Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Fw: Doctors told her she was a boy

Help suffering people like her—with up to 4X the impact!
Alliance Defending Freedom

Help Protect Girls Like Prisha Who Have Been Lied to. Your Gift Can Have Up to Four Times the Impact!

Dear <Reader>,


As a young teenager growing up in North Carolina, Prisha faced immense difficulties. 


She struggled with anorexia and depression, and at the age of 14, she was sexually abused. She began searching for peace in online communities, where she was preyed upon by adults who told her that she was anorexic because she was born in the wrong body—she needed to begin assuming a male identity, they told her. 


Not long after, Prisha began to try to appear as a male. Without hesitation, doctors began pushing Prisha and her parents toward experimental hormones and a double mastectomy. "[So-called 'gender-affirming' care'] was not the answer," Prisha now says. "Their 'care'…left me broken, with extreme physical injuries and without my body parts." 


Today, Prisha is standing up to the medical professionals who deceived her so that other girls don't have to go through the ordeal she's facing now. 


Prisha can now stand for the truth because she connected with one of more than 4,500 trusted attorneys in our network. We rely on our network to help extend the defense of freedom because we simply can't represent every person in need. Through your generosity today, network attorneys can donate an average of up to FOUR TIMES in their own time and resources for every dollar you give. $25 can become $100, $50 can become $200, $75 can become $300, and $100 can become $400!


<Reader>, will you give generously today to help defend people like Prisha?



Each person is precious, made male or female in the image of God, with a special DNA makeup that reflects the handiwork of our Creator. And yet today, medical professionals and ideological activists are trying to sell many a life-altering lie: that being a boy or a girl is something you can change. 


Tragically, stories like Prisha's are becoming more common today. 


When Prisha met with a counselor to discuss her identity confusion, the counselor told Prisha "You are a boy," after speaking with her for less than an hour. 


When this same counselor asked Prisha's parents if they "want[ed] a dead daughter or a live son," Prisha's parents were overwhelmed with fear for their daughter's life. 


Along the course of Prisha's hormonal experimentation and surgical procedures, doctors acted with negligence and deceived her and her parents. In Prisha's words, they treated her like a "guinea pig." 


"I believed what [the healthcare providers] said and I thought they were treating me properly," Prisha says. "Years later, I realized that I had been lied to and misled in the worst possible way." 


Today, Prisha struggles with the consequences of having been hurt instead of healed by medical professionals. And she's far from the only 'detransitioner' stating the truth about the effects of their malpractice.  


But people like Prisha don't have to stand alone. You can stand for the truth with her today. 


Through ADF's Grants and Funding program, your impact for freedom can be multiplied. For every $1 you give, our network attorneys selflessly donate an average of up to FOUR TIMES that in their own time and resources. A gift of $25 can become $100, $50 can become $200, $75 can become $300, and $100 can become $400! 



We're seeing more and more cases like Prisha's continuing to rise as well as threats to religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, and parental rights. But through your generosity, you can help fuel a strong defense for your freedom and help vulnerable people like Prisha. 


For the truth, 


Alliance Defending Freedom 


P.S. Prisha Mosley was sold a lie by medical professionals about the precious truth of who she is—but now, she's standing for the truth so that other individuals don't have to go through the same harrowing ordeal she has. Prisha can boldly stand in court, thanks to our network of over 4,500 attorneys who are passionate about protecting your freedom. Friends like you are needed to help support our network of attorneys so more people like Prisha can be defended


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