. This is the key understanding. Antichrist will not appear until the prophetic ten kingdoms have been organized and are functioning as nations.
Therefore, the World War 3 that puts him on the world scene cannot, and will not, occur until these final 10 supernations are formed, each with a top leader.
How close are these ten kingdoms to being established and operating? Given the rate of progress thus far, I expect that the world is 4-8 years away from seeing these ten supernations established and operating. Therefore, we can ignore these cries of alarm that World War III is close.
"Thus saith the Lord".
"Angelic / Demonic Warfare In The Heavenlies"
"Daniel 10 Is Propelling World Events"
2-DVD Combo Offer, by David Bay
Daniel, Chapter 10, reveals a most shocking daily battling which is occurring in the Heavenlies. Godly angels are constantly battling ungodly demons over who would have control of human leaders. Two demonic entities are identified as the 'King of Persia' and the 'King of Greece'. Powerful demonic beings were attempting to influence the human kings by this title to pursue Satan's plan for them and for their nation; but, Godly angels were fighting to influence these kings to follow God's plan.
This type of supernatural battling in the Heavenlies is occurring every day in these End Times. In fact, no person who does not know about this supernatural conflict, determining how the rulers of nations and of churches and of businesses act, will ever understand the events and issues of this day.
Our first DVD, 'Russian Bear Poised To Attack Israel: Ezekiel 38- 39, identifies the Russian Demonic Overlord as 'Gog' and demonstrates that you cannot understand this invasion if you do not believe in this daily supernatural battling. One Hour
Our second DVD, 'Catholicism: Whisperers of Magic', reveals that the Demonic Overlord assigned to the Pope from the beginning of the Catholic Church, worked to bring that church from lukewarm Christian to Black Magick Satanism, so that Catholicism and its Pope could be 'proper receptors to the New Age Christ' (Antichrist). You will see Catholicism in a completely different light. NOTE: This DVD was originally entitled 'Full of Dead Men's Bones'. One hour, 36 minutes
Total amount of teaching in this 2-Disc Set is 2 hours, 36 minutes -

II. Jewish priests perform a Temple Service that has not carried out for almost 2,000 years!
God's prophecies about the appearance of the "Man of Sin" and the reestablishment of Old Testament Temple prophecies draws nearer every single day!
NEWS BRIEF: "In Jerusalem, Jewish Priests Perform Pentecost Temple Service in Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy: "Shavuot holiday has not been celebrated in this manner for nearly 2,000 years", Breaking Israel News, May 27, 2015
"On Monday, on a mountain ridge overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem and the ancient Temple Mount, kohanim (ancestral priests) performed a dry run of the Temple Service for the Shavuot (Pentecost) holiday."
Before we go any further, please realize that these priests were NOT performing on the Temple Mount, but we on a "mountain ridge overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem and the ancient Temple Mount". These priests were performing a practice ceremony for Shavot (Pentecost).
"All three of the major components of the holiday service bringing of the first fruits, preparation of two loaves of bread using the seasons new wheat, and a special holiday offering were conducted to as great a level of detail as is possible at this point in time ... this most joyous and beautiful ceremony, marking the time in the calendar when the wheat has just ripened and the first fruits of the season are ready for picking and eating by the entire populace."
This ceremony is a joyous one, as the people are able to celebrate God's abundant provision of food.
"In fulfillment of the biblical prophecy of Jews returning to the God given land of Israel and the rebuilding of the Holy Jewish Temple, Mondays reenactment is one step forward to the completion when all the nations will gather at the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem."
God is bringing His people back to Israel as He promised He would after returning Israel back to her land after 1,900 years of dispersion. Now, God is calling Jews back to Israel through the use of the "hornet" of persecution in foreign lands.
Finally, God is making it possible for Israel to reestablish the Old Testament Covenant, of which ceremonies like this are critical. Of course, Christians who know their Bible need to warn all Jews that this activity, including the rebuilding of the Temple, are preparations for the man of deceit, Antichrist.
Most Jews will not listen, but the seed needs to be planted in their minds that the first man on the world scene, claiming to be Jesus Christ, will be the false Christ who will turn to slaughter them. He will be followed after 7 years by the real Jesus Christ, Who will come to Earth at the Mount of Olives.
"Amen! Come Quickly, Lord Jesus"!

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New Headline News Analysis Articles
This Illuminati Plan may well result in the beginning of the wave upon wave of enemy invasions of Jerusalem as foretold in Zechariah 12!
Iran's prophetic participation in the Russian-led invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39) takes on a deeper understanding once we comprehend Iran's preparations currently underway
How can Saudi Arabia be overthrown without the landing 'boots on the ground' and planes screaming through the air, for such overt military action would cause ripples which can destroy the world economy?
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May Jesus Richly Bless You,
David Bay, Director
Cutting Edge Ministries
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