Friday, January 8, 2010

Rise of the One World Government

Many of you may have heard that Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, is taking responsibility for the Dec. 25, 2009 attempted destruction of a jet liner coming to Detroit from Amsterdam, Netherlands. What you may not know is that in doing so he is quietly assuming the role of President of the World.

"When the system fails, it is my responsibility," he said. Okay. Let's look at the situation. The airport security system failure originated in Amsterdam, Netherlands, where security officers failed to give Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab a patdown, which would have resulted in him not being able to board Northwest Airlines Flight 253. Is President Obama then in charge of airport security in Netherlands? The next step in following this reasoning is that President Obama is indeed president of Netherlands.

"Now at this stage in the review process, it appears that this incident was not the fault of a single individual or organization, but rather a systemic failure across organizations and agencies," he said. This is quietly a call for the formation of a One-World government, "it appears that this incident was not the fault of a single individual or organization, but rather a systemic failure across organizations and agencies." If President Obama be at fault, and it be a world security system problem, then this makes President Obama ruler of the world.

President Obama is not the first US President to have President of the World status. George W. Bush, former President of the United States of America also had this distinction. "Emporer of the World," is the term given to him by a number of people from different nations on the continent of Europe. Are the masses being conditioned to accept the rise of a world dictator? For truly this is what he will be, a dictator. The United Earth Federation is upon us. It just needs to work out a few details in order to come into full being.

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