Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A brief history of Noah's family life before and after the flood as recorded in Aztec mythology

Black Tezcatlipoca,(1) the brother of Quetzalcoatl (Noah of the Bible), was the son of Lamech and his wife, one of four males born to the couple.  As his colors imply, in addition to the smoking obsidian mirrors, his thoughts and his conversation in this world (the things he did) were of the devil.

His relationship with Noah was mostly adversarial, although there were times he was a friend to him as indicated by the normal foot.  He used the obsidian stones in black magic rituals, believing that they gave him invisibility which he used to persecute his enemies, which sometimes included Noah.(2)

Black Tezcatlipoca's other brothers were Red Tezcatlipoca and Huitzlopochtli.(1)  Red Tezcatlipoca, or Red Smoking Mirror, was the twin brother of Black Tezcatlipoca.  Unlike his twin, Red Tezcatlipoca was a righteous man, with his thoughts constantly turned toward Jesus Christ and his sacrifice.

Like Cain and Abel, black Tezcatlipoca (Cain-type) hated that his brother was honored of the Lord for his sacrifices and he was not.  Like as Cain did to Abel, Black Tez slew his brother Red Tez, and this sealed his practice of the black arts.

Red Tezcatlipoca was much like Abel in that he had cattle.  At one point he killed a rattlesnake and used its rattle to top has staff.(4)  He also wore a pointed which he used as a helmet in war.

The manner in which Red Tezcatlipoca was killed is known to us.(3)  His hands were bound to an altar and his skin was flayed with a multi-cord whip with bits of metal and glass sticking out from it.  You may recognize this.  It became part of the Lord Jesus' crucifixion at the hands of the Romans.

Noah was very close to Red and often went to battle with him.  Upon hearing of his brother's death, he was grieved, and wept much.  Noah's/Quetzalcoatl's relationship with Black Tezcatlipoca was changed after this, with the two becoming enemies.

Noah's final brother is called Huitzilopochtli, the "left-handed hummingbird ."(4)  Huitzilopochtli and Noah were natural enemies.  Whereas Noah feared the LORD, Huitzilopochtli openly worshipped Satan, as depicted by the numerous serpents surrounding Huitzilopochtli.  He did this, fully knowing how Satan tempted Eve in the garden of Eden.  He was seen as a forerunner of Nimrod, in that they both openly rebelled against the LORD.

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