Thursday, May 8, 2014

Identity of The Three Main Norns And Their Judean Connection

Norns - seen as female beings who rule the destiny of gods and men.(Jews and Gentiles)(Norns appear to be women who believe in Jesus Christ although there were men who believed also.)

  • The three most important Norns are Urdr(Wyrd; similar to Word), Verdandi, and Skuld
  • They draw water from the "Well of Urdr(Well of Wyrd, or Word; Well of (the) Word (of God))(Baptism of repentance at the hearing of God's word; Urdr, Mary the mother of the Lord, checked herself against the scriptures daily and was a missionary into many lands throughout the house of Israel.)
  • They are described as Jotuns, which tells us that they are Judeans. (Odin's grandfather Bolthorn is in real life John the Apostle.  Justification for this can be seen here.)
  • Their arrival from Jotunheim(Judea) ended the golden age of the gods.(Their coming signified the end of God's winking at sin.  The axe has been laid to the roots.  Now all men must repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.)
  • They appear to have the roles of prophetesses, as they are present at the birth of children to determine his or her future.  This is similar to what the Lord did when he blessed children when they were presented to him.  That both blessings and curses were brought into the picture indicates that they were given knowledge of the children's future, foretelling what should become of them.
  • They have been compared to the valkyries(a corrupted reference to the Levitical priesthood) and Volvas which means "wand carriers" in Old Norse; wand carrier appears to be the same as scepter carrier; in Israelite culture, the holder of the scepter signified the king; thus, as Volvas, they would have descendants who would come to be the rightful king of the house of Israel; that they practiced seidr is not a sign of witchcraft, but was in fact the Seder, a Judean ritual feast marking the beginning of Passover; haters of Christianity and Jesus Christ may have called it witchcraft as a form of revenge
  • The word Norn is a variation of the word norna, which means, "secretly communicate;" this is a direct connection between the Norns of Norse mythology and the "elect lady" of 2 John in the King James Version Bible.
  • The identities of the three main Norns, Urdr, Verdandi, and Skuld, have their names as meaning "that which has happened,""that which is," and "that which shall be;" these are veiled references to the Lord Jesus in the book of Revelation, chapter 1, verse 8.  It reads, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."
  • That there are three main Norns is significant.  Having identified them as Judeans, I believe that they are the three women who accompanied the Lord to the cross.  These are:  Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, Jesus' brothers, and the mother of Zebedee's children

Asgard - divided into 12 or more realms; here are a few:  Valhalla (area just east of Minden, Germany); Thrudheim("world of strength")(ancient Thrace)(Thrudheim could be spelled Thruthheim, or Thothheim.  Thoth is a character from Egyptian mythology who is identified as the real-life Judah ben Israel.  Taken this into account and overlaying this with Judah's identity as Thoth, Thrudheim could just as well be called Judaheim, "Judah's home;" Asgard itself is the neo-Assyrian empire; the name is still retained in the nation of Azerbaijan)

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