Tuesday, May 7, 2013

First Map Of The Solar System Found?

An amazing discovery was made in Ireland in 1847.  Found in the location of the Dowth mound, much less popular than Newgrange and Knowth, is a stone called kerbstone K51.(1)  When it was first discovered, it was believed to be associated with the festival of Beltane, an ancient Celtic festival celebrated on either April 30 or May 1.(2)  It features seven circles with spokes coming out from them as though they were suns.(3)

What is amazing about this is that if one counts the smaller circle to the left of the others (this one is without spokes) as the sun, then one begins to get a detailed map of our solar system beginning with Mercury, followed by Venus, then Mars, then Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.  It also appears to show a particular planetary alignment., as though this was the particular alignment in the night sky just before this stone was carved.  It sounds strange, but it is possible that a form of paper existed back then, and, by torchlight on campfire light, someone drew the 'stars' in that particular order, then the next day took a hammer and chisel and carved what they saw into the stone to serve as a lasting monument.

To view the source articles yourself, please follow the links below.

(1) http://www.knowth.com/dowth.htm
(2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beltane
(3) http://www.knowth.com/dowth-sunrise.htm

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