Thursday, August 23, 2012

Two State Solution An End To Israel?

Two State Solution An End Israel, And the RNC?

By:  Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News US Correspondent

The Republican Party has taken a stupid pill.  They have decided to endorse a two-state solution for peace in the Middle East, a decision fatal both for Israel and the Republican Party.  Batten down the hatches, Hurricane Isaac is coming to the RNC.

The reason I brought up Hurricane Isaac (which is English for Yitzhak, a Hebrew word meaning 'laughter') is because of another situation with hurricanes and politics.

In 1989, a very powerful hurricane called Hugo was moving up the eastern American seaboard.  At that same time, then-Senator 'Fritz' Hollings of South Carolina was scheduled to vote on the abortion issue.  Sen. Hollings had previously been on record stating that he would vote against abortion in this situation.  Well, he lied.

Hurricane Hugo was expected to pass up the coast of South Carolina and make landfall further north.  When it reached the area of Charleston, it made a right-hand turn and headed out to sea and stalled.  Sen. Hollings was scheduled to vote on abortion at 8:00 PM local time.  When the vote was over, Sen. Hollings stated that he had voted in favor of abortion.  Big mistake.

At the same time that Senator Hollings announced what he had done, Hurricane Hugo started to move straight for Charleston.  107 people died, over $10 Billion US in damages, many homes damaged or destroyed, including one recently built by Fritz Hollings.  If Sen. Hollings had kept his word and voted against abortion like he had promised, Hugo would never have hit South Carolina

The platform committee, meeting in Tampa, Florida (the word Florida means "flowering Jew") on Tuesday, rejected three amendments that would have removed language supportive of a two-state solution, according to a delegate who put forward two of them.

The problem with a two-state solution is that it is doomed to failure.  It is not the issue of enough land; if it were that, the Arabs could easily move back to their countries of origin where there is more than enough land to house them.  The problem is spirituality.

The proposed language of the Republican Party platform as it stands now, which was written by the Romney campaign and committee aides, reads, "We envision two democratic states," according to BuzzFeed, the political news site that first reported on the amendments.

Two of the three amendments excluding the two-state solution language were offered by Kevin Erickson, pastor at Cross Hill Church, and delegate, in Virginia, MN.  He wanted them to contain language that was tough on terrorism, but they were not adopted following objections from Senator Jim Talent, Republican from Missouri, according to the report.

Another problem with a two-state solution is that it requires Israel to give up land that it rightly and rightfully has in exchange for peace.  This is equivalent to giving the school bully your lunch money for him not to beat you up.  It will only work for so long.

Erickson, a former public defender, told JTA that Israel "is not one of my primary issues.

He said he was intrigued after listening to a "pretty vigorous" discussion about a two-state solution that ended in "such a close vote."  He proposed alternatives that were designed to satisfy both sides, but these were defeated as well.

A liberal pro-Israel group called J Street welcomed the result.

"That such amendments could garner even a modicum of support demonstrates the very real threat to longstanding bipartisan support for the two-state resolution as a central feature of America's unwavering commitment to Israel's survival and security as the democratic homeland of the Jewish people," it said in a statement.

Anyone that offers a two-state solution on the issue of peace in the Middle East flies in the face of both history and the holy scriptures.  At best, the Muslims can only offer a 'hudna,' which is a temporary treaty permitted in the Qu'ran in order to allow defeated Islamic forces to replenish themselves and re-arm in order to attack again.  This makes real and lasting peace with Islam impossible.

Many Israelis would not mind the Palestinians having their own state, just not by giving up their homeland.  Beware anyone who offers a two-state solution for peace between Israel and the Muslim world.  The person might be well-meaning, but is recommending Israel eat a poisonous mushroom.  Unless the LORD deliver Israel, it will be fatal.

(Information for this article was taken from and

UPDATE:  It appears that God did not wish for the Republican National Convention to be hit with Isaac, whether he be a hurricane or otherwise.  Blessed be the name of the LORD.  Many people were saved potentially.

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