Sunday, June 30, 2024

Underground Sex Trafficking In Alton?

Dirty Secrets Revealed? Soccer Field Sinkhole Leaves Unusual Find

By:  Marshall Ramsey II

ALTON, IL - A massive sinkhole opened up in the middle of a pair of soccer fields in the town of Alton, Illinois, causing the park to be shut down.

The incident happened at the Gordon Moore Park in the town of Alton, located about 5 miles north of Wood River, IL and about 7 miles NE of West Alton, MO.  Video footage of the event shows the moment the sinkhole opened, swallowing some portable flood lights and other equipment.

According to a time stamp from one of the soccer field's concession stands, the collapse happened at 9:18 AM Central Daylight Time (CDT).  A plume of smoke can be seen rising from the hole as the flood lights began to sink.

"No one was on the field at the time, and no one was hurt, and that's the most important thing," said David Goins, Mayor of Alton.

"We're waiting to hear back from the mine and see what the geologists and the engineers have to say about it," said Gaines in an interview with KSDK, a local news company.  "We'll follow their lead on where to go from here.  They can determine what happened, why it happened, how to prevent it, and how we fix what has happened here."

The area collapsed just above the ceiling of the mine, which is 40 to 50 feet thick.  The mine itself is operated by Bluff City Minerals, which is located about a mile from the park.

"The impacted area has been secured and will remain off limits for the foreseeable future while inspectors and experts examine the mine and conduct repairs," a spokesman for New Frontier Materials, authorized to speak on behalf of Bluff City Minerals, stated.  "No one was injured in the incident, which has been reported to officials at the Mine Safety Health Administration (MSHA) in accordance with applicable regulations."

"It's a little disheartening," Mayor Goins told KSDK.  The Alton Parks and Recreation Department spent around $1.5 million five years ago to complete the new soccer and football fields, concession stands, and new (artificial) turf.

There may be an even greater disheartening, or rather arresting, situation in the future for Mayor Goins.  Video has surfaced of the inside of the sinkhole showing the appearance of something that should not be there, a mattress.

(Property of DramaAlert)

As you can see in the photo above, a what appears to be thin mattress is seen in the hole.  The question is, how did it get there?  It certainly was not there before the collapse.  So how did it get there?

The mattress in the hole indicates the presence of a separate tunnel underneath Gordon Moore Park.  So, what was the tunnel doing there?  Also, why was there a mattress in the tunnel?  It is without question not part of the mining operation as the ceiling of the mine is 40 to 50 feet beneath the bottom of the sinkhole.

Since the presence of another tunnel is without dispute, we must now ask ourselves, how did the tunnel get there?  The tunnel didn't dig itself, so who did?  Where is the entrance to this tunnel?  It is not in the open, obviously, so in what building is the entrance to this smaller, closer to ground level tunnel?

Another question that must be asked is this:  What connection does Bluff City Minerals have to this previously undisclosed tunnel?  Also, why is it being reported that the sinkhole was caused due to limestone mining?  As previously reported, the ceiling of the mining tunnel is 40-50 ft. thick, which the bottom of the sinkhole does not reach.

A previous statement from Mayor Goins deserves a closer look.  "We'll follow their lead on where to go from here. They can determine what happened, why it happened, how to prevent it, and how we fix what has happened here.”  Mayor Goins is being extra chatty about the situation.  This suggests that he knows about the other tunnel, the presence of the mattress, and what the mattress is used for.

It also indicates that Bluff City Minerals knows about the tunnel, the mattress, and for what purpose the mattress was used.  Given that Bluff City Minerals is a mining company, it is reasonable to conclude that they are the ones that dug the second tunnel.  It also indicates some sort of arrangement between the executives of Bluff City Minerals, most likely financial.

The presence of the mattress, the second tunnel, and the arrangement between Bluff City Minerals and Mayor Goins indicates some sort of sex trafficking activity.  No miner, it seems, would ever sleep inside a mine unless they had no other choice.  The presence of a mattress clearly indicates a choice to use it, at least on one person's part.

Another part that is very, very interesting is that the spokes company (authorized to speak) for Bluff City Minerals, New Frontier Materials, isn't actually the spokes company for them.  New Frontier Materials is the owner of Bluff City Minerals.  Bluff City was purchased by New Frontier Minerals in 2021.  It is possible this was an oversight, however given the damning evidence we already have, saying New Frontier Materials is the spokes company seems more like a cover up, and falling in line with Google, being the parent company of Alphabet, Inc., merging itself with a company owned by Alphabet, Inc., making Alphabet the parent company of Google.  

The mattress found in the sink hole is reminiscent of a very disturbing painting by Kim Noble.  The picture in question features three adults and one child.  An adult is pictured on either side of the mattress and appear to be holding a child in a kneeling position.  A third adult is pictured kneeling behind and over the child, giving the impression that the child is being raped anally by one while being held down by the other two.

Ms. Noble has Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personalities).  A number of Ms. Noble's paintings deal with sexual torture and rape, especially in a group setting.  This suggests that, while Ms. Noble may not have any active memory of being raped and/or tortured, she likely went through these events.

The mattress in a tunnel event has happened before.  The New York City synagogue tunnel incident is another situation where an undisclosed tunnel was dug beneath something and where mattresses were used.

(Property of Stew Peters via X)

  While this is not definitive of a conspiracy between the tunnel collapse in Alton and New York City, it does suggest a connection, and it is not a good one.

Sources:;;;;;;; (Pritzker comments suggest cover up)

Reference articles:;;;;

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