Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Fw: Anti-gun SC city is at it again…


Palmetto Gun Rights

Dear <South Carolinian>,

Once again our liberty loathing neighbors are at it again…

And no, I'm not talking about Russia.

The city of Columbia is once again attempting to flout South Carolina's preemption laws by enacting its own draconian, local-level gun control.

If you'll remember, in 2021, Palmetto Gun Rights and our members had to put consistent pressure on AG Alan Wilson to strike down Columbia's unconstitutional assault weapons ban.

This is the fourth time Columbia has thumbed their noses at gun owners and had its unconstitutional mandates struck down in the courts.

Obviously, the gun grabbers haven't learned their lesson and are now attempting to fine gun owners $500 if an owner owner doesn't notice a stolen firearm within 24 hours and report it.

This is just another instance of Columbia blaming their law-abiding citizens for the actions of their criminals.

It doesn't make sense.

Columbia has seen a plethora of activity circling around stolen firearms.

But instead of targeting criminals for stealing firearms, they'd rather penalize gun owners for being the victims of said crimes.

You see, this new mandate on reporting a stolen firearm will do little to nothing to deter crime, nor help police prevent shootings.

And without gun registration, this mess isn't even enforceable unless a gun owner decides to claim a stolen weapon after the fact.

In which case they'll be fined $500, often making it easier just to go buy another gun without being harassed by law enforcement.

This law not only places blame on the law-abiding but also paves the way for gun owners to be liable for the crimes committed with their firearms should they be stolen.

The price for liberty is eternal vigilance.

While Columbia continues to press in on the rights of law-abiding gun owners it's up to you and me to shed light on their misdeeds.

So please help us continue to expose the actions of tyrants all across the state by chipping in $15 or $30 for the cause.

We will continue to keep you updated on all encroachments of our Second Amendment rights and what you can do to help.

Thank you for your continued support.

For Freedom,

Tommy Dimsdale
Executive Director
Palmetto Gun Rights

P.S. The city of Columbia is once again attempting to flout South Carolina's preemption laws by enacting its own draconian, local-level gun control.

City council members just passed an ordinance to fine gun owners $500 if an owner doesn't notice a stolen firearm within 24 hours and report it.

This law not only places blame on the law-abiding but also paves the way for gun owners to be liable for the crimes committed with their firearms should they be stolen.

Please consider chipping in $15 to $30 to help us monitor and EXPOSE the misdeeds of tyrants in Columbia.



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Palmetto Gun Rights is the South Carolina affiliate of the National Association for Gun Rights, a non-profit organization under section 501(c)4 of the IRS code. Donations are unlimited, but they are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Its web address is www.PalmettoGunRights.org

Not produced or emailed at taxpayer expense.

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