Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Norns of Norse Mythology Identified As Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, And Salome

I looked up Norse Cosmology.  The LORD directed me to the word Norns.  Here is what I've found.

The Norns are female beings  who are credited with determinig the fates, or destinies, of men.  They are similar in function to the Fates and the Moirai of Greek and Roman mythologies, respectively.(1)

The three most important Norns are Urdr (pronounced urd, similar to word), Verdandi (alt. Verthandi), and Skuld.  They appear coming out of a hall at the Well of Urdr, drawing water from it.  They then take the sand from around the well and pour it on the ash tree Yggdrasil, also called the World's Tree, and Odin's Tree.  They do this so that the branches of Yggdrasil will not rot.  Their arrival from Jotunheim signals the end of the golden age of the gods.(1)

Having previously identified Jotunheim as the land of Judea (Jotun being a variation of the German word Juden, meaning Jew, thus Jotunheim meaning "Jew's home" or "home of the Jews")(2), I make the connection that the Norns are women of Judea, with Urdr, Verdandi, and Skuld being women of exceptional fame.

Now that we have the nationality of the Norns, what else can we know about them?  The word Norn, according to Bek-Pederson, means (secretly communicate).(3)  This would identify the Norns as not being able to speak openly regarding a certain matter.  This fits perfectly with 1st Century AD persecution of Christians and their having to speak of Jesus Christ in secure settings for fear of being beaten and/or jailed and/or killed for doing so..(4)(5)(6)

Another identifying marker the Well of Urdr.  As previously identified, the pronunciation of Urd is the same as that of word.  "Well of Urdr" is thus rendered "Well of Word."  This identifies the three Norns with something or some one associated with the word, word.

In the King James Version Bible, Jesus Christ is called the Word of God(7), thus associating Urdr with Jesus Christ.  The would make the Well of Urdr the Well of Jesus Christ, or Well of the Word.  This further connects God's word with water, making the water drawn from the Well of Urdr, the word of God, which is the testimony of Jesus Christ.(8)

The identities of the (three main) Norns as we have them now are as follows:  They are/come from the land of Judea/Judeans; they are believers in Jesus Christ; and they are evangelistic, meaning they go outward from the land of Judea to tell people about Jesus Christ.

So the three Norns are three famous women that believe in Jesus Christ.  Is it possible, then, to know their names, given they are now so identified?  I believe the answer is yes.

Given the fact that there are three Norns that are the most famous, (usually called three main Norns)(9), it would stand to reason that the three main Norns spent a lot of time together.  At the very least they are very closely related.  What we need to do now is find three women mentioned in the scriptures that are both famous, and closely related.

While there are many famous women in the Bible, the only ones that stand out, that fit the criteria set forth in Norse pseudo-mythology, are Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses (the Lord Jesus' mother), and the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who is identified as Salome.(10)(11)

(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norns
(2) http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Juden
(3) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norns#Etymology
(4) http://av1611.com/kjbp/kjv-bible-text/Ac-7.html
(5) http://av1611.com/kjbp/kjv-bible-text/Ac-8.html
(6) http://av1611.com/kjbp/kjv-bible-text/2Jo-1.html
(7) http://av1611.com/kjbp/kjv-bible-text/Joh-1.html
(8) http://av1611.com/kjbp/kjv-bible-text/Eph-5.html
(9) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norns#Matres_and_Matrones
(10) http://av1611.com/kjbp/kjv-bible-text/Mt-27.html
(11) http://av1611.com/kjbp/kjv-bible-text/Mr-16.html

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