Saturday, June 22, 2024

Be careful

I just read this article in the Irish Star:  Russia escalates tensions with US with terrifying statement (

Medvedev's comments seem more like an Englishman rather than a Russian, calling American elites "nits".  This is a British slang term meaning "no wits", i.e. no intelligence, stupid, foolish.  He also calls Ukraine "neo-Nazis", which is something someone calls another when they want to make them seem anti-Semitic.  It also suggests that there are certain Jews trying to get a race war started - Jew vs. Gentile.  Then there is this little gem:

          "What rude, cynical creatures! No, this is only possible after refusing to supply weapons to the Bandera regime and blocking its admission to NATO."

          Stepan Bandera was a notorious far-right political figure who led the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists from 1940 until 1959.

It seems a guaranteed certainty that Dmitry Medvedev did not say this, as he would surely know his Ukrainian history.

These comments are coming from someone or group of people wanting to stir up Jews around the world, stoking elitist feelings within them.  It is coming from some one or some people, most likely elitist Jews who stand to profit from a potential world war.

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