Sunday, May 19, 2013

Turkish F-16 crashes near Syria border; pilot killed

By:  Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News US Correspondent

OSMINAYE, Turkey (WorthyNews) - A Turkish F-16 fighter jet crashed Tuesday in Osmaniye province, Turkey, about 28 miles from the northern border with Syria and about 60 miles NNW of Aleppo.

The plane was based at 5th Main Jet Command in Amasya province, which is in northern Turkey, and had been conducting an operational flight, according to Turkish military officials, when it lost contact with the aircraft at 2:15 local time (1115 GMT).  The pilot reportedly sent a message, "I'm jumping," shortly before losing contact.

People living near the village of Yarpuz, Turkey, which is about 25 km (16 miles) from the north Syria border near Aleppo, said they heard a loud bang like an explosion, according to local media.  The location of the crash was confirmed by the governor of Osminaye province, Celalettin Cerrah.  He also stated that pieces of the plane (a cockpit window and other pieces) were found in the Caksir area.

(Caksir Tepe is located in western Turkey, near Izmir.  There is no way this plane was conducting merely an operational flight leaving from Osminaye in northern Turkey, fly hundreds of miles (approx. 350) to the southwest near Izmir, then fly hundreds of miles (approx. 350) southeast to Amasya unless it had a specific purpose.)

The reasons for the crash were not yet specified. and contributed to this story

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