Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Document On Human Fraternity For World Peace And Living Together Exposed - It's Not For World Peace

A breakdown of the Document on Human Fraternity For World Peace and Living Together, accessed September 2022

(3-5 FEBRUARY 2019)




(The purpose of this document is to bring together the common interests of the human race toward the goal of world peace and living together.  Note that world peace and living together are two separate goals.  Since living together is the second goal, let us put it second in order of importance.  This means that world peace is the primary goal.  The phrase living together also serves as a qualifier statement.  This means that the peoples of Earth living together after world peace has been achieved.  It also means that there is a roadblock to world peace that must be removed.)


Faith leads a believer to see in the other a brother or sister to be supported and loved. Through faith in God, who has created the universe, creatures and all human beings (equal on account of his mercy), believers are called to express this human fraternity by safeguarding creation and the entire universe and supporting all persons, especially the poorest and those most in need.

(The opening statement is a call for religious equality among different religions, that is, all faiths are equal.  Because this document serves to unite Christianity and Islam, it therefore resolves that "God" is the 'father of all' or 'all-father'.  'All-father', while it seems to point to the Norse god Odin, actually points to the one the Bible calls the Devil and Satan.  In the book 'Prose Edda', in the first chapter called Gylfaginning, Odin is supposed to be called All-Father.  Due to a mistranslation of the Norse word 'alfodr', Odin is called All-Father twice.  The proper translation of alfodr is 'light-bringer', which in Hebrew is rendered 'Heylel', in Latin is rendered 'Lux Afera', and in English through transliteration of the Latin, 'Lucifer'.  Lucifer, per the book of Revelation in the Holy Bible, is called the 'Devil' and 'Satan'.
(It must also be noted at this point that to many, the unborn are not considered human.  Therefore, under this document, the unborn cannot be protected.  According to the Holy Bible, all things are and were created by God, and without him was nothing made that was made.  This document makes the assertion that creation and the universe are two separate things, specifically that the universe is not a created thing.  What, then, is the creation and the universe?  Given the international climate of today, the creation can only be the Earth.  The universe, according to Kabbalah, is an uncreated creation, both a person and not a person, both God and not at the same time.  The statement, "supporting of all persons, especially the poorest and those most in need", should not be taken to mean all humans, because there are many who believe that a person is not a person until they have reached at least three years of age.)

This transcendental value served as the starting point for several meetings characterized by a friendly and fraternal atmosphere where we shared the joys, sorrows and problems of our contemporary world. We did this by considering scientific and technical progress, therapeutic achievements, the digital era, the mass media and communications. We reflected also on the level of poverty, conflict and suffering of so many brothers and sisters in different parts of the world as a consequence of the arms race, social injustice, corruption, inequality, moral decline, terrorism, discrimination, extremism and many other causes.

(This document states that man is inherently good, but its institutions and organizations have been corrupted over time.  It further states that man, when at his best, is self-reliant, having no need of an "outside" or heavenly persona, i.e. God.  Thus, because human brotherhood was the starting point of many endeavours, including this Brotherhood of Humanity push uniting Christianity and Islam, and human brotherhood being a transcendental value, both Pope Francis I (representing Christianity) and Ahmad al-Tayyeb (representing Islam) have endeavoured to lead humanity away from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and to, ultimately, Satan.
(This document is the child of various discussions between the Roman Catholic Church and Islam concerning our "contemporary" world.  Since both parties are dissatisfied with the current state of the world, i.e. order, the object of this document must be taken to mean it is to bring about a new global, or world, order, one where Jehovah, the God of the Holy Bible, no longer exists.
(This document also discusses different areas that must be brought under control in order for man to be at his best such as poverty (being poor is not allowed, and must therefore be eliminated); high society being treated no differently than low-class society; what people believe to be right and wrong (especially concerning Christianity); terrorism - defined as the use of or threat of force or immediate danger in order to intimidate or coerce a government, or people, into a desired course of action(no speaking of an eternal Hell); corruption(the world's religious leaders must take over as only they are deemed morally and spiritually pure, thus able to govern correctly); discrimination (the distinction between right and wrong, especially in matters of religion); extremism (persons who are unwilling to compromise on their ideals politically, or, especially, spiritually, i.e. those that hold true to the tenets of their faith, not willing to embrace this "Brotherhood of Human Fraternity", a.k.a. Chrislam); other things not named here)

From our fraternal and open discussions, and from the meeting that expressed profound hope in a bright future for all human beings, the idea of this Document on Human Fraternity was conceived. It is a text that has been given honest and serious thought so as to be a joint declaration of good and heartfelt aspirations. It is a document that invites all persons who have faith in God and faith in human fraternity to unite and work together so that it may serve as a guide for future generations to advance a culture of mutual respect in the awareness of the great divine grace that makes all human beings brothers and sisters.

(The Roman Catholic Church, representing Christianity (although not Christian), and Islam from the start had similar goals in mind, namely the elimination of the Nation of Israel, that they be not so much as named.(ref. Psalm 83:3, 4)  In addition to having meetings about common goals, they also discussed the grim future of most of the human race (meaning they will have to kill off most of us) and they held a public meeting where they told the general public that humanity's future is a bright one, one in which all men flourish, not letting us know that only they are fit to live.
(Pope Francis and Ahmad al-Tayyeb have given honest and serious thought as to which areas of Christianity and Islam might be able to be compromised to form this new faith.  This document also seeks to teach others to do as their forefathers have done:  reject the grace and mercy of God Almighty and the salvation that he offers us for the forgiveness of sins.)


In the name of God who has created all human beings equal in rights, duties and dignity, and who has called them to live together as brothers and sisters, to fill the earth and make known the values of goodness, love and peace;

(Since this is a combining of two different religions (more perhaps later), a neutral name or title might be picked such as Him, or HaShem, or the Nameless One (all three refer to the same person - Satan).  Since this is being done in "God's name", it gives the impression that the God of the Holy Bible somehow approves of it:  He does not, thus, it is a lie.
(Notice that it says all 'human' beings.  The unborn and disabled are not considered human by some.  In addition, it will come to pass that if someone acts in an "inhumane" manner, specifically, act contrary to this document, they can be declared 'non-human' and no longer have rights or dignity, thus killed, raped, and/or tortured with impunity.  These signees do not speak in the name of the true and living God.)

In the name of innocent human life that God has forbidden to kill, affirming that whoever kills a person is like one who kills the whole of humanity, and that whoever saves a person is like one who saves the whole of humanity;

(Innocent HUMAN life.  Remember, the unborn are considered by some/many to be non-human, merely a blob of flesh.  To some, human beings, our unborn especially, are considered a parasitic disease that needs to be eradicated, with only those select few who realize this being allowed to survive.  Under this document, any person who kills another person, especially one with money or power, especially in the political arena, has committed a crime against humanity, and subject to punishment under law.  These signees do not speak on behalf of innocent human life - they seek to destroy and kill all those who do not bow to them.)

In the name of the poor, the destitute, the marginalized and those most in need whom God has commanded us to help as a duty required of all persons, especially the wealthy and of means;

(These signees do not speak on behalf of the poor or the destitute.  Those who have limited financial means and those without running water or a roof over their heads or the ability to keep warm in winter, the most they can expect from this is to receive the occasional hand-out.
(Taxes from the "church" may be put in place in addition to those placed upon them by the governments of the world.  This, in turn, will lead to higher crime rates, loss of rights, and loss of government help.  They will, in fact, be the ones that are marginalized, along with those that hold true to their respective faiths, not willing to compromise, while those that are rich will continue to get richer, giving out token amounts of money or services when they could do so much better.  The "God" being spoken of here is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but the Devil and Satan, "the god of this world". (ref. 2 Corinthians 4:4 KJV)
(Note also that there is a difference drawn between 'the wealthy' and those 'of means'.  This is an open admission that the wealthy will do nothing to help the poor, destitute, and marginalized.  They deem themselves most in need of the wealth of the world.  They will expect, in fact, those in the 'middle' and 'poor' classes to support themselves.)

In the name of orphans, widows, refugees and those exiled from their homes and their countries; in the name of all victims of wars, persecution and injustice; in the name of the weak, those who live in fear, prisoners of war and those tortured in any part of the world, without distinction;

(These signees do not speak for orphans, widows, refugees and those exiled from their homes and countries, save they want you to believe their words are truth.  All of these are persons that money will have to be spent on to help them survive, and so they will be regarded as unnecessary eaters.
(These signees do not speak for the weak, those living in fear, prisoners of war, and those tortured in any part of the world, without distinction.  They, and this goes for all instances where they speak "in the name" of some group; they do not speak for them, but rather, in place of them:  They tell you what they want you to hear and you are expected to believe them.)

In the name of peoples who have lost their security, peace, and the possibility of living together, becoming victims of destruction, calamity and war;

(These signees do not speak for these people, but for themselves.)

In the name of human fraternity that embraces all human beings, unites them and renders them equal;

(Human fraternity would suggest that we are all "God's children".  This, however, would make the LORD God an 'All-father'.  This term, while typically applied to the chief Norse deity Odin, is properly applied to Satan, who, in Norse mythology, is called alfodr.
(This word is mistranslated as all-father in the Prose Edda, and the term 'All-father' is given to Odin twice.  When it is properly translated, though, it is rendered light-bringer which is rendered in the Latin lux afera which is then transliterated into English as Lucifer, a.k.a. the Devil and Satan.
(It has been demonstrated that whosoever does not subscribe to this 'human fraternity, or brotherhood, is evil spoken of and shunned by the group.
(This statement contradicts an earlier statement.  If 'God' created us all equal at the first, why then is this 'human fraternity' needed to render us equal?  This is reminiscent of a quote from the book 'Animal House':  "All animals are created equal, but some are created more equal than others."  This serves to further promote the idea that Chrislam (Roman Catholic Church and Islam + whoever else wants to join) will use charity and false piety (holiness) for the sake of exalting themselves above the public and making themselves gods in the process.)

In the name of this fraternity torn apart by policies of extremism and division, by systems of unrestrained profit or by hateful ideological tendencies that manipulate the actions and the future of men and women;

(Persons that hold to the faith of their respective gods, especially that of the Lord Jesus Christ, will be considered divisive and a threat to global unity.  Individual ownership of houses and/or land will be a thing of the past ("You'll own nothing and be happy about it.")
(Rampant differences in sexuality must be treated as equal.  Saying that there is a Hell and that people will go there without faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will be outlawed.  Saying a person must convert from their sexual sins will be a crime punishable by law.)

In the name of freedom, that God has given to all human beings creating them free and distinguishing them by this gift;

(These signees do not speak in the name of freedom, that the true and living God has given to all human beings.  We must remember that, to many, the unborn are not human but something else.  These, rather, seek to put men under bonds - financial, physical, and spiritual.)

In the name of justice and mercy, the foundations of prosperity and the cornerstone of faith;

(These signees do not seek justice and mercy for those with less than themselves.  Let us also not forget that these signees do not wish us to be prosperous, at least not apart from them.  While they speak justice and mercy, tyrrany and oppression cometh from them.
(Faith exists without justice or mercy.  Therefore, they speak of earning your way into Heaven, which cannot be so done.)

In the name of all persons of good will present in every part of the world;

(You are only a person of good will if you do all they desire of you.)

In the name of God and of everything stated thus far; Al-Azhar al-Sharif and the Muslims of the East and West, together with the Catholic Church and the Catholics of the East and West, declare the adoption of a culture of dialogue as the path; mutual cooperation as the code of conduct; reciprocal understanding as the method and standard.

(The "God" they speak of is the god of this world - Satan.  The Babylonian whore and her bastard son actively teaching their respective followers to discuss similarities between the two religions; as long as the two work together, a person can believe what they want (unity-in-diversity); as long as you say Christ and Belial(Allah) are the same person, you are fine.)

We, who believe in God and in the final meeting with Him and His judgment, on the basis of our religious and moral responsibility, and through this Document, call upon ourselves, upon the leaders of the world as well as the architects of international policy and world economy, to work strenuously to spread the culture of tolerance and of living together in peace; to intervene at the earliest opportunity to stop the shedding of innocent blood and bring an end to wars, conflicts, environmental decay and the moral and cultural decline that the world is presently experiencing.

(The "Him" being referred to in this document is the same as the Hebrew Hashem and the Nameless One of witchcraft, the god of this world, Satan.  The Roman Catholic Church, according to Pope Francis, says that the cross of Christ, that is, the shedding of his blood to pay the price of our sins, and his resurrection, is a failure.(address to U.S. in 2017 at White House)  Islam denies that "God" (they call him Allah) has a son.  Therefore, both have rejected the sacrifice of Christ and therefore they cannot be talking about the God of the Holy Bible.  The only person they could be talking about is Satan.
(The signees of this document are calling for national and global leaders, those who dictate international policy (which are not our leaders), and those who control the world economy, a.k.a. international bankers/central bank presidents and stakeholders, to work to bring about a global government, economy, and religion, one that is united in diversity (ref. Daniel 2:33, 41).  They are calling on the various leaders of the world to make sure every form of sin is tolerated, but faith in Jesus Christ, saying his way is the only way to Heaven, is not to be allowed, that faithful Christians are the enemies of world peace.
(The signees are calling for the end of private ownership of guns, the end of religious differences, environmental sustainability (a fancy term meaning they get to be in control of you even more - whether you live or die "in order to protect Mother Earth"), the end of the Christian belief that the way to Heaven (by extension, God) is through Jesus Christ, and the promotion of the "equality" of other beliefs ("I can get to Heaven without having to go through Jesus"; "Everyone gets to Heaven eventually".)

We call upon intellectuals, philosophers, religious figures, artists, media professionals and men and women of culture in every part of the world, to rediscover the values of peace, justice, goodness, beauty, human fraternity and coexistence in order to confirm the importance of these values as anchors of salvation for all, and to promote them everywhere.

(The signees of this declaration persons who study society (think tankers) (where it was, where it is, where it's headed), scientists, religious leaders, artists (painters and otherwise), reporters, TV and radio station managers, cultural leaders such as authors and musicians, to follow their teachings in this religious monstrosity as though it were some kind of good that had been forgotten but only recently discovered, for the purpose uniting the world in brotherhood under these "values" apart from Christ (as though these could offer any hope of salvation), and promote them everywhere.)

This Declaration, setting out from a profound consideration of our contemporary reality, valuing its successes and in solidarity with its suffering, disasters and calamities, believes firmly that among the most important causes of the crises of the modern world are a desensitized human conscience, a distancing from religious values and a prevailing individualism accompanied by materialistic philosophies that deify the human person and introduce worldly and material values in place of supreme and transcendental principles.

(Contemporary reality.  The use of this phrase lets us know that there is an alternate reality that they want to live in.  Since they declare that all that is called God is equal to all else, then the reality they want to escape from is the reality of the God of the Holy Bible.  They say they like the profits of the reality of Jehovah (Yahweh in Hebrew), but they stand with the suffering, disasters, and calamities that supposedly come from him.
('Desensitized human conscience' simply means any person that does not believe as they do.  Religious values are the actions taken in response to belief in, or against, deity.  In this case, it means that people are moving away from the Roman Catholic Church's teachings, as well as those of Islam, and embracing other religions, most notably those of Christianity.
("Prevailing individualism accompanied by materialistic philosophies that deify the human person and introduce worldly and material values in place of supreme and transcendental principles" - People are free to make their own choices about God, believing that they have a God-given right to own property, not merely rent it from some rich person or persons.  This causes the general public to think of themselves more highly than "the inferior sub-humans that they are", according to this document.  The signees of this document believe that they are God and are scared of/and/or hate people that think for themselves, especially them that will not worship them or their designees as God.)

While recognizing the positive steps taken by our modern civilization in the fields of science, technology, medicine, industry and welfare, especially in developed countries, we wish to emphasize that, associated with such historic advancements, great and valued as they are, there exists both a moral deterioration that influences international action and a weakening of spiritual values and responsibility. All this contributes to a general feeling of frustration, isolation and desperation leading many to fall either into a vortex of atheistic, agnostic or religious extremism, or into blind and fanatic extremism, which ultimately encourage forms of dependency and individual or collective self-destruction.

(Even though the advances in science should have been enough to convince the masses that we, the signees of this declaration, are all they need, there still exist hold-outs, such as Christians who believe it is their calling from Jehovah to go and spread the message of Jesus Christ.  This weakens the spiritual values that we offer and encourages a rejection of the responsibility that you, the masses, have to obey us.
(Their message makes people frustrated with their lives, makes them feel isolated from the God of Heaven, and desperate for relief that leads men and women to atheism (rejecting the idea of God), makes them think all they need is knowledge to save them, or taking their individual faiths seriously, or worst yet, trusting in the God they cannot see with their eyes but doing what he wills them to do anyway, which ultimately leads them away from us and encourages dependency on the cross of Christ and the forsaking of their individual, evil lusts, and those of the masses.)

History shows that religious extremism, national extremism and also intolerance have produced in the world, be it in the East or West, what might be referred to as signs of a “third world war being fought piecemeal”. In several parts of the world and in many tragic circumstances these signs have begun to be painfully apparent, as in those situations where the precise number of victims, widows and orphans is unknown. We see, in addition, other regions preparing to become theatres of new conflicts, with outbreaks of tension and a build-up of arms and ammunition, and all this in a global context overshadowed by uncertainty, disillusionment, fear of the future, and controlled by narrow-minded economic interests.

(Notice how the signees of this declaration are leaving out their own respective extremisms in which hundreds of thousands were robbed, raped, or murdered, or all three.  The national extremism being talked about here is patrioitism, i.e. any person that displays loyalty to their own nation above the global government.  (this whole document would off-handedly be referred to as "the greater good".  This, of course, does not refer to your good or even the good of humanity, but rather the good pleasure of fulfilling their own lusts because they deem themselves greater than you.  They think in their hearts, if not openly, that they are gods and that you should bow down and worship them.).
(Intolerance in this document should be defined as any form of non-acceptance of what they say is good and right.  Under this document, you lose the ability and the right to make that decision for yourself.
(Their use of the term 'third world war' is being used solely to put fear into the hearts of those reading this document or hearing it read.  Faithfulness to one's god, especially the true and living God, Jehovah, love of one's nation over that of a global government, and refusing to compromise on what is truth and righteousness are painfully apparent to the signees of this document.  They are losing followers and this scares them.
(The use of 'victims, widows, and orphans' is being used to pull at the emotions of people, to dilute their critical thinking ability.
(The signees of this document care nothing for widows or orphans and most victims are likely their own imaginations.  They are looking the world over at areas where rebels, especially evangelical Christianity, are popping up, speaking the truth about who is God and who is not.  The Christians (I say Christians because all religions are welcome under Chrislam except pure faith in Jesus Christ.) doing this are teaching people how to defend their faith and this scares the signees.
(The global outlook of Chrislam, they see as uncertain.  They know the masses have become disillusioned with them (disillusioned means not being satisfied with what you are being told and expected to believe) and it scares them.  Neither Roman Catholicism nor Islam can stand up to fundamental Christianity, which basically means that when Jesus says something, you believe it.
(Another fear they have besides the loss of control, and most likely the main fear, the signees of this document fear the loss of money coming in to them.  How dare men and women want to give money to a religious/political organization they trust and not to them (the signees)?)

We likewise affirm that major political crises, situations of injustice and lack of equitable distribution of natural resources – which only a rich minority benefit from, to the detriment of the majority of the peoples of the earth – have generated, and continue to generate, vast numbers of poor, infirm and deceased persons. This leads to catastrophic crises that various countries have fallen victim to despite their natural resources and the resourcefulness of young people which characterize these nations. In the face of such crises that result in the deaths of millions of children – wasted away from poverty and hunger – there is an unacceptable silence on the international level.

(Affirmation of something happening is one thing, doing something about it is another.  In the aftermath of the Banda Aceh tsunami of 2004, total Muslim contributions from all Muslim nations was estimated to be around $324 million.  The public of the United States of America, most of which were non-Muslim, matched that amount in donations.  While the total amount of charitable contributions by the Roman Catholic Church is unknown, one must question the motives of not only the Roman Catholic Church, but any church, synagogue, mosque, etc... that opens up their own bank.  Doing so seems to show the true god of such as do this.
(Do not be deceived by talk of "equitable distribution of natural resources".  This is simply an excuse to take from them that have worked for what they want and give it to someone who doesn't have, despite the person not wanting to work.
(As it was also stated earlier the signees of this declaration want themselves to be in charge of the "equitable distribution".  Under this compact, we must give up all property ownership to the government and they will give to us what we need, the catch being that we do not get to decide what we need, but the government does.  While these talk about the poor and how only a rich few are prospering from the material and wealth distribution in place, they do this only to make people, especially young people, think they would do differently when, in fact, they would do the same.
(Note also how the RCC and Islam are blaming the problems of the world on older people:  "leads to catastrophic crises...despite their natural resources and the resourcefulness of young people which characterize these nations."  The threat posed to Chrislam by 'old' people is that older persons have been around for some time and have or had access to truthful information, information that would put such liars in their places.  Let us not forget that it was the Roman Catholic Church that the Holy Bible legal in only one language, Latin, whereby they could exercise control over the masses.
(Let history also never forget that it was the Roman Catholic Church that killed men and women, including their children, for teaching the 23rd Psalm to their children in English.  While there may be a silence from many nations regarding the plight of the poor and infirm, etc., it is because they do not care, internationally.  United Nations' Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 call for the reduction of the world's population by the year 2030.  This is nothing but an open admission of their desire to kill any and all they deem undesirable or unfit to live.
(They would hide this under the term 'sustainable development, sustainable population growth and such.  The word sustainable simply means controllable.  The nations of the world and the signees of this document know full well that in order for the Earth to be sustainable, it must be controllable, including who eats and who does not, who receives medical treatment and who does not, and who lives and who does not.)

It is clear in this context how the family as the fundamental nucleus of society and humanity is essential in bringing children into the world, raising them, educating them, and providing them with solid moral formation and domestic security. To attack the institution of the family, to regard it with contempt or to doubt its important role, is one of the most threatening evils of our era.

(Note the use of the term 'fundamental nucleus'.  It make the family sound so very important.  What it does not do is tell you what makes up a family.  The traditional definition of a family is a father, a mother, and any children they may have.  Today, however, a family can consist of two males and children, two females and children, or any number of things.
(What this document does not tell you is that there is another type of family, the family of man.  In this family, all are equal, but those in charge are more equal than others.  They must be allowed certain indulgences as the father and/or mother of you the people.  If they need time off to take a vacation on a multi-million dollar yacht, 'need' gas to fuel it, and 'of necessity' take it from you, then that is okay.  It is a necessary evil.  However, if your 80-year-old grandmother needs a heart transplant but can't afford it herself, kiss granny goodbye - she has outlived her ability to meaningfully contribute to society.
(The 'nucleus' of something is the central item or items that make up an object or idea.  It is the desire of the Roman Catholic Church and Islam to change the traditional make up of a family into whatever you want it to be.  As long as you submit yourself to their authority and allow all manner of ungodly unions to be called family, then you are fine.  If not, then don't expect to be able to buy the food and/or medicine that you need to live.  The signees of this document even go so far as to issue a veiled condemnation of those who do not support them:  To not regard every definition of family as being equal, to speak against any form of it, you are spreading one of the most threatening evils on the planet.)

We affirm also the importance of awakening religious awareness and the need to revive this awareness in the hearts of new generations through sound education and an adherence to moral values and upright religious teachings. In this way we can confront tendencies that are individualistic, selfish, conflicting, and also address radicalism and blind extremism in all its forms and expressions.

(Ideas about God other than the ones set forth in the Holy Bible are viewed as important and necessary for the global good.  The worship of government and the deification of self are central to a "prosperous and safe" global family.  The signees of this document agree that they must teach that the ideas of a holy God who will judge his creation (humans) to see if they are worthy to have everlasting life or perish in everlasting fire are outdated and harmful to the global consciousness.  They must change the definition of a sound education and condemn those that follow what the King James Bible says is good and holy and right.
(By corrupting God's holy word and promoting these as equal to his, they will be able to fight individualism (tell people they can get to Heaven without the need for a Savior), selfish claims such as "Jesus is the only way to Heaven", any thing that conflicts with their agenda, fight against the beliefs or actions of people who believe that government should not have such power as they desire, and people that have faith in an unseen and holy God and/or believe that men and women in government are doing corrupt things and make their evil deeds known.)

The first and most important aim of religions is to believe in God, to honour Him and to invite all men and women to believe that this universe depends on a God who governs it. He is the Creator who has formed us with His divine wisdom and has granted us the gift of life to protect it. It is a gift that no one has the right to take away, threaten or manipulate to suit oneself. Indeed, everyone must safeguard this gift of life from its beginning up to its natural end. We therefore condemn all those practices that are a threat to life such as genocide, acts of terrorism, forced displacement, human organ trafficking, abortion and euthanasia. We likewise condemn the policies that promote these practices.

(The first and most important aim of religions is to bring men into bondage, to make money at the expense of the people and their souls.  The most basic study of the world's beliefs on deity (God) reveals three things:  1) not all gods are the same; 2) not all gods are equal; and 3) some believe there is no such thing as a god.  By that and that alone there can be no combining of the gods and the denying of them as though all are equal, as though all provide the same path to Heaven.
(The signees of this document, Pope Francis and Imam Ahmed al-Tayyeb, while saying openly that all gods are equal, have given a name to their amalgamated, or patchwork, god:  Him.  This 'Him' is known in witchcraft as the god who must not be named.  The reason for this is because if one were to give him a name, or discover his real name, one might gain power over him.  For the Christian, this mysterious Him is known as the Devil and Satan.  They are inviting men everywhere to worship Satan, ascribing to him the power of God in that the universe depends on him (Jehovah) to govern it.
(See also how they ascribe to Satan and his wisdom the creation of the universe, instead of the Lord.  Again, see how the signees of this document ascribe to Him (Satan) the gift of life that we should protect it instead of the LORD God who is the source of all life.  They speak rightly in that they say no one has the right to take away (life), threaten or manipulate [it] to suit oneself however, they do not want you to know that you would not have right to decide this for your self, your family, or the unborn.  Government alone (they) would have the right to decide such matters.  Do not be deceived - when they say they condemn the policies and practices that promote genocide, acts of terrorism, forced displacement (includes slavery/human trafficking), human organ trafficking, abortion, and euthanasia, they do lie just as Amtrak and the United States government lied about combatting human trafficking in October 2021 when Amtrak and the US military were caught engaged in human trafficking in North Charleston, South Carolina.)

Moreover, we resolutely declare that religions must never incite war, hateful attitudes, hostility and extremism, nor must they incite violence or the shedding of blood. These tragic realities are the consequence of a deviation from religious teachings. They result from a political manipulation of religions and from interpretations made by religious groups who, in the course of history, have taken advantage of the power of religious sentiment in the hearts of men and women in order to make them act in a way that has nothing to do with the truth of religion. This is done for the purpose of achieving objectives that are political, economic, worldly and short-sighted. We thus call upon all concerned to stop using religions to incite hatred, violence, extremism and blind fanaticism, and to refrain from using the name of God to justify acts of murder, exile, terrorism and oppression. We ask this on the basis of our common belief in God who did not create men and women to be killed or to fight one another, nor to be tortured or humiliated in their lives and circumstances. God, the Almighty, has no need to be defended by anyone and does not want His name to be used to terrorize people.

(The Roman Catholic Church and Islam (harlot mother and bastard son) declare that religions must "never incite war, hateful attitudes, hostility and extremism, nor must they incite violence or the shedding of blood"?  Those two religions are responsible for probably most of the wars of Europe since their founding!  Nearly every war in Europe I have ever read about can be traced to one of these two "religions of peace".
(Religions should not cause hateful attitudes.  Hateful attitude toward what?  What about toward sin?  The duty of "religion" is to espouse a love of truth and righteousness and a hatred of wickedness:  "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people."  (Proverbs 14:34)
(Hostility and extremism - these are coded terms for getting people to change their religious beliefs away from their current deity or lack thereof and toward theirs.
(Religions must not incite violence nor the shedding of blood?  The Roman Catholic Church has been linked to the assassination of a number of United States Presidents (Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley) and attempts on others, not to mention the deaths during the various Inquisitions.  The Quran, Islam's 'holy' book, states that Muslims are to spread Islam through jihad, or 'holy war', which is, first, the killing of persons who will not bow down to Allah, then non-violent means if necessary.  The word assassin is an Arabic term.  It comes from the word 'hashashin', i.e. marijuana.  Muslims would prepare themselves to kill people by getting high on marijuana and then murder them.
(Wars, violence, and all bad things in the earth are a result from the deviation of religious teachings?  Whose religion?  Whose teachings?  Which translation of which religious scripture?  Wars, violence, and all bad things in the earth are a result of sinning against Almighty God, whose name alone is Jehovah.  The signees of this document are not exempt from this.
("They result from a political manipulation of religions and from interpretations made by religious groups who, in the course of history, have taken advantage of the power of religious sentiment in the hearts of men and women in order to make them act in a way that has nothing to do with the truth of religion."  This part is almost a confession of the Roman Catholic Church's and Islam's guilt of their actions in the earth.  What I would state in this case, rather, is that a group of self-righteous religionists play on the fears of men and women and con them into doing what they want to threatening them with excommunication, war, and death for failing to do "God's" will.
(A very good look at what lif would be like under this document can be found in the animated series 'Death Note' by Shonen Jump Comics.  In this series, a man named Light Yagami goes around killing bad guys at first, then starts killing anyone who upsets him, stops him from trying to kill people, or will not worship him as God.
("This is done for the purpose of achieving objectives that are political, economic, worldly and short-sighted."  These are the reasons the signees of this document are doing this.  Calling upon all concerned to stop using religion to incite violence, death, ill-gotten gain, etc... must be excluding themselves since they seem to be thinking themselves greater than good and evil, the so-called 'greater good', which is just another version of saying, "I am God.  I can do whatever I want and you aren't allowed to say anything contrary."
("We ask this on the basis of our common belief in God who did not create men and women to be killed or to fight one another, nor to be tortured or humiliated in their lives and circumstances."  Truly the LORD God did not create men to suffer these things.  Again, unfortunately, they are making the statement that all gods are equal to the true and living God as signified by the use of the phrase "basis of our common belief in God".  By using the phrase "God, the Almighty" instead of God Almighty or Almighty God, the signees of this document are declaring that their god is not Jehovah, the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.
("..has no need to be defended".  This is a Christianized phrase that really means that someone doesn't want you talking about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in spirit and in truth.  It often means that the person saying it knows their own "walk" with God is a lie and they cannot stand to hear the truth.  "..does not want his name to be used to terrorize people".
(With this statement Pope Francis has openly declared that his god is not the God of the Holy Scripture, but Allah who, showing himself as a black, amorphous (shapeless) cloud, reveals himself to be none other than Satan, the god of this world and the god of Chrislam.  It is as said, that "He" does not want his name used to terrorize people, but he will quickly use the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the true and living God, to send terror into the hearts of men.)

This Document, in accordance with previous International Documents that have emphasized the importance of the role of religions in the construction of world peace, upholds the following:

(Long ago it was said that a world religion would be needed to bring about a world society.  Such a thing was prophesied in the book of Daniel, chapter 2 with the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream.)

- The firm conviction that authentic teachings of religions invite us to remain rooted in the values of peace; to defend the values of mutual understanding, human fraternity and harmonious coexistence; to re-establish wisdom, justice and love; and to reawaken religious awareness among young people so that future generations may be protected from the realm of materialistic thinking and from dangerous policies of unbridled greed and indifference that are based on the law of force and not on the force of law;

(Authentic in this case means genuine, legitimate.  The signees of this declaration do lie.  The authentic teachings of the word of God (whose name alone is Jehovah) declare that we should "live peaceable with all men". (ref. Romans 12:18 KJV)  This includes men of different religions.  What it does not mean is that we should compromise what is good and true and right for the sake of peace.  The signees of this declaration desire to live in peace only so long as you do what they say.
("..remain rooted in the values of peace."  This does not mean that the signees of this declaration are seeking peace for all.  They are, in fact, seeking their own peace, setting themselves up as gods in their own hearts.  They say within themselves, "How can there be peace when the God of the Bible is in power?"
("Mutual understanding" simply means every position is equal as another.  What they do not tell you is that if you disagree with this, you are labeled as a hater, or perhaps a disease upon humanity that must either be re-educated or purged from society. (ref. Revelation 13:18, John 16:2 KJV)  You are no longer seen as equal and are therefore worthy to receive the hate they have to give.
("Human fraternity" means part of the club of humanity.  Anyone who does not do the will of the signees of this document are cast out from the brotherhood, thus no longer recognized as human and no longer able to enjoy the protections of law that are afforded you otherwise.
("Harmonious co-existence" means everyone celebrates everyone else's lifestyle and religious beliefs.  Anyone who does not do this is a trouble maker and a bringer of chaos.
("Re-establish wisdom, justice and love".  This is nothing but a call to openly practice the mystery religions of old, many of which include child rape and child sacrifice.  Justice does not mean equal protection under the law, but rather the powers that be to kill as they please.  Love, as used here, does not mean a geniune caring for the well-being of your fellow man but rather unrestrained sexual activity.
("Re-awaken religious awareness among young people"?  We now have the origin of the 'woke' crowd, the Roman Catholic Church and Islam.
("Re-awaken religious awareness"?  This is nothing more than the old "Everyone is a god" bit that first happened in the Garden of Eden.
("Protect them from materialistic thinking".  This means they want you to give up all your money and beg them for the crumbs that fall from their table. This statement is also espoused by Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum.  Do not be deceived, this man with more money than he knows what to do with wants more still, the Pope, Imam al-Tayyeb, and others likewise.
("Unbridled greed" is the desire to own anything.
("Indifference" is having a lack of interest, concern, or sympathy toward someone or something.  The signees of this document, in addition to Klaus Schwab and others, have unbridled greed and indifference to any of your interests or desires.  It is they that think materialistically.  They put the characteristics of themselves on to us and then say that we are evil for it.
(The use of the phrase "law of force" as an evil thing is a coded reference to private gun ownership.  What it means is they do not want you to be able to stop them from taking what is yours, and they will not hesitate to use "force of law" to do it. (ref. Daniel 3:1-6 KJV))

- Freedom is a right of every person: each individual enjoys the freedom of belief, thought, expression and action. The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings. This divine wisdom is the source from which the right to freedom of belief and the freedom to be different derives. Therefore, the fact that people are forced to adhere to a certain religion or culture must be rejected, as too the imposition of a cultural way of life that others do not accept;

(Freedom - the ability to act or change without constraint, a.k.a. resistance.  This is supposed to be every person's right.  Who, then, is considered a person?  To some, the unborn are not people, but merely blobs of tissue.  To some, a person is not even a person until the age of three.
(According to the signees of this document, each person has the right to believe as they will, think what they will, say what they will, and act as they will.  They lie.  We cannot do these things and expect there to be no consequences.  If that were so, there would be no laws and there would be no need for them to tell us what to say or think or believe or how to act.  Plus, if we have these things as rights, by what right to they tell us that we are wrong not to follow them?  Yet again, do the signees of this declaration say that we have the right to express our displeasure with them by killing them?  Most assuredly no.
(Color and race from old time were used synonimously.  To make a distinction here actually creates a class of non-humans, persons who would not be entitled to any protection under the law or this document.  Sex is another word for gender.  This refers to the biological distinction between male and female.  Rightly, there are no other genders but these two.  The diversity of language (and color) was created by the true and living God, but as a means to keep the human race from united itself against him, forcing him to act against us.  Diversity of religion was not created by God, but rather the god of this world, Satan.
(The "God" referred to by the signees of this document is not the God of the Bible but Satan, the enemy of God.  The signees of this document, again, have declared Satan to be their God, and do declare that this declaration is of him.  The true and living God did through his wisdom create the human race, fearfully and wonderfully making us. (ref. Psalm 139:14)
(God in his holy and just wisdom gave us the right to choose what we should believe and to be different, including whether to worship him or no or to live in the bonds of holy matrimony or no.  We do not, however, have the right to not worship him or to live against his holy standards without consequence.  As our Creator, he has the right to tell us whom we should worship and how we should live.  The signees of this document do lie when they say all get to Heaven despite what you believe, and that all sexual practices are the same.
(It is funny that the signees of this declaration speak against forcing someone to follow a particular religious belief or culture, yet they are actively trying to force us to follow them in their religious and cultural beliefs.  This declaration also speaks against any one who is in favor of a national government over an international or global government.)

- Justice based on mercy is the path to follow in order to achieve a dignified life to which every human being has a right;

(This is nothing more than "Don't call my sin, sin.  Don't tell me I am doing something wrong.  It doesn't feel wrong when I am doing it.")

- Dialogue, understanding and the widespread promotion of a culture of tolerance, acceptance of others and of living together peacefully would contribute significantly to reducing many economic, social, political and environmental problems that weigh so heavily on a large part of humanity;
(This statement actually reads, "Compromise what is right, accept and promote as equal all lifestyles except for the God-ordained lifestyle.  Rebellion against God Almighty and is standards are a good thing."  Ask John Lennon, Angus Young, and the passengers on the Titanic where or not it is good to go against the will of the great God, Jehovah.  Ask Mohammed.  Ask Constantine.  Ask Ramses the Great whether it be a good thing or no.
(We will save the environment by not doing God's will?  Creation itself testifies otherwise.  In 1964, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered what is called cosmic microwave background radiation, radiation believed to be left over from the Big Bang.  Essentially stating, all things give off a small amount of radiation which with the right equipment, can be played as sound.  The problem here is that it is not from the Big Bang, but is a result of the destructive "black energy wave" that we sent out from us in the garden of Eden when we ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and it was not discovered in 1964 but has been known from the 1st Century CE as referenced in Romans 8:22 "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now."  So, no, worshipping of things that are no gods, unrestrained sexual practices, murder, etc...these are not good for the environment, or anything else.)

- Dialogue among believers means coming together in the vast space of spiritual, human and shared social values and, from here, transmitting the highest moral virtues that religions aim for. It also means avoiding unproductive discussions;

("Dialogue among believers" is just another way of saying all gods are the same.  A similar statement is this:  "We are all God's children."  This is wrong on many levels:  1) It assumes all gods are the same; they are not.  A brief examination on the belief in Hell shows that not all are the same; 2) holy Scripture clearly states that only through faith in Jesus Christ can we become the sons of God (ref. John 1:12, 13); 3) the term 'believers' is typically applied to Christians and not persons of other faiths; 4) in attempting to make all persons equal through the phrase "dialogue among believers" and by doing so making us all "children of God", it identifies the "God" of this declaration as the father of all, or, All-father.  While commonly applied to the Norse god Odin, the word translated into English as all-father in Snorri Sturlusson's 'Prose Edda', alfodr, is properly translated as "light-bringer".  The words "light-bringer", as used here, come from the Hebrew word Heylel, which in Latin is lux afera.  Lux afera is transliterated into English as the name Lucifer as found in Isaiah 14:12 KJV.  Thus, the "god" of this declaration is Lucifer, better known as the Devil, and Satan (cf. Rev. 12:9)
("Transmitting the highest moral values"?  This is nothing but talking a good talk.  As many of us know, however, talk is cheap, or as the Holy Bible puts it, "Faith without works is dead" (cf. James 2:17, 2:18, 2:20, 2:26)
("Avoiding unproductive discussions" means avoiding those that disagree with you, especially those that can answer you with the authority of holy Scripture, i.e. the Bible.)

- The protection of places of worship – synagogues, churches and mosques – is a duty guaranteed by religions, human values, laws and international agreements. Every attempt to attack places of worship or threaten them by violent assaults, bombings or destruction, is a deviation from the teachings of religions as well as a clear violation of international law;

(Protection of Christian places of worship might be protected on paper, but not in practice under this agreeement except sufficient loyalty to this agreement shall have been demonstrated.
(The Roman Catholic Church and Islam are made up of people.  Their values are first to their respective gods, neither of which have respect for biblical Christianity.  In Roman Catholicism, the cross of Christ is a failure, meaning that Jesus Christ failed to pay the price of our sins, thus meaning you are dead in your sins and will burn in Hell forever.  In Islam, they say they believe in him, yet they give him the name of a nearly forgotten female deity, Issa.  They claim that "Issa" is the son of Miriam (whom they say to us is Mary the mother of Jesus), yet to each other they claim that Jesus was the bastard son of a whore, and that Miriam the mother of Issa was the sister of Musa (Moses).
(Laws and international agreements are only good so far as men are willing to enforce them.  This interfaith, and by application, international agreement will only guarantee the safety of churches and eventually synagogues so far as agreement to it and submission to their authority is gotten.  They moment either is denied, so is the protection.
(The attacking of places of worship or the threatening thereof with violence, again, is only condemned so long as you submit to the signees of this document - you have no protection otherwise.)

- Terrorism is deplorable and threatens the security of people, be they in the East or the West, the North or the South, and disseminates panic, terror and pessimism, but this is not due to religion, even when terrorists instrumentalize it. It is due, rather, to an accumulation of incorrect interpretations of religious texts and to policies linked to hunger, poverty, injustice, oppression and pride. This is why it is so necessary to stop supporting terrorist movements fuelled by financing, the provision of weapons and strategy, and by attempts to justify these movements even using the media. All these must be regarded as international crimes that threaten security and world peace. Such terrorism must be condemned in all its forms and expressions;

(The use of the terms East and West would seem to be stand-ins for Islam and Christianity in this paragraph however, since this document is Islam friendly we must reject the natural urge to equate them to these, especially since the Bible tells us God separates us from our sins "as far as the east is from the west."(cf. Psalm 103:12 KJV)  What Pope Francis and Imam al-Tayyeb are doing, by including all four main directions of the compass is declaring the source of the terrorism.  If one follows the motions of the cardinal directions as given in this document, they form a cross.  This indicates to the reader that the Roman Catholic Church and Islam are jointly declaring evangelical Christianity the source of terrorism.
(The definition of terrorism is: the use or threat of force (violence) against the state or the public in furtherance of, usually, political, financial or religious goals.  As already demonstrated in this article, the signees of this document can and will use force or the threat of force to further their political, financial, and/or religious goals.  If you don't turn over all of your money you won't be able to buy or sell anything.  If you do not believe that all beliefs are equal except for Christianity, you can be denied protection under the law.  If you do not uphold abortion "rights", or commit some inhuman act, then you can be sentenced to death under the law.
(What the drafters of this document don't want you to know is they are behind much of the very same things they call evil: hunger, poverty, injustice, oppression and pride, many instances can be traced back to the Roman Catholic Church and Islam, either through religious edict, public policy, bribery, etc...
(Stop supporting "terrorists", a.k.a. Christians, by restricting or eliminating: financing (job market - refuse to hire Christians or make it harder for them in the work force to advance), the provision of weapons and strategy (stop them from printing Bibles, especially KJV, and stop or restrict them from meeting unless certain government approved conditions are met such as altering the message to be "inclusive" in nature (every thing and every one is equal, etc...), and by attempts to justify these movements even using the media(censorship, especially online - restricting what is posted even if supported by facts, such as the dangers of the LGBTQ+ lifestyle or election fraud).)

- The concept of citizenship is based on the equality of rights and duties, under which all enjoy justice. It is therefore crucial to establish in our societies the concept of full citizenship and reject the discriminatory use of the term minorities which engenders feelings of isolation and inferiority. Its misuse paves the way for hostility and discord; it undoes any successes and takes away the religious and civil rights of some citizens who are thus discriminated against;

(The concept, that is, idea of citizenship is not based on equality of rights and duties, but rather lawfully residing in a particular country either by birth or by naturalization.  Equality of rights as used here is another attempt by the drafters and signers of this document to say that all sexual lifestyles are equal to heterosexuality.  The only way all sexual lifestyles can be equal is if they are all the same.  All sexual lifestyles, except for heterosexuality (in the bonds of marriage) lead toward death, even if it is not the direct cause of a person's death.  Even heterosexuality, if done unlawfully can lead to death.  This is one of the reasons that the LORD God forbade sexual activity outside of marriage.
(Full citizenship is yet another attempt to disguise the real purpose of the declaration: to declare all religions and sexual practices equal, that all can get to Heaven by whatever way they will - Hell does not exist according to the drafters of this document.
(The term 'minorities' is not discriminatory at all.  It is used to describe the number of people in groups that are less than the largest group.  For example, "The population of the United States of America is majority white, while groups such as blacks and native Americans are in a minority category."  It does not engender (give rise to) feelings of isolation and inferiority.  These feelings only come about when they are artificially introduced by an outside individual.
("Misuse of the concept of citizenship", translated, means "America must let in all illegal aliens, no matter what the cost."  "Misuse of the concept of citizenship paves the way for hostility and discord?"  Letting illegal aliens in and giving them free money is what causes hostility and discord, among legal citizens.
(If the illegal aliens were so successful in their native land, why then do they leave?  This is a lie cooked up by the drafters/signers of this document to get people to feel sorry for wanting a nation with secure borders and for expecting foreigners to obey the laws of the land.  Not letting illegal immigrants in enables the lawful citizens of this, and every nation, to succeed whereas letting them in actually takes away the prosperity of a nation's people.
(Not letting illegal aliens into this country takes away their religious and civil rights?  Lies.  Illegal aliens, first and foremost, are criminals who could be regarded as an invasionary force of a foreign nation.  Not letting them in takes away what rights?  Rights they had in their home country?  They should stay where they were if they enjoyed these "rights".  Furthermore, why should one nation, especially the United States of America, be expected to uphold the laws of a foreign nation within our own borders?  We should not.)

- Good relations between East and West are indisputably necessary for both. They must not be neglected, so that each can be enriched by the other’s culture through fruitful exchange and dialogue. The West can discover in the East remedies for those spiritual and religious maladies that are caused by a prevailing materialism. And the East can find in the West many elements that can help free it from weakness, division, conflict and scientific, technical and cultural decline. It is important to pay attention to religious, cultural and historical differences that are a vital component in shaping the character, culture and civilization of the East. It is likewise important to reinforce the bond of fundamental human rights in order to help ensure a dignified life for all the men and women of East and West, avoiding the politics of double standards;

(East and West here are stand-ins for Christianity and Islam, light and darkness.  Indisputably necessary for both?  NO.  Christianity, as is the term used for someone who believes that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah promised to the Jews and the world (cf. Acts 1:8 KJV)  Christianity existed for hundreds of years before Islam was born.  The word Christianity comes from the word Christian, which means 'follower of Christ', specifically, Jesus of Nazareth who is called Christ'.
(The Roman Catholic Church, despite their claims of Peter the apostle being the first Pope, was born in 313 AD with the Edict of Milan issued by Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, more than 200 years after Peter's death.  While the so-called legalization of Christianity was seen as a good thing, it came with a cost.  The churches, which up to that time had been persecuted up to and including death, compromised the integrity of the gospel of Christ and started letting in doctrines of devils, among which were recognizing that all religions were equal (shown forth by making all religions legal).
(So Christianity can get rid of the spiritual and religious diseases/ailments due to materialism through compromise with Islam?  The churches today are materialistic and worship other gods, without question.  The cure for the diseases, however, are not found by making peace (compromise) with Islam, but rather the humbling of ourselves before the LORD our God, pray to him, seek his face and repenting of our sins. (cf. 2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV)  Islam cannot find a solution to the problems it has in the churches.  The Muslim must forsake Allah and Islam, and embrace the Lord Jesus Christ with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength.  Only then shall they be able to overcome the weakness, division, conflict and scientific, technical and cultural decline that plagues them.
(Important to pay attention to the "religious, cultural, and historical differences" of the East?  This is another translation of the same line, "Christianity and Jesus Christ must disappear.  They must compromise on what is right so we can feel good and not feel bad or convinced of sin when they are around."
(Reinforce the bond of human rights to ensure a dignified life for all men and women of the East and West.  Translation - You have to say that homosexuality, trans-genderism, and every other lifestyle is equal to the one promoted by biblical Christianity.  You have to say that Islam, atheism, and every other religious belief can get you to Heaven the same as faith in Jesus Christ.  Forget that we want them to say we are equal to them, but they are less than us.  Just because you are human does not mean everything is right.  The drafters/signees of this document want you to treat them as equal.  What they don't want is for you to believe that you are equal to them.)

- It is an essential requirement to recognize the right of women to education and employment, and to recognize their freedom to exercise their own political rights. Moreover, efforts must be made to free women from historical and social conditioning that runs contrary to the principles of their faith and dignity. It is also necessary to protect women from sexual exploitation and from being treated as merchandise or objects of pleasure or financial gain. Accordingly, an end must be brought to all those inhuman and vulgar practices that denigrate the dignity of women. Efforts must be made to modify those laws that prevent women from fully enjoying their rights;

(Women should have an education and be able to get a job.  As far as political rights go, it is too easy for a woman to be taken advantage of by men that have been in power longer than they should have.  Such men make 'recommendations' to the women, careful not to reveal their real intentions, or that they will leave them without help when an illegal act is committed.
(Where is a woman imprisoned by historical and social conditioning in Christianity?  In Judaism when Jesus walked the earth, a woman's testimony was not to be considered reliable.  In the Roman Empire at the same time, women were not regarded as women, but as children only; they had no rights under the law.  Jesus Christ upheld the dignity and value of women.  While the man was considered the head of the family, the woman was in charge of the house.  The woman decided what was eaten.  The woman taught the children basic education and cleaning skills.  The woman was the primary teacher of religion and compassion.  It was the woman that the children went to for comfort in time of distress.  It was the woman who got to spend more time with the children.
(Efforts must be made to free women from the historical and social conditioning of their faith and dignity?  The faith of many women is Islamic.  In many Muslim countries, the woman has not the right to walk outside her own house without being accompanied by a male relative.  Some countries ban even a woman's face from being seen in public.  The "sanctity" of Islam must be protected if any kind of peace is to be had, so once again, Christianity must compromise while Islam must thrive.
("It is also necessary to protect women from sexual exploitation and from being treated as merchandise or objects of pleasure or financial gain".  Notice it says nothing about girls or children.  A quiet practice in the Roman Catholic faith and in Islam is the sexual violation of young boys.  Any male up to the age of 12 years can be raped if the priest or imam deems it "necessary".
("Accordingly, an end must be brought to all those inhuman and vulgar practices that denigrate the dignity of women. Efforts must be made to modify those laws that prevent women from fully enjoying their rights".  This is nothing but pro-abortion propaganda disguised as women's rights and dignity.)

- The protection of the fundamental rights of children to grow up in a family environment, to receive nutrition, education and support, are duties of the family and society. Such duties must be guaranteed and protected so that they are not overlooked or denied to any child in any part of the world. All those practices that violate the dignity and rights of children must be denounced. It is equally important to be vigilant against the dangers that they are exposed to, particularly in the digital world, and to consider as a crime the trafficking of their innocence and all violations of their youth;

(The family, as given to us by our Creator, is one male (the father), one female (the mother), plus any children.  Nutrition and education are vital to a prosperous life.  While it is good to support our children as much as possible, it is more needful that we provide correction to them when they have done wrong.  The term support here is vague, leaving open the possibility of all manner of evil things corrupting the children, leaving it to the children to decide right and wrong for themselves, including cross-dressing and transgender surgeries.  While children should, at certain points, be given a measure of freedom, they must also be taught that with their actions comes consequences, whether they be good or evil.  This is known as cause and effect.  Sadly, in today's society, it is taught that children have unimaginable wisdom inside them and should be free to make their own decisions.  Children have neither the ability or knowledge to make good choices for themselves.  Even the Lord Jesus himself, when he was born, had to be taught wrong from right:  "Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good." (Isaiah 7:15)
(Curious it is that the signees of this document should care so much about "children's rights" yet they consent very quickly to legalizing abortion and pedophilia.  Although they would deny this, decriminalization is much the same thing, and since child rape is a common occurrence in both Roman Catholicism and Islam, it should come as no surprise that practices such as these should become legal, in practice if not in law.
(I am sure that if one digs deep enough, one will find that both the Roman Catholic Church and Islam participate in kidnappings and child rape.  Strange is the statement of considering the 'trafficking of their innocence and all violations of their youth' "as a crime" and not "a crime".  If one considers something 'as a crime' there is no legal basis for arresting someone who violates children's innocence or kidnaps them and/or sells them in the sex trade industry.)

- The protection of the rights of the elderly, the weak, the disabled, and the oppressed is a religious and social obligation that must be guaranteed and defended through strict legislation and the implementation of the relevant international agreements.

(Let us remember that the signees of this document are actively trying to take away your right to freedom of worship, the right to property ownership, the right to raise your children apart from their beliefs.  People are quick to condemn Communist China for their control over religion.  This is merely more of the same.
(Also, what rights do the elderly, the weak, the disabled, and the oppressed have under this agreement?  Note closely what they, in their own words, have said:  that it is a "religious and social obligation" to take care of the elderly, weak, disabled, and oppressed.  They mentioned nothing about it being a governmental responsibility.  This frees them from any responsibility they might have once they are in power.  Besides, the United States government and Amtrak made a public agreement to combat human trafficking, yet in 2021, an Amtrak train crashed into a sport utility vehicle (SUV) while leaving the train station right beside the Naval prison in North Charleston, South Carolina in a quiet but deliberate act of international human trafficking.  So, a promise means very little beyond air forced out of the lungs, through the larynx, and out the mouth.)

To this end, by mutual cooperation, the Catholic Church and Al-Azhar announce and pledge to convey this Document to authorities, influential leaders, persons of religion all over the world, appropriate regional and international organizations, organizations within civil society, religious institutions and leading thinkers. They further pledge to make known the principles contained in this Declaration at all regional and international levels, while requesting that these principles be translated into policies, decisions, legislative texts, courses of study and materials to be circulated.

(The signees of this document want a complete governmental, societal, economic, and educational saturation of this agreement and how to implement it (put it into practice).  Just as it was in the Holy Roman Empire when Latin was the only language allowed for the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ (which they did not believe in), so the practices of this document shall be the only governing document allowed, meaning you have to do what they say, no matter what.)

Al-Azhar and the Catholic Church ask that this Document become the object of research and reflection in all schools, universities and institutes of formation, thus helping to educate new generations to bring goodness and peace to others, and to be defenders everywhere of the rights of the oppressed and of the least of our brothers and sisters.

(Their own words:  They want this taught to our children in the schools.  This is a dangerous statement.  If implemented, this will bypass the safeguards of truth that we can put in place against this document and its signers and brainwash our children into becoming our enemies.
(They signers of this document talk about peace and goodness, but let us not forget that they serve the "greater good", a phrase that simply means they don't have to follow their own rules and you do.)

In conclusion, our aspiration is that:

this Declaration may constitute an invitation to reconciliation and fraternity among all believers, indeed among believers and non-believers, and among all people of good will;

(This is an ambiguous statement designed to pull in persons of each individual faith who do not realize that the signers of this declaration are evil and have put this out for evil purposes.)

this Declaration may be an appeal to every upright conscience that rejects deplorable violence and blind extremism; an appeal to those who cherish the values of tolerance and fraternity that are promoted and encouraged by religions;

("Reject deplorable violence"?  Is there a non-deplorable type?  Do not count the unborn killed in abortion under this document, for that is a woman's "right".
(When they speak of 'blind extremism', they speak of people holding steadfast to faiths other than theirs.  Let us not forget that the Pope's dominion is called the "Holy See".  Thus, extremism (which will include murder) in service to them is acceptable.
(The intolerant man quickly and readily uses tolerance until he gets what he wants.  After that, it is, "You must obey.  Without question."  Tolerance and brotherhood promoted by religions are just other words for compromise.)

this Declaration may be a witness to the greatness of faith in God that unites divided hearts and elevates the human soul;

(No.  This document is a witness to the evil cunning of the authors and their real god, Satan, whom Muslims refer to as Allah (this despite them having a "Satan" character in the Qu'ran.  The only way men can be united from such diverse religious, political, and financial beliefs is they have something to unite around.  That something is the rejection of the God of the Holy Bible, and his Son, Jesus Christ.  To see this "Unity-In-Diversity" and its end, read the book of Daniel, Chapter 2 KJV.)

this Declaration may be a sign of the closeness between East and West, between North and South, and between all who believe that God has created us to understand one another, cooperate with one another and live as brothers and sisters who love one another.

(God wants to separate us from our transgressions (often called sin) "as far as the east is from the west (ref. Psalm 103:12 KJV)

This is what we hope and seek to achieve with the aim of finding a universal peace that all can enjoy in this life.

(What I have explained to you is what they really mean.  They want universal peace and prosperity all for themselves in this life, not for you.  This is what is known in evangelical Christianity as "Kingdom Now" theology.  "Submit yourself therefore unto God.  Resist the devil..." and this document.)

Abu Dhabi, 4 February 2019

His Holiness         The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar
Pope Francis        Ahmad Al-Tayyeb

Copyright © Dicastero per la Comunicazione - Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Sources:  Document on “Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together” signed by His Holiness Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahamad al-Tayyib (Abu Dhabi, 4 February 2019) | Francis (, accessed 09/20/2022;, accessed 09/20/2022;, accessed 09/20/2022;; 

All websites accessed are done so under the Fair Use Act.

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