Monday, December 28, 2020

MessiahMews Blogs:More On Deep Fake

Marshall Ramsey II has sent you a link to a blog:

In a world where image is all that matters... ref. Revelation 13:14-15

Blog: MessiahMews Blogs
Post: More On Deep Fake

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  1. Actually, this post was never about showing off models, image, etc... Even though Erin Elizabeth was having a bit of fun with it, It was more about showing how Deep Fake is used, and that it CAN be used against us. This what the point of the deep fake post. As it is believed that Deep Fake was used to fake Tiffany Dover saying she was okay T@O DAYS (supposedly) after the fainting event.

  2. I know that. I was making a reference to Revelation 13 and the image of the beast set up in the soon to come temple in Jerusalem. Most people these days do not care for anything real. They only want what seems to look good and to promote themselves as gods. Just like in Genesis 3.
