Monday, March 31, 2014

Scientific Fallacy of the Big Bang Theory and Evolution

By:  Marshall Ramsey II

Growing up in 20th century America, in a moderately Christian household (I lived with my mother and younger brother; my parents were divorced), brought up in the public school system, I have been told all my life that stories of gods, goddesses, giants, flying saucers, and places like Atlantis (my mom believed Atlantis existed), were all fictional.  I believed what I was told without question.  As a child, I simply took what I was being told by adults as the truth, never questioning what I was being told, even though I was given no proof of their fallacy.  It simply did not occur to me that these adults that I trusted all my life would not be correct.  Then I started looking for myself.

After nearly four decades on this planet, and having gained some life experience in the process, I have come to discover that a lot of the assumptions about the history of our planet and the mythologies concerning it come from a misguided belief that there is no such thing as deity.  After all, evolutionary science declares that the universe created itself out of nothing, into nothing.  Unfortunately for evolutionary/Big Bang scientists, it is SCIENTIFICALLY IMPOSSIBLE that the universe could have been created from nothing, that all the energy in the universe could have not existed one moment and then existed the very next.  That all things "visible and invisible"(1) should be created by deity is not only scientific, Big Bang/evolutionary science even testifies to the existence of deity.

Take, for example, the origin of the planets.  Evolution states that all life on this planet came from the reaction of water, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen with lightning.(2)  That not withstanding, the origin of those chemicals on planet Earth, and indeed the origin of Earth itself, originates with the Big Bang.(3)  This states that all things within the physical universe had a common beginning, including life on earth.

Problems with this now arise.  In order for the Big Bang theory to be scientifically correct, it must explain how the energy used in the creation/birth of the universe came into being.  There are two choices:  Either the energy created itself or it was pre-existent, that is, the energy used in the creation of the universe existed in some form before the Big Bang.

The Big Bang theory as was taught in schools in the 1980's stated that all matter in the universe came from nothing.  The problem with this is that the law of conservative energy prevents this.  This states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed; only a change of form is possible.(4)  While this was widely accepted for a time, when put to science, it crumbled.  Big Bang/evolutionary scientists had to admit that matter, which is different forms of energy, could not create itself, so they chose to say that the energy used in the creation/birth of the universe came from outside it.

This presents another problem for the Big Bang/evolutionary scientist.  If it first did not in the physical universe, then it must have existed outside the physical universe.  Here we have yet another problem for the Big Bang/evolutionary scientist/believer.  Making this statement suggests that there is something beyond the physical universe, a state of existence outside of the realm of flesh and blood, the only possible thing that could be talked about would be a spirit realm.

One could make the claim that the energy used in the creation of the universe came from another universe, however, each time this is done, it automatically excludes the possibility of a realm where spirits; angels, devils/demons, and yes, God, exists.(4)  When this is done, it can be summed up as energy shifting from one physical universe to another universe.  The problem here is that persons that believe in the Big Bang theory and evolution come up against is that energy is a substance without intelligence.  Energy cannot move or change form without speaking of intelligence.

Another problem (and the last that I am going to address here) is the size and age of the universe.  Current Big Bang/evolutionary science states that the universe is approximately 13.7 billion years old.(4)(5)  It is also currently estimated that the size of the universe is 28 billion parsecs, or 93 billion light years across (A light year is the distance that light travels in a year).(6)(7)

Herein lies another fatal flaw in Big Bang and Evolution origins of the universe.  Light travels at a speed of 299,792,458 meters per second.  In the American equivalent, this would be 186282396mi 669.65yd per second.

A parsec is 3.26 light years.(8)  Given this information. the amount of energy needed to send matter from one end of the universe to the other would be so great that matter would be propelled at more than 5 times the speed of light.  The problem with this is that according to Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity, matter increases in mass the faster it travels.(9)  If this be the case, then the gravity generated by the resistance of the object being propelled would cause the object to cease to exist in its current form, being either disintegrated into atomic and sub-atomic particles, or super-compacted into something else.  In either case, without intelligence, travel beyond the speed of light is impossible.


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